Posts by Morgan Nichol

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  • Hard News: Rain on his parade,

    And, Morgan, if a city council cannot decide which parades it will allow and which it will not, but must appeal to the law then what possible use does a council have? What issue, if this one must be referred, need not be referred?

    Any parade that includes illegal activity deserves some consideration. For instance the "Smash Every Window on Queen Street" parade would probably expect a good hard look.

    But even some overtly illegal parades need to happen - this isn't such an issue in New Zealand, but in some countries advocating in favour of democracy is considered a terrible crime. I'm in favour of breaking that law - though I'm lucky enough to live in a country where just enough people still believe that freedom is a good thing, that I've never needed to do this.

    The thing about banning things is that it tends to have unintended consequences.

    Your dislike of a certain cartoon version of an authority type has blinded you.

    And your apparent love of "authority" has blinded you to the fact that authority needs to be constantly questioned and watched very carefully indeed.

    I don't need to be told how to live or what to think. Another reason to have a constitution.

    You're jumping up and down insisting that a controversial and pornographic parade be not barred.

    I might be jumping up and down - but only in celebration. Because I won. And you lost. Suck it.

    Now, a few things you need to get into your head:
    Nudity isn't shameful.
    Some kinds of public nudity are legal.
    Nudity isn't pornography . (The 'graphy' in the word, you see it there? That's a hint for people who aren't imbeciles.)

    All of that aside, the vast majority of actual pornography (which, as often as you misuse the word, this parade still ain't) is legal in New Zealand.

    Time to move on and try to fuck up the next petty little thing your ilk consider wrong. How about picking on the fags again? They're always good for a laugh.

    Tell us .. even if the banning of this parade was unfair in some way .. what would we lose if it were banned?

    I work in the city, and didn't go down to watch the parade - I'm simply not interested in the content of the parade.

    What I am interested in why some people think they have the right to stop others from doing completely legal things.

    Lots of stuff offends me, but you know what? I don't have a right to never be offended. The same holds true for mindless wowsers, petty minded wannabe dictators, misguided religionists, and ordinary average every day people on the street.

    You have every right to voice your opinion on this. But you don't have a right to stop it.

    Have your own parade if you like. I'm sure you'll have tens of spectators.

    the opinion of a feminist

    What's the feminist opinion on women having the right to do with their own bodies as they please?

    It's not a group of breast feeding mothers marching for their rights. Don't the bare boobs belong to women who work for erotica/porn maker Crow? Isn't that a heck of a difference?

    So one gets a pass because you agree with their motivations?

    Auckland CBD • Since Nov 2006 • 314 posts Report

  • Hard News: Rain on his parade,

    This has nothing to do with freedom of speech! It has everything to do with proper authority. A geverning body should be allowed to say "Yay" or "Nay" regardless of the request. Why would we need a law to back up every decision they make?

    You're right, it is about proper authority. Which the court has demonstrated the council doesn't have in this instance.

    This is Rule of Law.

    It provides consistency, fairness, legal certainty, and equality.

    It means we don't have to suffer the whims of petty minded little dictators.

    And isn't Queen Street a public place where we should have the freedom to walk and drive without being confronted by this abomination?

    Hey, congratulations! You're halfway to getting it!

    Auckland CBD • Since Nov 2006 • 314 posts Report

  • Hard News: Rain on his parade,

    It should be obvious to anyone that I say zygote rather than fetus, because fileting a fetus is a huge hassle, while zygotes are of course boneless.

    Have to eat a lot to make a good meal though. Like teeny tiny popcorn chicken.

    Auckland CBD • Since Nov 2006 • 314 posts Report

  • Hard News: Rain on his parade,

    Morgan, you haven't encountered Grant before have you? Morgan, meet Grant, the resident right-wing fundie. Abortion is the root cause of all society's woes, says Grant. You really think he'll respect personal freedoms?

    Right, so when I say "liberty" or "basic human rights" or "free speech" he hears "I want to pluck the zygote from your gently pulsating uterus and eat it with butter"?

    I guess I'll just save my breath then.

    Auckland CBD • Since Nov 2006 • 314 posts Report

  • Hard News: Rain on his parade,

    They should just be allowed to say, "No" and let that be the end of it.

    Do you understand the value of living in a free society, and that part of being free is other people having freedoms that you don't like?

    Auckland CBD • Since Nov 2006 • 314 posts Report

  • Hard News: Rain on his parade,

    Sorry, I may have cherry picked a bit much. I agree with you about it being vile and so on. My issue is probably just with the hyperbole.

    Auckland CBD • Since Nov 2006 • 314 posts Report

  • Hard News: Rain on his parade,

    See, I think it would be more contemptuous of life for her to abort the baby (not that I have any reason to believe that was on the table) and I think she should have been allowed to do that if she wanted as well.

    In fact, how about a scenario we can agree on:
    A whole lot of unprotected fucking, resulting in a pregnancy that is then aborted, recorded with high def ultrasound (or whatever). Now that would be contemptuous of life.

    (I bet someone would buy it too. Stay classy, humans!)

    But a woman's freely made decision to have the birth of her child filmed for use in a porn movie? Probably contemptuous of taste - whatever that is - but not life. Unless you're [ad hominem].

    A few things that I think are contemptuous of life:
    * Capital punishment.
    * Murder.
    * Cluster bombs.
    * Abstinence only "sex education".
    * War.
    * Extraordinary rendition.
    * Landmines.
    * Torture.
    * Concentration camps.
    * Zyklon B.

    If and when you have seen your own children born, you might get that.

    I've seen a calf born, does that qualify me to express half of my opinion?

    Auckland CBD • Since Nov 2006 • 314 posts Report

  • Hard News: Rain on his parade,

    I can think of few things more indicative of a contempt for life [than] that.


    Auckland CBD • Since Nov 2006 • 314 posts Report

  • Cracker: No Kitty Blues,

    I know what it's like to say goodbye to a furry little friend, my thoughts are with you Damian.

    Auckland CBD • Since Nov 2006 • 314 posts Report

  • Hard News: Debating Clydesdale,

    I'm going to go out on a limb here and say that, while offensive, the 'spike her drink' joke is quite funny. (See, adults know that offensive, funny, and clever aren't necessarily mutually exclusive.)

    Of course, given that I've never heard of either of those sites - ever - I haven't read any of the other comments, some of which may have been less funny, and more scary (though I doubt it, we've all seen threads like this, they're the childish outcome of people sitting alone in their bedroom losing track of the fact that they're talking to and about real people - not some magical pixie that lives in their computer).

    What I'm more impressed by than anything else is how incredibly creepy the couple comes off as in the video - si it evidence of the segment producer's skill, or is the *ahem* simpler answer the correct one.

    I really think they should crawl back under their horrible little rock, and before coming out again get a little media training. That elevator kiss was worse than anything we saw between Charles and Di.

    There's an old saying: don't feed the troll. These people served up a fucking buffet.

    Auckland CBD • Since Nov 2006 • 314 posts Report

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