Posts by Just thinking

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  • Hard News: Dude, what just happened?,

    I'm in favour of a broken windows law. Not a euphamism but a law that states that land lords of poor housing and businesses will be prosecuted if they don't act.

    Tennants Rights might be worth a look.

    Of course jingoism takes over. Zero tollerance has long been the Christchurch Police Policy for the poor and brown.

    Putaringamotu • Since Apr 2009 • 1158 posts Report

  • Up Front: Time for an Intervention,

    A rich and varied life is an option if you live in a town where a 40min commute, is fancy talk for walking to work. Half my commute is through Hagley Park on my bicycle.

    I've found many/most of my closest friends are Ozzies living in Christchurch, who have married into the city.

    Putaringamotu • Since Apr 2009 • 1158 posts Report

  • Up Front: Time for an Intervention,

    Sofie, No offense take, only a little confusion (me only I'm sure).

    Putaringamotu • Since Apr 2009 • 1158 posts Report

  • Up Front: Time for an Intervention,

    Rightwing extremist, hell yes! His entire mayoralty (and Court cases) has been about ACT policies.
    Everytime he speaks at Amry engagements (I've been to a few). His starting point is property rights, i.e. the Army protects property rights. Of course it doesn't, that is the role of private contractors. Was that contractors or ambassadors (CCC code for private security)?

    Putaringamotu • Since Apr 2009 • 1158 posts Report

  • Up Front: Time for an Intervention,

    "And when the establishment runs the place",
    But does it?
    Will you let it?
    Is it worth fighting, I mean voting for? (ANZAC Day is so close)

    Sofie, are you critquing my grammer, or questioning my sincerity?

    Putaringamotu • Since Apr 2009 • 1158 posts Report

  • Up Front: Time for an Intervention,

    Joe, Sideshow is a rightwing extremist, why would he have any love for Labour/2021/watch-this-space?

    Emma, I'm not sure how CCTV helps. The little too-doo I got in after leaving work a few yrs back was in broad daylight . The victim was pregnant, a drug addict, and associated with neo-nazis. If CCC rent street space to cafes and ticket you for parking too long, surely they can regulate these going ons.

    Putaringamotu • Since Apr 2009 • 1158 posts Report

  • Up Front: Time for an Intervention,

    Islander, I am endeared by every letter you write, but disagree as you choose to only look to the establishment for recognition and acceptance.
    Know 'we' are here and love you.
    Aroha nui JT

    Putaringamotu • Since Apr 2009 • 1158 posts Report

  • Up Front: Time for an Intervention,

    Lucy, I know Megan through mutual friends, it was long ago and now seems far away...

    Putaringamotu • Since Apr 2009 • 1158 posts Report

  • Up Front: Time for an Intervention,

    Emma, is that the same Sue Wells who stepped down from the Arts Centre Trust Board because of a conflict with her CCC role, only to take up a CCC sponsored trip to France while the CCC vote was on about the Arts Centre? She Represented the Southern Wine Producing Regions and is a CCCouncilor for Cashmere (This is what happened, no irony(is irony the right word?)).

    Joe, you could hardly say Side Show did a hatchet job on Bennett (who has left the building), anymore than Peters did to Brash.

    30 April at Ecan there will be a small gathering of friends.

    Putaringamotu • Since Apr 2009 • 1158 posts Report

  • Up Front: Time for an Intervention,

    If you caught the bit about curfews in Christchurch on RNZ. The thing missing was the Chair of my Community Bored, is a local Cop.

    Yanni mentioned Police State, or perceptions of CHurChur as a dangerous city.

    The most CCTV in NZ, in what the Cops Data privious proves is one of the safest Cities in NZ (keep clear of drugs and street prostitution & you're right).

    My Community Bored is controlled by a Cop (on the Right) & a Security Guard (on the left). The damage is No different to the damage done by Uni Students that the Cops have worked very hard to keep out of Court.
    The difference is Class, colour comes into it, but in ChurChur it is primarily one of class.

    These are all impacting the same community board. Those doing it have a very clear class divide, but actions and damage are much the same.

    Putaringamotu • Since Apr 2009 • 1158 posts Report

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