Posts by recordari

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  • Up Front: Something for Your Hangover,

    Maybe its about time I start tinkering in my computer with a screwdriver.

    I cannot condone reckless tinkering with a screwdriver. Just to absolve myself of responsibility when your motherboard gets fried.

    Just trying to get a quick reply to you, and noticed the YouTube page is not yet updated. But it is the holidays, and while the team here seems pretty bloody committed, maybe they deserve a couple of days rest. Although I suspect it won't be long before it's sorted...

    I'm actually still on Woosh, from 4 years ago. So the speed is not lightening quick, but after making a coffee, reading a couple of chapters of Steig Larsson, mowing the lawns, driving to Piha for a swim, painting the house, it works fine.

    AUCKLAND • Since Dec 2009 • 2607 posts Report

  • Hard News: Holiday Musings,

    [yes it's a slightly petty hobby horse of mine, but I'm celebrating 2553 where I am anyway, or 2552 if I'm a traditionalist..much less confusing]

    Fortunately, new evidence suggests God took a gap year between the BCs and ADs, in preparation for the whole cosmic semen thing, a year zero was inserted, and the Decade is still over.

    AUCKLAND • Since Dec 2009 • 2607 posts Report

  • Up Front: Something for Your Hangover,

    Media7 link.

    Worked Ok for me. I was surprised by the quality actually. Funny show. My only comment would be; bring back Newsboy! Not quite enough sardonic, deadpan wit on the male side for my liking. And yes, there was plenty, but still not enough. ;-)

    AUCKLAND • Since Dec 2009 • 2607 posts Report

  • Hard News: Holiday Musings,

    Couldn't think of anything sensible to say for a week. I'm experimenting with keeping quiet during those times. I'm not so sure I like it, but I need to give it a good go to be sure.

    Yes, but I'm accumulating, so I'm not letting a small detail of having nothing sensible to say stop me. I have noticed that after a thread has been fairly well flogged, it seems acceptable to post a video, or just drop the odd one liner. But even that takes some skill, so I'm holding on to the idea that practice makes perfect.

    See, I'm not paying attention cause I missed the 'feet up I'm on 111' opportunity.

    AUCKLAND • Since Dec 2009 • 2607 posts Report

  • Hard News: The Honours,

    This takes me back exactly ten years. If it wasn't for the discussion back then about whether the year 2000 was the actual beginning of the new millennium* I think the Internet might have just fizzed out.

    *It wasn't.

    That's so last century ;-)

    AUCKLAND • Since Dec 2009 • 2607 posts Report

  • Hard News: The Honours,

    So last decade.

    Damn you're quick.

    AUCKLAND • Since Dec 2009 • 2607 posts Report

  • Hard News: The Honours,

    I was a bit soft. Thanks Dyan and Steven.

    The attributes of those on the list that made me think, 'yeah, that's cool' had very little to do with the official criteria for national honours;

    "for those persons who in any field of endeavour, have rendered meritorious service to the Crown and nation or who have become distinguished by their eminence, talents, contributions or other merits."

    I'm more impressed by examples of the following, in contrast to attributes covered in some measure above.

    Confidence, not arrogance.
    Humility, not pride.
    Compassion, not calculation.
    Mana, not entitlement.

    Lesley Max and the Tamahere fire-fighters seemed to score pretty well on these fronts. Others too, but it's a long list.

    AUCKLAND • Since Dec 2009 • 2607 posts Report

  • Hard News: The Honours,

    Would you have rather seen NZ corporates not get behind Am Cup, World Cup etc?

    I was warned about sarcasm. My apologies.

    Of course our national sporting heroes need sponsorship and support from successful New Zealand companies, and it wasn't done in any underhand way, as far as I know. However, in spite of a possible 'community spin-off', I suspect the company, and it's leading shareholders, put profit well ahead of 'the public good'. But that, you could argue, was their job. Is that laudable? Others clearly think so.

    Whether I'm convinced 'Big Alcohol' is a better source of sponsorship money in sport than 'Big Tobacco' is another matter.

    AUCKLAND • Since Dec 2009 • 2607 posts Report

  • Hard News: The Honours,

    But you and your posters surely can't take from the man - the Lion's sponsorships of Peter Blake's Steinlarger, America's Cup, first Rugby World Cup etc.

    Yeah, I mean it's not as if the millions of people watching these events, who might just feel like drinking a beer, had anything to do with the 'sponsorship'. Pure Philanthropic Selflessness*.

    *PPS. Yeah, right!

    AUCKLAND • Since Dec 2009 • 2607 posts Report

  • Hard News: The Honours,

    In places like Germany and Switzerland, the banks actually did take on the role of providing venture capital, and that explains why their economies have historically been more resistant to shocks brought about through people finally getting the wibbles about their speculation.

    While I agree with the sentiments about the Stock Market, where the concept of 'Maximising Shareholder Value' has pretty much ruined the integrity of many a would be worthwhile 'public' company, this particular mess we're in is due largely to those banks, not the Stock Exchange.

    With many US and European banks in particular having Debt to Equity ratios under 10%, or in the negatives, based on speculative property values, or fly-by-night venture capital, I'd be equally reluctant to invest there. While 'our' banks (Aussie, Aussie, Aussie!) might be better, or at least easier to provide Government Guarantees for, it is not by much. Kiwibank and TSB? Well they're rare birds, and we don't speak ill of them.

    One of the few investments that has withstood all this is precious metals, and while I can't quite get my head around the god-like inherent value in a shiny piece of metal, that may only be because I don't have any.

    Of course the only remedy for all this greed driven excess is some form of regulation on this otherwise free-market. But those 'Knights of the Round Table' would have something to say about that.

    Fortunately, unless they are hidden by 'Services to business', there are no bankers on the list. That would be a bit rich...

    AUCKLAND • Since Dec 2009 • 2607 posts Report

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