Posts by Sofie Bribiesca

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  • Hard News: The Creepy Party,

    Who needs the National Party when we have this class Act. Creep.

    here and there. • Since Nov 2007 • 6796 posts Report

  • Hard News: The Creepy Party,

    Back with the creepy party. Like fleas on a dogs tail. No actually, more like around the arsehole. I knew this would happen.

    here and there. • Since Nov 2007 • 6796 posts Report

  • Hard News: The Creepy Party,

    Back to the creepy party. I thought this was funny. United they stand.

    here and there. • Since Nov 2007 • 6796 posts Report

  • Hard News: The Creepy Party,

    Musing: if I was from a developing country I'd find it terribly wearying to be expected to be so *aspirational* all the time.

    Hell, from a developing country? From this country too.Sometimes I just like to chilax without guilt,but I am saying that having all the benefits of this one. :)

    here and there. • Since Nov 2007 • 6796 posts Report

  • Hard News: The Orcon Great Blend 2010:…,

    Nope . I'll take some photos .I'll put them up here but I'm not wandering all over the internet because of face book which I will not be a part of. Not interested sorry.I'll show you the photos here as long as photoees agree. :)

    Should I worry that my confirmation doesn't seem to have shown up,

    Didn't you get confirmed as a young boy? I thought Catholics like that. ;)

    here and there. • Since Nov 2007 • 6796 posts Report

  • Up Front: Eat Up Your Brothelly,

    Happy to plead guilty to that one.

    I'll put my hand up too. Can't help defending the underdog. Possibly because I can draw comparisons from all types in all walks of life. I'll leave yous there too.

    here and there. • Since Nov 2007 • 6796 posts Report

  • Up Front: Eat Up Your Brothelly,

    Any comparison with banking in that sense seems misguided.

    And Dentists! High suicide rates, what's that say about their work conditions? Just rosy?

    here and there. • Since Nov 2007 • 6796 posts Report

  • Up Front: Eat Up Your Brothelly,

    And I guess one difference between dentistry, banking and prostitution is that only one of those professions would be likely to be chosen by someone who was looking to support a P-habit


    here and there. • Since Nov 2007 • 6796 posts Report

  • Up Front: Eat Up Your Brothelly,

    It still boils down to an occupation (as in many others) that can be good or bad employment. As in all jobs, experience helps and with prostitution, if one can combine that with education, it can be a lucrative job.
    As society exists now, it is deemed that not everyone gets to eat apple pie, and prostitution can be a means to get by. There are heaps of jobs like that. Sex sells simple. Advertising agencies will agree. Hell, they promote heroin chic, tits and bums, men and women in that ever alluring impossible position (that Ben's acquaintances probably can do) with the appropriate bulge. Models for these ads or catwalks starve themselves to appear as they have been sold by their agent who is flogging them off for the highest dollar to make sure their cut is enabling their lifestyle.Bet these people have a few tales too.
    Not all prostitutes get a wonderful lifestyle, not all get to the playboy mansion, but some make a good living (out of it) and others pass on info to educate their peers. Those I suspect are the tales one hears that Ben talks of. At least they are alive, they eat, take drugs?, and will have somewhere to sleep.It is a living. Streetwise? I bet.One day they might be dead. Me too. That's life.

    here and there. • Since Nov 2007 • 6796 posts Report

  • Up Front: Eat Up Your Brothelly,

    Equality? Sure, but ...

    I was in Bunnings recently with my man. At the till, I pulled out my money, the check out girl commented with a smile " That's good of you to pay, he should really" I commented " Why? Don't you like being equal in society? Why should he have to pay?" She then said "Oh yeah, never thought of it like that" I responded, "well let's hope you do in your future."
    The guy at the next till said "Yeah". Then they both giggled.

    here and there. • Since Nov 2007 • 6796 posts Report

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