Posts by recordari

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  • Busytown: Holiday reading lust,

    Here, borrow mine. Ah, geographical problem. Otherwise, no problem ;-)

    Since you're here JoJo, can I be so bold as to remind people of this;

    Bridget Williams Books is trying to encouraging people to sponsor books into Tuhoe marae. There are order forms, but the easiest way is to send a cheque for the RRP ($79.99) to BWB, PO Box 12474, Wellington. Attach a note saying "For Encircled Lands marae copy" or something. We're hoping to get one copy to each marae in the area.

    You can see the Marae in need of a copy of the book here.
    Nga Marae o Ngai Tuhoe. Not a small matter, but a worthwhile one.

    The cheque is burning a hole in my pocket while I sort out Christmas, but I'm sending it today, and hoping it will provide a book for the Piripari Marae, in Waimana, which has a family connection.

    AUCKLAND • Since Dec 2009 • 2607 posts Report

  • Hard News: You're all fabulous,

    Kirstin Hersh and Michael Stipe Your Ghost. Gold Sting!!!
    One of my favourite duets ever. And this one. Takes a while to start, but worth the wait, IMhO;

    AUCKLAND • Since Dec 2009 • 2607 posts Report

  • Busytown: Holiday reading lust,

    Thanks for that. Actually it was my elderly neighbour who interrupted them, for which I must buy flowers or something nice. She heard the breaking glass and yelled at them "Oi, what are you doing? I'll call the police", to which they answered "Go on then", and proceeded to ride off, casually, on their bicycle.

    All a bit surreal really.

    AUCKLAND • Since Dec 2009 • 2607 posts Report

  • Busytown: Holiday reading lust,

    Webweaver, your post caught me by surprise, as when I said Earthsea Trilogy, that was my memory from the 80s, and incredibly I missed the 1990 release of Tehuna completely. Well there's my credibility shot. I was in Japan, and it was 18 years after the first three. That might explain it, but probably doesn't excuse it.

    I'll jump out to the music thread, it seems safer.

    AUCKLAND • Since Dec 2009 • 2607 posts Report

  • Busytown: Holiday reading lust,

    While I write this the wind wafts gently through my recently obliterated study window. Having cleaned up the glass the would be burglar left all over the chair (Ouch!) and the room, I'm struck by the fact the gaping whole looks remarkably like the Bears from the Pullman Dark Material's trilogy. Maybe it's a sign.

    While I wait for the police and emergency glazier, I seriously can't think of anything better to do than carry on with this. No pity parties please, especially as they were interrupted before getting any of my books.

    Where were we? Oh yes, re-reads.
    Ursula Le Guin's Earth Sea Trilogy and The Dispossessed. These are both beautifully articulated imaginary world's, IMhO. Long overdue for another revisit. As this was a simulcast with webweaver, should have edited this, but oh well.

    Kurt Vonnegut's Slaughterhouse Five, Player Piano et al. They came close on the heels of my F. Scott Fitzgerald period, and yes they were definite re-reads too.

    Thomas Pynchon The Crying of Lot 49. The muted post horn and entropy. He has a new one Inherent Vice, which looks promising.

    Actually, struggling for coherence. I think what I need is a beer, no pun intended. Bye for now...

    PS See, I had to correct the homophones, and the editorial committee might be watching, so best not do this in a mild state of shock.

    AUCKLAND • Since Dec 2009 • 2607 posts Report

  • Hard News: You're all fabulous,

    Just thought I'd jump back in for a backslap, and a couple of extras. I'm new here, but have so far found this to be a vibrant, engaging and heartfelt house kept by RB and others. Thanks for being here, and hope for more goodness in the New Year.

    Telepathe. Song Can't stand it reminds me of late 80s, early 90s 4AD, but has a freshness also.

    School of Seven Bells Half Asleep Love it.

    AUCKLAND • Since Dec 2009 • 2607 posts Report

  • Hard News: You're all fabulous,

    My latest discoveries include;

    Matt Kanelos and the Smooth Maria, Silent Show thanks to the B.
    David Kilgour & Sam Hunt Falling Debris and the latest Clean album Mister Pop. Instant classics, IMhO.
    Also loved Dimmer's latest.
    Hope Sandoval & the Warm Intentions is great. Her latest with Massive Attack is also mind numbingly good. NSFW Video here, for those who missed it elsewhere.
    Minuit is fantatsic, and Stroke is probably my album of the year.

    Glad, without thinking, that most of this is Kiwi stuff. Damn we're awesome!

    AUCKLAND • Since Dec 2009 • 2607 posts Report

  • Busytown: Holiday reading lust,

    No disrespect to Colfer, it's a valiant effort and others might enjoy it, but Douglas Adams is the real thing.

    That's what I was afraid of.

    The Christopher Tolkien edited The Children of Húrin had enough of JRRT's voice, and writing, to make it mostly worthy, IMhO. Particularly the bleak desperation of the characters on the road to rack and ruin. But this is not an unfinished symphony, and from what you and Lev Grossman have said, more an *unfurnished cacophony. Still, suppose I should judge for myself. See if I get past chapter one.

    *unfettered redacted

    AUCKLAND • Since Dec 2009 • 2607 posts Report

  • Busytown: Holiday reading lust,

    Thanks for the hat tip Jolisa. I wear hats, as it happens, so I'll tip mine right back at you for invigorating my love of books.

    Can anyone comment on Eoin Colfer's And Another Thing,* the sixth in The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy trilogy?

    I have the radio script of the original book from 20 or so years ago, and wandered around, like other geeks, quoting from it, so forgive me if I'm a bit precious about it.

    Arthur looked up. "Ford!" he said, "there's an infinite number of monkeys outside who want to talk to us about this script for Hamlet they've worked out."

    I'm quite a fan of Eoin Colfer, and have enjoyed his Artemis Fowl series almost as much as my 7 year old daughter. Also The Airman was a decent read, but is he up to this?

    *Spoiler Alert!!! Damn, it caught me out.

    AUCKLAND • Since Dec 2009 • 2607 posts Report

  • Random Play: Goodbye to all that,

    Cancer, suicide, breakups and more cancer. It has been a year for grown up stuff, and I'm regressing towards my childhood as it goes on. So yes, 2009, go away and leave me alone.

    On the flip side some lives have been saved, and the good thing about really crap years is the next one is usually better, if only by comparison.

    Is that Christmas cheery enough? Oh well, Ham, ahhh, time!

    I should say that I'm also feeling very fortunate, with all the guilt edged angst that that entails.

    AUCKLAND • Since Dec 2009 • 2607 posts Report

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