Posts by Farmer Green

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  • Hard News: The sole party of government, in reply to Amanda Wreckonwith,

    At the risk of rattling Farmer Green’s cage

    Tourism is recreational pollution in my book.

    Lower North Island • Since Nov 2012 • 778 posts Report

  • Hard News: The sole party of government, in reply to Amanda Wreckonwith,

    Perhaps if Fonterra hadn’t ballsed up their supply chain by messing with their organic milk contracts they wouldn’t be struggling.

    You are probably on the money there : having organic supply was only ever a PR/damage limitation thing for Fonterra - a way of shutting up a small and vocal minority of suppliers who wanted to raise their game.
    No place for that sort of thing in a co-operative, right?

    Lower North Island • Since Nov 2012 • 778 posts Report

  • Hard News: The sole party of government, in reply to Andre,

    There's nowt as queer as folk Andre.

    " a third of the electorate doesn’t turn up, when media bias and corruption are proven there is no response and any party focused on these ‘old’ issues is branded as crack-pots."

    Lower North Island • Since Nov 2012 • 778 posts Report

  • Hard News: The sole party of government, in reply to Deborah,

    Deborah , you probably did put something in my mail box , but all the local newspapers I would regard as junk-mail. I never look at them.

    All I was saying was that none of it reached me ; I guess I don't get out much. :-)

    There could be a lot of dairy farmers like that, especially at this time of year.

    My remark was not a criticism of you personally; just stating the fact.
    You might support the same things as I do : I wouldn't know.
    But if you had visited , you wouldn't have been the first Labour politician to do so.

    Lower North Island • Since Nov 2012 • 778 posts Report

  • Hard News: The sole party of government, in reply to Chris Waugh,

    Right now , Fonterra can't get enough organic milk powder for the U.S. infant formula market, but you can't say that we are not quick on our feet.

    Lower North Island • Since Nov 2012 • 778 posts Report

  • Hard News: The sole party of government, in reply to BenWilson,

    Sorry Ben I didn't mean that he ever did any. I never did get what he was on about.

    Lower North Island • Since Nov 2012 • 778 posts Report

  • Hard News: The sole party of government, in reply to izogi,


    Lower North Island • Since Nov 2012 • 778 posts Report

  • Hard News: The sole party of government, in reply to Andre,

    child poverty, increasing house prices, a lack of new jobs, the destruction of our waterways, increasing inequality and increasing foreign ownership of New Zealand,

    Assuming , that is , that those are the issues which are going to press the electorate's buttons ; they are mostly not new issues, and neither National nor Labour could claim to be the saviour, even if these were the vital issues for voters.
    If the choices are :- throwing more money at the problem, or
    claiming to be achieving better value for the same money

    then in the current climate the electorate appears inclined to the second.

    Lower North Island • Since Nov 2012 • 778 posts Report

  • Hard News: The sole party of government, in reply to Kracklite,

    For the last six years Labour was was a fratricidal, jealous, self-absorbed rabble of prima donnas that was simply not fit to govern

    It might be that simple ; there was no viable opposition.

    Lower North Island • Since Nov 2012 • 778 posts Report

  • Hard News: The sole party of government, in reply to Russell Brown,

    Russell , I assume that almost EVERYTHING that I hear or read in the MSM is a consequence of what someone is doing on someone else's behalf. There are very few , if any honest brokers ; it is all just entertainment.

    Lower North Island • Since Nov 2012 • 778 posts Report

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