Posts by Sofie Bribiesca

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  • Up Front: A Word in Your Ear,

    I am at present only able to get online in 15-minutes bursts every few hours

    So are able to edit then? ;)
    Got me rain coat.

    here and there. • Since Nov 2007 • 6796 posts Report

  • Hard News: Costly indeed,

    then current Ministers are also going to be embarrassed if the same slant is put on the results.

    And the silence from them is almost deafening. :)

    here and there. • Since Nov 2007 • 6796 posts Report

  • Hard News: Costly indeed,

    Two houses are fine surely.

    I'd suggest majority of those working in Parliament do ok with one. Hell we pay to fly these guys all around the country, so yes to a rental for ministers to work in Wellington who should be expected to live there Mon through Fri. These guys get more holidays, more pay rises, which are at odds for their employers to be given the same. So I say one house, and if warranted, one rental for the Ministers in Wellington. Stuff it .They can commute like the rest of us and use the phone when lonely for their little family. Otherwise buy your own. call it an investment, put those accounting skills to good use instead of manipulating that which can be. :)
    Do we pay for their kids education as well?

    here and there. • Since Nov 2007 • 6796 posts Report

  • Hard News: Costly indeed,

    Right Craig. As I said, advantage has been taken or interpreted, to benefit and if anything from this, better knowledge of the rules and accountability ought to follow.
    I ain't gonna expect politicians to do claims in the middle of the job,(even if Tony Ryall wants paperwork done in the middle of operations). I just want our politicians to act according to the rules and if some now claim they had different interpretations, correct that. Still think one house should be enough though. :)

    here and there. • Since Nov 2007 • 6796 posts Report

  • Hard News: Costly indeed,

    Can't Ian, I'd be stuck between did and didn't inhale. :)

    here and there. • Since Nov 2007 • 6796 posts Report

  • Hard News: Costly indeed,

    . Or is that just me being all prissy and petty?

    Yep, that's you darlin' ;) Look, I wouldn't buy Bolli either and I am frugal, and some expenses could be addressed , but chasing up these expenses got all items reimbursed. I think that is good accounting and I think our MP's are relatively responsible, and it appears that the cards have been used with expectations to reimburse when told to. That's a pretty human trait with expense accounts. Yes ,some will take advantage of interpretation, just like some cops will drink drive (whereby some get off their charge and other cops don't).
    I say stick to what's been happening but be more stringent on expense analysis. Know what the rules are then there is no room for excuses.Obviously some seem adamant they were following procedures, some knew they may tweak it a little. JK says his Ministers are allowed to do it, but Phil Goff should step up about his mps,and isn't it convenient that most Nats haven't hit the papers like the Labour mps and barely gets a mention from the editor,other than excusing the Nats. Last round JK said we should not get carried away about house double dipping, because it's allowed,and ministers need to be with their family, so hey, whats a house or two. Didn't feel good either but it was accounting and the Nats seem good with that.Lawyers and accountants just happen to be good at that and hey, there is a lot of them in the National Party
    I certainly don't think politicians are perfect and I am glad they have shown that.
    Sorry, don't care it was Bolli. If it destresses, helps one to wind down after a day of meetings, so be it. I want those who are working for us, to do it the way they find best.

    here and there. • Since Nov 2007 • 6796 posts Report

  • Hard News: Costly indeed,

    whilst not happening to any others...

    Not so. See, this is assumed because certain people have been scrutinised. Depending on travel one could feel unlucky if luggage has been lost thrice, but if you travelled on 300 trips, I'd suggest you are pretty common with the odds.

    here and there. • Since Nov 2007 • 6796 posts Report

  • Hard News: Costly indeed,

    Thing is, as a nation there is something deeply amiss in our psyche and it is this: the speed with which we move to apportion blame to others, our penchant for punishment and our unwillingness to forgive.

    Hear, hear!
    Liking your first post Boris. :)

    here and there. • Since Nov 2007 • 6796 posts Report

  • Hard News: Costly indeed,

    I feel a little sorry for the overwhelming majority of previous and current Ministers and their staff who seem to have had no problem separating their personal from public expenditure.

    Not to forget that many of these also reported, will be legitimate expenses.The gumboots, and many others will be. Trevor Mallard states his "limo in New York" (doesn't that sound fancy) accusation. was actually a bus for a delegation of people. Legit. Lost luggage does require replacing, so undies and suits are also legit.To suggest imbibing is acceptable then disputing what was imbibed because one may have more expensive tastes is, nitpicking and yes so what if it's Bolli? Should Politicians need to alter their ways if overseas, if eating at certain restaurants, or choice of movies.Is two faced acceptable? To suggest that preference for porn is even an issue other than personal expenses is worthy of suggesting the SSTrust take their places in Parliament.Yuk, yuk, and yuk.
    I once did a job that required checking expenses against sales reps. Every month, some expenses were questioned.
    Never once did a rep get fired for these queries.Never once was one singled out to ostracize.Occasionally some expenses were considered personal and reimbursed.This is how to account.It's an accounting procedure that should have been more stringent in Parliament and hopefully will be in the future.
    Shane Jones seemed a perfectly good politician last week, 2 plus years since he paid back the expenses. For all I know, adult movies might enhance his ability to do his job ( no puns intended). I still consider him a good politician this week.
    Frankly $500k for rent in Dipton, whilst living elsewhere is a bit more than todays accusation against Mark Burton. Never mind, 7000 documents gets a story for the rest of the year because this take no prisoners attitude to reporting is a good way to skirt the important stuff.
    Oh, look over there. John Armstrong noticed something else.
    Jus' sayin'

    here and there. • Since Nov 2007 • 6796 posts Report

  • Hard News: Costly indeed,

    Fucking Toblerone.


    here and there. • Since Nov 2007 • 6796 posts Report

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