Posts by Paul Litterick

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  • The New World Order: A Visual Guide,

    I blame Internet. In the Analogue Age, media came to us mediated. We received our news and opinions from professionals. Now opinions are transmitted by amateurs through Internet, unmediated. People form groups to share information and opinions. In doing so, they insulate themselves from mediating influences. Their conspiracy theories develop, unhindered by contrary opinion or fact.

    Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 1000 posts Report

  • Hard News: For Good Friday,

    The passages in Josephus are generally thought to be fake, inserted into the text later.

    Tacitus and Pliny are both writing more than 80 years after the supposed crucifixion, Lucian later still. They write about Christians and refer to their worship of Christ, but Tacitus is the only one who is clearly speaking of a man.

    Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 1000 posts Report

  • Hard News: For Good Friday,

    Must resist bible discussion... must resist.... must... cannot resist.

    None of the Gospels are contemporary. Matthew and Luke both take the story told in Mark and embellish it. John, as Giovanni says, is mostly about John. So it is not as if we have four independent witness statements.

    Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 1000 posts Report

  • Hard News: For Good Friday,

    OK, my turn. I think it is all untrue: resurrection, afterlife, the historical Jesus.

    There, done.

    Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 1000 posts Report

  • Hard News: For Good Friday,

    How would we reach any conclusions? It is all speculation, anecdote and meaningless phrases like 'positive energy.'

    Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 1000 posts Report

  • Hard News: For Good Friday,

    It's not the good ideas I mind obviously, it's the scarcely concealed implication, 'this is how neat I am', which leads to the feeling that you're less having a genuine conversation than participating in someone's extended image management effort. I dunno, maybe I have this wrong.

    Maybe you have. Maybe some people just like good ideas and loathe bad ones, and come here to discuss ideas freely. Maybe.

    Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 1000 posts Report

  • Hard News: For Good Friday,

    It is a Law of Internet that any advertised product with Quantum in its name is fraudulent.

    Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 1000 posts Report

  • Hard News: For Good Friday,

    Down the Rabbit Hole is now available in a Quantum Edition.

    I rest my case.

    Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 1000 posts Report

  • Hard News: For Good Friday,

    And that maybe this current manifestation (us here and now) is just part of a continuum of existence over various dimensions. Physics can’t quite explain it yet but is getting close.

    I guess you read that in Rainbow News, not the New Scientist.

    Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 1000 posts Report

  • Hard News: For Good Friday,

    Eve as I recall was all about how women really are worthy of maximum contempt.

    It's a concept album. The concept is hating women.

    Until I started looking up the lyrics, two minutes ago, I had thought the Alan Parsons Project was just crap. Now I realise it was quite nasty crap:

    Get out and find yourself another lover
    Why don't you find yourself another lover
    Open up your eyes and realise
    You don't mean nothing to me I'm not your mother
    You gave me all that you had to give
    But there's a whole lotta fish in the sea

    Aren't you glad Alan Parsons is not your mother? This is the sort of thing you learn on PAS.

    Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 1000 posts Report

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