Posts by Jolisa

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  • Hard News: Little pieces of a big picture,

    @Robyn - it's the real-life RTs over the following days that really annoy.

    @darfield SHAKE RATTLE ROLL
    @chch omfg RT@Darfield SHAKE RATTLE ROLL
    @darfield SHAKE
    @chch RT @Darfield SHAKE #donotlike
    @darfield RATTLE
    @chch RT @Darfield RATTLE #dudewtf
    @darfield ROLL
    @chch Unfollow @Darfield dammit

    Auckland, NZ • Since Nov 2006 • 1472 posts Report

  • Hard News: Little pieces of a big picture,

    I got on the tweets at a leisurely 8.25am, to find a couple of "we're okay" messages from Emma Hart and an anxious query from Nat Torkington as to the welfare of David Haywood and his family. As I was doing that, Jolisa published her post to Public Address.

    Time zones, the chronically-tardy-person's friend. Actually, I actually sat on that post for about an hour thinking "Emma or Russell will post something, any minute now. Russell will definitely post. I should hold off." When it got to 8.30 NZT and still no Radio Free Russell, I assumed Rangitoto had opportunistically taken out Auckland. Since Wellington seemed a bit quiet as well, I could well have been PA's sole survivor, broadcasting to the world.

    (Which, Civil Defense-ishly, bit of a worry not to have moderating privileges).

    It was quite On the Beach for a minute there, really.

    And then Russell showed up and I was all "OMG I've stepped on some serious Burnside blogging turf. There's gonna be a rumble." Luckily it stayed civil.

    Our Chilean friends were very concerned.

    Ours too. Older child's school had a fundraiser earlier in the year, for a classmate who comes from Concepcion, so it was quite close to home. The mum of the other Chilean child in the class was saying yesterday that she wasn't at all reassured by early reports that there were no major injuries or deaths in Chch, as that had been the tenor of the early reports from Concepcion as well.

    Auckland, NZ • Since Nov 2006 • 1472 posts Report

  • Busytown: The shakes,

    It is wearing, I agree - and realised how much adrenaline/nervous energy I was carrying now I'm in Auckland and relaxing more.

    In a strange way, with this sort of thing it's often not till you're out of it that you truly realise you were in it. Must be a survival mechanism.

    Those earthquake drills were great, although I remember anxiously inspecting the way the legs of the desk were joined to the top, since that was all that was supposedly protecting us.

    Am worried by reports of the condition of the UC library. One million books shaken off the shelves; 'treasures' destroyed. Some of the stacks toppled like dominos, according to twittering folk. Another reason to be grateful it happened after hours -- otherwise undergrads would be haunting the stacks for real.

    I know you can't bolt everything down (esp books) but I wouldn't be surprised if there's some serious revision of how to rattle-proof a library after this. The liability!

    Auckland, NZ • Since Nov 2006 • 1472 posts Report

  • Busytown: The shakes,

    Yes, where is our Bard of Avon?

    the two best places to buy bagels have been hard hit

    For the conspiracy theorists, I'd say that makes it less likely the CIA was involved.

    Auckland, NZ • Since Nov 2006 • 1472 posts Report

  • Busytown: The shakes,

    Jolisa, apparently here the correct tag is </pendant> although I have never got to the bottom of the additional letter. An in-joke maybe.

    In-joke = grammatical superciliousness always self-sabotaged by the inevitable typo/freudian slip twixt cup and lip. Tis funny. But my fingers absolutely refuse to type it because it is wrong. Wrong, I tell you.

    Auckland, NZ • Since Nov 2006 • 1472 posts Report

  • Busytown: The shakes,

    I actually can't imagine what it would be like experiencing nearly 60 separate aftershocks since the main quake.

    I'm wondering/worrying about this too. If the original event is traumatic in itself, each aftershock must be a sort of trigger? Or, is there a cumulative desensitising effect?

    I imagine the effect is different for people with different nervous make-ups, but can't imagine anyone (bar the very young) is finding it easy.

    Auckland, NZ • Since Nov 2006 • 1472 posts Report

  • Busytown: The shakes,

    Putting them in stocks might be good punishment as I doubt their fellow citizens would be amused.

    And that is what Christchurch has a square for.

    Auckland, NZ • Since Nov 2006 • 1472 posts Report

  • Busytown: The shakes,

    Civil defence called while I was out to ask if I wanted to be evacuated. Life will be good once the portaloos and water show up.

    As my lexically correct father-in-law never fails to point out: places are evacuated of people. Whereas people are evacuated of... well, that's when you need your portaloo.

    Auckland, NZ • Since Nov 2006 • 1472 posts Report

  • Busytown: The shakes,

    Well, that or zombies. Mowing something.

    YouTube won't let me link directly to the lawnmower scene from Brain Dead, because I am too young and impressionable.

    It's the Garden City though, so there should be plenty of pitchforks and such at hand? Trowels?

    Auckland, NZ • Since Nov 2006 • 1472 posts Report

  • Busytown: The shakes,

    Are we talking 28 Days Later, or Shaun of the Dead?

    That HoS was WAY over the top. And just journalistically imprudent as well. Once you've already used the "Doomsday" headline, what's left when you hit an actual doomsday? (Actually, probably not even a newspaper, so I guess they were just getting in while they could).

    Auckland, NZ • Since Nov 2006 • 1472 posts Report

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