Posts by Steve Barnes

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  • Hard News: The Finance Campaign,

    Sad isn't it that this is something worth noting?! Why back in my day, when I was a lad, last century, you could go to any one of 317 venues in Auckland to watch live music. Gluepot, Mainstreet, Powerstation, etc, and all sold out.

    As i were passing the Powerstation this very afternoon I noticed tradesmen weilding their weapons of mass creation yay verily, tools in hand the artisans of Auckland are rebuilding the den of iniquity as we speak.
    Also of note. Did anyone else notice Murray Mcully's wonderful threeway combover in Parlaymunt today? Astounding. The lack of Mo for Movember was a political suicide note of Obama lapel enormity that should not go without a herald edtitorial ragefest in my opinion, how dare he?
    And as for the fundraising sauasage, are they trying to kill us off with Cancer? Don't they read the Herald? Well maybe they like Deborahs way of reading that despicable rag, between the lines, I must say it makes more sense when you just look at the blank bits.

    Peria • Since Dec 2006 • 5521 posts Report


    Sorry Shep. what I said was

    Eerily similar but totally different? The uniforms are the same but the people are not so much "Freedom Fighters" as bandits and the parallels we can draw here are merely circumstantial. It leaves me wondering whether our police were, in a kind of sick fantasy way, hoping our "Guerrillas in the Mist" were a little more challenging and gladly they were not. It seems we do, by comparison, live in a peaceful corner of the world and heavy handed actions of police and lawmakers would only serve to destroy this. Let's hope sense prevails and the TSO gets quietly swept under the carpet. You 17 can all go home now, nothing to see here. Sorry.

    And sorry to anyone who went back to page 15
    I think you missed my point, notice I said "The uniforms are the same but the people are not so much "Freedom Fighters" as bandits and the parallels we can draw here are merely circumstantial." maybe I should have said Coincidental in retrospect but I still stand by what I meant i.e. the sick fantasy bit as part of police mindset. As to the rest of your assertions, sigh

    Can you tell me if the "police" who conducted the raids were licenced to use their firearms?

    Tuesday drinks anyone?

    Peria • Since Dec 2006 • 5521 posts Report


    We are now informed that Tame Iti was deported from Fiji before terror raids and then "A few weeks later he was arrested in New Zealand under its own homeland security legislation." I know this was a direct quote from the head of the Fiji Human Rights Commission, Shaista Shameem, but surely publishing it at this point only serves to paint Iti in a bad light (not that he seems to have done himself any favours in this regard) Shame on you Stuff.
    And talking of shame. Kyle

    what about a spaz who knowingly puts themselves in danger?

    hardly a socially aware statement, I cringed.

    Peria • Since Dec 2006 • 5521 posts Report


    - and a 'grenade launcher capable of firing flares -

    Apparently Tame Iti's partner had a car, that was capable of carrying all kinds of stuff, WMD's, Terrorists and very disturbing things. She also had a cellphone capable of sending messages to enemies of the state. The police, thank god, impound them both. We can all sleep safely now, including the Elephant.

    Peria • Since Dec 2006 • 5521 posts Report


    given than there's actual damaging, specific racial discrimination that does exist in the world and it's nice to have a word for it that isn't so generalized as to be effectively meaningless.

    Now I see the reference to Antinomy.

    Ok. To say that someone is of a particular race is, in itself, racist as the word is used to discriminate between perceived differences between peoples. However. There is only one race, the human race and the term "Race" is a substitution of the word "Species" In the world of Canines we differentiate with the word "Breed" but if we were to use that term in regard to humans then that would be considered racist.
    I hope that clears that up.

    Peria • Since Dec 2006 • 5521 posts Report



    Not to be confused with Antimony, Which I share my initials with, element Sb :-), and is just as relevant.

    Peria • Since Dec 2006 • 5521 posts Report


    Eerily similar but totally different? The uniforms are the same but the people are not so much "Freedom Fighters" as bandits and the parallels we can draw here are merely circumstantial. It leaves me wondering whether our police were, in a kind of sick fantasy way, hoping our "Guerrillas in the Mist" were a little more challenging and gladly they were not. It seems we do, by comparison, live in a peaceful corner of the world and heavy handed actions of police and lawmakers would only serve to destroy this. Let's hope sense prevails and the TSO gets quietly swept under the carpet. You 17 can all go home now, nothing to see here. Sorry.

    Peria • Since Dec 2006 • 5521 posts Report


    Somebody tell me how to do those fancy indent things so I at least don't LOOK like such a noob. Or tell me where the instructions are.

    have a look to the left of the reply box.

    Peria • Since Dec 2006 • 5521 posts Report


    It was a Cossack.

    But boy could he dance ;-)

    Peria • Since Dec 2006 • 5521 posts Report


    DOH! This keyboard should learn to speell

    Peria • Since Dec 2006 • 5521 posts Report

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