Posts by Michael Fitzgerald

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  • Hard News: The meaning of a Banana,

    Never let anyone name you - that's colonisation.
    Remeber PM Spud (Bolger)?
    I'm not sure I'ld be happy identifying with fruit & vege though.
    In a study room at Canty Uni there was a brilliantly drawn manga comic super hero on the wall saying. "Fuck all you white monkey".
    Sounds like someone was doing it a bit hard, but I've loved that saying ever since.

    Since May 2007 • 631 posts Report

  • OnPoint: Meet your new overlords + media…,

    Over hype the Robot or what!
    Like the anti-bomb version it springs from it may be of value if you are happy to stay in one place and wait patiently for some kid who never had a remote control car to come and shoot you, but remeber you must stay absolutely still.
    Good old Lincoln is just the venue for Doc Andersen and hasn't been asked to speak by the Uni itself - whew.

    Since May 2007 • 631 posts Report

  • Hard News: Evil,

    On Radio NZs 9-noon this ex-cop from the 1980s has a book out.
    To say he was given an easy ride is to understate it.
    He claimed he was party to terrorist plans (as an undercover cop) for attack on cops etc for a cancelled Springbox Tour.
    He seems to be losing a few faculties as he needed to be correct as to when "The Tour" was. He said '82 or '83. Some may forget the year of the 81 Tour but a cop central to terrorist claims?
    Anyone know Andy Bell?

    Since May 2007 • 631 posts Report


    10 points for quoting Homer Simpson & worth a watch.
    At the end I got a real anti-Islam feeling from him. Christianity was bad but Islam is worst kind of stuff.
    He briefly looked at Communism as an Atheist society & concluded it was evil but didn't acknowledge the science culture of the Nazis at all.
    He didn't look at South America & the Catholic v Catholic wars.
    I really prefer Chomsky who follows the Marxist line that all wars are economic. I'ld be prepared to hold an exception for WWII after 1942 but that's it.
    Being Knighted has clouded a bit of his vision here & he didn't mention Bishop Spong at all.

    Since May 2007 • 631 posts Report

  • Hard News: Evil,

    "The thing is, his point of view was weird enough that we (the women here) knew better than to engage him in any way - the intellectual equivalent of making eye contact."

    A moot point but a few of the women here gave a few dirty stares in Rons direction throughout this thread.

    I don't miss Ron, a cloud lifted with his departure.
    Just a little interested as to why he got the axe and women contributors just get their offensive comments wiped?

    Since May 2007 • 631 posts Report

  • Southerly: The Pivotal Engine,

    I got excited when you started talking about twice the power to weight ratio of a 4 stroke engine.

    But US Military contracts & Hydrogen hybrids is the devils work.

    Must work in terms like 1/4 the sizes means a more portable disater relief power generator. Might mean the same power off the back of a heavy truck could be placed on the back of a ute or choppered in saving time & lives.

    Oh & David before you ask I'm not Ron either.

    Since May 2007 • 631 posts Report

  • Hard News: The Big Stereo Bundle,

    God Bless Jim Knox - Bloody Andrew Little could learn a thing or two about dealing to the Labour Party from Jim.

    Since May 2007 • 631 posts Report

  • Hard News: The cane and the strap,

    Does anyone else feel this is Rons Crusade to plicate his actions as an adult on a 15yr old girl by saying she was old enough?

    And if so is there something really scary we don't want to know about his drive for criminal liability to be U/14yrs?

    Since May 2007 • 631 posts Report

  • OnPoint: Name and Snipe,

    I gave my AMEX back cause the whole idea of credit (debt) scares the sh*t out of me.
    We do need a someone other than WestPac to have a VISA etc debt card in NZ though. Nothing wrong with westie they're not that competitive though.

    Since May 2007 • 631 posts Report

  • Hard News: Evil,

    Why is Rickards still on the force?
    I know there's a 'process' but surely his own evidence has made his possition untenable. Even if there is a point of employment law crossed any payout would be cheaper than keeping him on the books for the cost of his $ & evil reputation.

    12 more cases uncovered in Op Austin

    Since May 2007 • 631 posts Report

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