Posts by Michael Fitzgerald

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  • Hard News: No Bills,

    Party politics is at best a compromise and at worst corruption.
    Your point on the Greens is exactly my issue.
    It's about making the best of a bad thing. There is no good option.

    Dilute, I would rather wash Politians clean away.
    How about a larger bureaucracy, minimum elected reps, & all votes by referendum? A true Democracy, power directly to the people. The bureaucracy would be there to inform the public on the issues to be voted on.
    But true point, NZ rarely if ever has actually voted a Govt in. They're all voted out.

    Since May 2007 • 631 posts Report

  • Random Play: It's Not Easy Being Green-ish,

    It seems I've been caught boxing out of my weight division (again).
    What is your position on Canty water?

    Since May 2007 • 631 posts Report

  • Hard News: No Bills,

    Why would referendum result in Democracy being thrown to the wolves, ripped apart and savaged?
    Ultimately itwill require a maturity of reasoning and understanding from which society will grow.
    Even if savaged, is that any worse than our current system?

    Since May 2007 • 631 posts Report

  • Hard News: No Bills,

    That's the Green dilemma - They're more than just Green but it's hard to market Social Justice (which for all my bitching I might vote for them this time - might see what Jimbo has to offer - I can't remember the name of his party).

    Is there any movement for true democracy by referendum?

    Might stuff up the whole MMP as I hate parties - BBQs are much better.

    Since May 2007 • 631 posts Report

  • Random Play: It's Not Easy Being Green-ish,


    You're ignoring vast scope of the impacts of Dairying and by doing so pass on the true costs to others.

    Nitrogen is not the full story (it's pollution or production costs).
    The aquifers drained has well passed sustainable levels (if it ever was) and now we invite the sea water in. Drill 80m for fresh water when you're 20m above sea leave and deplete the fesh water, equilibrium will be achieved by sea water intrusion.
    Effluent run off hasn't been addressed and is often ignored.
    The real cost of Dairy is paid is the FREE water used to irrigate the land. Canterbury exports our water (sourced for free) to the world via the Dairy industry. This is not sustainable.
    Free market policies are not sustainable where is NZ a low wage economy v High wage international market. If we truely had a global economy free market (with all costings accounted for) free market might work but dairying would be done closer to market & not in NZ.

    Since May 2007 • 631 posts Report

  • Hard News: No Bills,

    If it's mischevous to link various drug use and outcomes regardless of leagal status, and cherry pick quotes (seemingly) not based on studies, sure. But haven't I just described the site?

    Since May 2007 • 631 posts Report

  • Hard News: No Bills,

    My fave Greens are Bradford & Locke - they tend to walk a little more of their talk than 'my shit doesn't stink' Jeanette.

    Is this the Greens answer to P as well?
    Prohibition isn’t protecting our kids.

    Brough to you by Jeanette, Nandor, & Sue K

    Since May 2007 • 631 posts Report

  • Random Play: It's Not Easy Being Green-ish,

    Nat T
    Economics is the answer but enlighted guidence should point the way. This does require govt involvement (maybe not this or the next NZ govt) to achieve sustainability.
    You can't speed for safety reasons - so too environmental rules can prove to be effective as well.
    The carbon footprint is pretty crude, as any frootprint is. But it's a start and this is becoming more sophisticated.
    The footprint isn't an excercise in hypocracy. It's an excercise in measurement.
    No-one is truely off the gridd in NZ (including the selfdeluded treeplanters offsetting their Greek Holiday) we all need to actively work towards a solution. The arrogance of Jeanette Fitzsimon on - my car burns straight crude but I drive better than you to offset this - still burns at the back of my neck.

    Since May 2007 • 631 posts Report

  • Random Play: It's Not Easy Being Green-ish,

    Since May 2007 • 631 posts Report

  • Random Play: It's Not Easy Being Green-ish,

    Buggar seemed to cover my tracks there will have footprints shortly

    Since May 2007 • 631 posts Report

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