Posts by David Slack

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  • Island Life: There is no depression in…,

    Andrew beat me to it.

    Well I liked the hands one. Not that I could possibly comment.

    Devonport • Since Nov 2006 • 599 posts Report

  • Island Life: There is no depression in…,

    Jackie, all mocking aside, the facilities and the equipment are bloody good. I find the crowd that comes before breakfast is a bit sharp-elbowed but for the rest of the day, the people you encounter are pretty friendly. As for the bitchiness mentioned up-thread, I'm not able to report on conditions inside the women's changing rooms, but I do see some some expressions on some taut faces that would suggest it's not all lovely.

    I don't do classes, but a lot of people seem to get plenty from them.

    It would be good to see you there.

    Devonport • Since Nov 2006 • 599 posts Report

  • Speaker: Surviving Small,

    a Charger Pole with many charger cords that folk can use to recharge their phones.

    Vodafone on Lambton Quay were good enough to let me use theirs yesterday.

    And yes, David, steal that one too :)

    For a competing show? You're too kind : )

    Devonport • Since Nov 2006 • 599 posts Report

  • Island Life: There is no depression in…,

    A pair of what?

    Clearly I need to rediscover my cajones. I used to be able to reel this stuff off.

    Devonport • Since Nov 2006 • 599 posts Report

  • Island Life: There is no depression in…,

    Often licked, seldom beaten....

    Devonport • Since Nov 2006 • 599 posts Report

  • Island Life: There is no depression in…,

    Quite. You never know what kind of junk might have gone into it.

    Devonport • Since Nov 2006 • 599 posts Report

  • Island Life: There is no depression in…,

    Good point, that, Joanna. It's amplified in the TED talk by Schwartz that Monitor links to elsewhere on this page.

    Perhaps one of the great challenges of drafting good law is finding the point at which you strike strike the ideal balance between generality and specificity.

    I think what irks me about the way people use the word 'inappropriate' is that they can't be bothered to to articulate their concerns in any detail. They also seem to imply that whatever they object to is, by common understanding, unacceptable. That may or may not be the case, and yet they seem to assume it to be so, which suggests arrogance or at least complacency.

    Devonport • Since Nov 2006 • 599 posts Report

  • Speaker: Surviving Small,

    It would be great if each local body would put a free business wifi connection in a cafe near the council offices and promote it as a place where out of towners can get a connection. It would be a greta point to connect to all of those travelling business people and them interacting with local businesses and services.

    That's a great idea, Rod. Mind if I quote it on the radio?

    Devonport • Since Nov 2006 • 599 posts Report

  • Island Life: There is no depression in…,

    Zippy and Ben: yes, it is.

    Don: you looked past the word 'trying'. He makes 1.35 look effortless.

    Devonport • Since Nov 2006 • 599 posts Report

  • Island Life: There is no depression in…,

    What is/was the best little whorehouse in NZ?

    I have never left Lone Star without feeling I have been royally screwed.

    Don't be shy now!

    Yes, that's my big problem.

    Devonport • Since Nov 2006 • 599 posts Report

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