Posts by Michael Fitzgerald

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  • Hard News: Policy, finally,

    If you live in Rolleston, you can drive past the closed Rolly railway station and all the way into town right next to the railway line, but you can't take a train.

    I've been told the magic number is a pop of 80K to justify light rail. Although Rolly will never get there. If it piggy backs onto the Industrial Dev at Rolly & stop the southern bypass motorway from Rolly to Lyttleton we might get some where.
    Failing that light rail from CHCH to Ashburton & CHCH to Amberly encompassing all of the northern res devs up there?

    Since May 2007 • 631 posts Report

  • Hard News: Policy, finally,

    I'm so gonna steal this

    "Driving a car in the in 07 is a bit like smoking in the 70's discuss."

    Although in far more agreement than not, I would like to quibble over "choice". We only choose the options open to us by govt & because of the sell offs and abdecation of Govt responsibility onto private sector/person for getting from A to B, it's a mess.
    Where govt has still kept an interest in transport its alot better - (Republic of) CHCH is the best in Australasia.

    Since May 2007 • 631 posts Report

  • Hard News: Policy, finally,

    "I'll be interested in your solution to how you can get public transport to be as fast and convenient as an automobile. "

    Ben an automobile can travel alot faster than it's allowed to by the various speed limits in place and the limits peak hours conjestion.

    Ever noticed the self satisfied smile on cyclists passing all the traffic banked up - that's me (or was before I had to tvl 20km out of town each day).

    Living 3/5 up in cities (& I say towns). Stop green field developments and start looking up. Not tower blocks of shoe boxes and infilled concrete slabs of the current urban cowboys (developers) but living spaces and communities in apartments. Thereby reducing the need to travel to work & if you still do light rail with govt subs. This of course would require a change of local body taxation from rates to a share of the general tax take.

    I have a plan for rural communities too - Villages. The idea is to build a community by bringing it closer together and not living on isolated farms. Can't do much about the high country - but that's being retired anyway.

    When I rule the world, certain ...

    Since May 2007 • 631 posts Report

  • Hard News: Policy, finally,

    Oh dear, he prob didn't make it past too many winters then. Have they set up Wet Hostels yet?

    I've walked from Joe Bannanas Hostel (just out of Hollywood) to the movie park along an LA motorway. A bit of fun as the hills slipped and there was no footpath but I still maintain safer than the LA Taxi I took to Joe Bannanas.
    Met an old class mate in Hollywood who wouldn't say how he was supporting himself - I've always suspected gay porn.

    Since May 2007 • 631 posts Report

  • Hard News: Policy, finally,

    Technolodgy is the problem, either too polluting or too pricy. We need to look at why & how we use it.

    There really is no need to drop kids off at the school gate, if we had school buses. These could then be used on smaller route or tours etc. before returning the cherised ones home again.
    Of course school buses wouldn't be needed with parralel infrastructer for cycles so a nine yr old would be safe to cycle to school.

    Tech got us to this point, has taken us to the moon, & can take us to Mars. Why do we want to go to Mars again? Why can't your kids bike to school?

    Since May 2007 • 631 posts Report

  • Hard News: Policy, finally,

    "And that's what we call Care In The Community"

    Come now Stephen, this was a single event, thus proving Care in the Community works (even if a few in the community don't).

    Just maybe a man capable of making it to his Docs by bus doesn't need a wrap around jacket and fortnightly cattle prod to the brain?

    Most the people on Christchurch buses seem pretty normal.

    Radio Ron is still riding the buses but some buggar taught him to swear a few years back.

    Someone should video the Late Buses, on the hour after midnight they depart the strip to the 12 cnrs of Christchurch, best entertainment $5 will get you all night.

    Since May 2007 • 631 posts Report

  • Hard News: Deriving satisfaction from…,

    Off topic

    Dr Kate Dewes received a Peace Award & Green Stone Pendant "Hine Roko Nui" (Roko was to my ear & may be Rongo with Kai Tahu dialect variation) tonight in CHCH at the Peace Bell in the Gardens of Hagley Park.

    Otago will be offering a Peace Degree next year as well.

    Since May 2007 • 631 posts Report

  • Hard News: Policy, finally,

    Infrastructure is where it's at, parrallel Infrastructure.

    Since May 2007 • 631 posts Report

  • Speaker: Mixing it up, with stats like,

    Russell et al

    I enjoy PA & it is you sand pit but I'm right on this one. Niggardly is used by smart ass racists ( so says the Urban dictionary) and I can't compromise on this position.

    What might be called common sense, or an understanding of socio-political reality of our world would surely have people realise this word is offensive, even when it is used as intended and without malice.

    I really though there could have been some interesting insight towards Kiwi identity here, oh well.

    Offence was not intended, testing ideas of identity was.

    Since May 2007 • 631 posts Report

  • Hard News: Go Webstock,

    Glorious Richie glourious.

    I've had the Good of my name questioned many times but rarely as enjoyable as by yourself.

    Mostly by renters who never paid & spread slander!

    Another from a mate whos uncle held high Army office in the Republic said (slander) & that we made up the bulk Blue shirts.

    I dear say a few went to Spain as well for the Reds.
    You'll note they're both Fitzys

    But I'll share a secret about the martyrdom & St Paddy.... we didn't so why the Cross ...

    And in reply I must simply say Yes

    Since May 2007 • 631 posts Report

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