Posts by Lilith __

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  • Up Front: I Walk the Line,

    Emma, you’re a champion. Not just for enduring all this, but also for being able to write about it with your characteristic wit and flair. Holy shit.

    PS Anyone who isn’t already, you should all read Emma’s ripping, sexy novel The Isis Knot, and flick her a koha.

    Dunedin • Since Jul 2010 • 3895 posts Report

  • Speaker: Sex with the office lights on:…,

    Imagine if no one had got their phone out. Imagine if the pub-crowd had merely had a giggle and a good story to tell their families when they got home.

    Dunedin • Since Jul 2010 • 3895 posts Report

  • Speaker: Once in a Lifetime: Unofficial versions,

    There is no clear dividing line between the disaster and the subsequent plans, actions and developments. The city’s character is saturated with the disaster; the earthquake remains an inescapable daily presence and topic of conversation.

    Living through the past few years has been difficult here, but it has also provided moments of joy, engagement and a sense of collective effort rarely experienced in the routines of normal daily life.

    anger has been present from the very first moments the quakes disrupted the lives of people in Canterbury. Like the issues that radiate from the earthquakes, anger and frustration have spread to other aspects of life in the city such as traffic problems, dealing with insurance companies and government agencies, school closures, rent increases, political decision-making and more. But it is belittling to treat this anger as simply an emotional consequence of the quakes to be mitigated by holidays and relaxation. Much of this anger is justified.

    Very well written, all of it. These 3 excerpts particularly resonate with me.

    Reading this made me cry. Although I moved to Dunedin early last year, I'm still deeply affected by what happens in my hometown.

    Something I try to explain to non-Chch people is that the distress and dislocation hasn't lessened in the years post-quakes. For many people it's actually gotten progressively worse. Insurance, infrastructure, housing and transport difficulties which we all thought were temporary have become perpetual.

    I send all my love to Chch peeps and particularly those who are still able to visualise and work towards a beautiful future for the city.

    Dunedin • Since Jul 2010 • 3895 posts Report

  • Capture: Movement, in reply to David Hood,

    So wintry!

    Dunedin • Since Jul 2010 • 3895 posts Report

  • Capture: Movement, in reply to David Hood,

    In some places there was actually a hoar frost

    Golly, where are you David?

    Dunedin • Since Jul 2010 • 3895 posts Report

  • Capture: Movement, in reply to Hebe,

    Love these kelp pix Lilith and Gareth.

    Thanks Hebe! I understand not everyone is as excited by it as I am. :-)

    Dunedin • Since Jul 2010 • 3895 posts Report

  • Capture: Movement, in reply to Ian Dalziel,

    kelp fronds … sweep in and out again ….
    Mesmerising to watch

    …chilling, too.

    Heh, that's Lovers' Leap I think?

    Dunedin • Since Jul 2010 • 3895 posts Report

  • Capture: Movement, in reply to Chris Waugh,


    You know how when you sit by the shore and watch you can feel the awesome power of the waves as they massage the coast? Your photos just gave me that feeling.

    I'm so glad. :-D

    Dunedin • Since Jul 2010 • 3895 posts Report

  • Capture: Movement,

    Interestingly, the period taken by the kelp fronds to sweep in and out again was about a minute. Mesmerising to watch.

    Dunedin • Since Jul 2010 • 3895 posts Report

  • Capture: Movement,

    Attachment Attachment Attachment


    Dunedin • Since Jul 2010 • 3895 posts Report

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