Posts by Gareth Ward

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  • Hard News: Be the party of good science,

    The condom idea is a good one and all, but randomly throwing out ideas ain't the way to do it.
    If Labour more carefully craft the "Endace, Scion" story* they had in Goff's speech to create a well-argued theme, then things like the condom idea fall within it and are harder to argue against.

    Auckland, NZ • Since Mar 2007 • 1727 posts Report

  • Field Theory: I'm ever so pissed.,

    Watching "live" I thought Read did nothing wrong - "hey, if Habana wants to run straight into ~100kg of brick shithouse that's his beef"
    But on the replay, Barnes was r...rrrrr... he was r... right (excuse me, I have to go cut myself)

    The gulf between Carter and Donald was unbelievable though. We all knew it was there but sheesh...
    And if Nonu would just stop ruining all that great running, busting, line-breaking work by not handing over the ball at the end of it then that would be great, ta.

    Auckland, NZ • Since Mar 2007 • 1727 posts Report

  • Hard News: Be the party of good science,

    Personally, I find the idea that no idea should be discussed if there is a possibility it might whip up well-organised moral hysteria pretty depressing.

    Isn't it just.
    If Labour want to draw a line under the story that beat them last time, then OK. But if they adopt the same tactics, or allow good ideas to go silenced because they're scared of Duncan Garner then they won't be seeing my vote for some time.
    I think I have a tendency to support the party in power (after some time) because that party has to lower the hysterical tone and begin to deliver on the realities that they have as the Government. National ain't there yet (they either keep up the spin, or just avoid the whole thing so far) but it's entirely possible they'll get there by 2011. Labour may want to beat them to it.

    Auckland, NZ • Since Mar 2007 • 1727 posts Report

  • Hard News: The next bylaw will ban irony,

    Fair call Craig, I just liked the response for the "righto punk, I'm calling your bluff!" fist wrapped in the "yes you're right, the Chinese Govt is soooooo hard done by" velvet glove.

    I wouldn't advocate it for all situations, but it seemed like a nice one-off way of showing some folks that you can bluster and complain all you like, but you better have something to back it up when someone calls you on it.

    Auckland, NZ • Since Mar 2007 • 1727 posts Report

  • Hard News: Dead Elephant Frenzy,

    Windows 7 is so good that it's made me... buy a Macbook Pro...

    After suffering through Vista on me Dell laptop, having installed the 7 RC I realised how much more useful the guts of a computer can be. But then I realised that I'd have to fork out hundreds of dollars in a few months time to buy the legit version. And that the Dell Plastictron4000 would likely only last a year beyond that.
    So it makes specifically prescriptive financial sense ( it does, alright ) to shell out for a Macbook Pro now instead (taking advantage of various strong NZD and US education deal routes I have right now) given I get a machine that will (with upgrades) last a good five years and make me 37% more attractive to organic hemp documentary makers.

    Auckland, NZ • Since Mar 2007 • 1727 posts Report

  • Hard News: The next bylaw will ban irony,

    I seem to be alone amongst usual-suspect media commentators in not at all minding Maori Television's decision to screen the Chinese embassy's "documentary" after The 10 Conditions of Love.

    I thought it was a fantastic response from Maori TV - "right, you think it's biased and loaded, fair enough. We'll let you put your side of the argument straight after it".
    And then I completely forgot to watch or record either of them =|

    And re the gangs, I was amazed at the clever, layered appeal-to-liberty response they put on. And the fact that they all just moved to "colours" ala the LA gangs was a pretty depressingly obvious outcome unfortunately. I'm not sure that the lack of patch is really affecting the intimidatory nature of the Bloods over there huh.

    Auckland, NZ • Since Mar 2007 • 1727 posts Report

  • Hard News: Smack to the Future,

    Bryan Spondre seems to have us nailed in his latest new blog

    Did he just call God a pinko? Fundy's ain't going to like thaaaaat...

    Auckland, NZ • Since Mar 2007 • 1727 posts Report

  • Hard News: Smack to the Future,

    Think I'm going to regret posting this...

    Heh, your wonderful KB reputation will be ruined! :>

    You're totally right of course - the term "Kiwiblog Right" quite rightly applies to the community that has congealed over there. It might not apply to the owner of the website, but it's fair to attribute a certain flavour of discourse to the hivemind that has sprung up around it. Of course the same applies to the "Standard Left" who attributed unspoken thoughts as well. I can't think of the PA term that should apply here but that would make for a fun competition methinks.

    Auckland, NZ • Since Mar 2007 • 1727 posts Report

  • Up Front: Smut-Clog Part 2: This Time…,

    Yep, what pretty much everyone said. Good luck.

    Auckland, NZ • Since Mar 2007 • 1727 posts Report

  • Hard News: No Surprises,

    Minority seeks rights by getting a majority? Doesn't usually happen.

    And often that would be a case of "sorry guys, worst form of government except all others etc etc..." but in this case it's "Minority seeks to affirm (admittedly complex) rights contractually stated at birth of nation but now brushed aside by majority as not particularly helpful to themselves"...

    Auckland, NZ • Since Mar 2007 • 1727 posts Report

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