Posts by Farmer Green

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  • Hard News: The fake news problem,

    I had another take on "voluntarism as a primary social ethic".
    I took it to be volunteering one's life in service to something; a person or an ideal , even a piece of land. But the common idea was voluntary service, as in a life of service.
    Examples that came to mind were such things as the Volunteer Fire Service, and the Armed Services, and the Civil Service.
    Those entering such services were voluntarily giving up their right as freemen to be their own boss, a big ask in those days.

    Lower North Island • Since Nov 2012 • 778 posts Report

  • Hard News: The fake news problem,

    No zero is not a number, or was not a number. No 5 is asking for the first "a" . . . so a comprehension test.
    The first question established that a line need not be straight . . . lines delineate.

    Lower North Island • Since Nov 2012 • 778 posts Report

  • Hard News: The fake news problem, in reply to mark taslov,

    "irresponsible demagogue "
    Pre-inauguration, that looks like an "early call" :-)

    Lower North Island • Since Nov 2012 • 778 posts Report

  • Hard News: The fake news problem,

    I think that there was a public service examination in Godzone until the early nineteen forties.
    I have not been able to document it from available archives.

    Lower North Island • Since Nov 2012 • 778 posts Report

  • Hard News: The fake news problem, in reply to B Jones,

    We did try . . .sort of . . . briefly.

    ” In 1886 the Government of the day made another effort to systematise the public service and eliminate patronage.
    Competitive examination was established as the sole method of entry into the service and the appointment of outsiders to higher positions was made difficult, though not impossible.

    Parliament’s self-denying ordinance had a brief life.

    In the following year amending legislation gave the Government power to appoint persons for any temporary service. The ‘back door’ was once more wide open; and through it, in the period of prosperity and expanding state activity which followed, poured a stream of political appointees which soon swamped what was left of the system of entry by merit and promotion from within.”

    Lower North Island • Since Nov 2012 • 778 posts Report

  • Hard News: The fake news problem, in reply to Dennis Frank,

    The incentive-structure must be more than just money.

    Yes . My solution , when the shortcomings of sharemilking were apparent, was to then become a share milker to the sharemilker while still filling the farm-owner role. It was not a great solution but it did work until the contract ended.
    Then it was back to square one.

    Lower North Island • Since Nov 2012 • 778 posts Report

  • Hard News: The fake news problem, in reply to Dennis Frank,

    A system that provides a way for volunteers with confidence & expertise to volunteer for solution implementation roles.

    That sounds a bit like sharemilking ; it has been a very successful Kiwi innovation that is envied in other agricultural communities where squire/serf was the modus operandi. Biologists might call it a mutualistic association.
    But the sharemilking system has been found wanting when a longer -term perspective was necessary for the sustainability of the farm community ; contracts are rarely longer than five years, and that tends to encourage short -term thinking.

    Lower North Island • Since Nov 2012 • 778 posts Report

  • Hard News: The fake news problem, in reply to andin,

    We need globalisation,

    I don’t know that I need that, so I’m looking for a steer on what you see a totally globalised Godzone would look like.

    Lower North Island • Since Nov 2012 • 778 posts Report

  • Hard News: The fake news problem, in reply to andin,

    get its own house in order

    What would that look like in Godzone , assuming we could do it?

    Lower North Island • Since Nov 2012 • 778 posts Report

  • Hard News: The fake news problem, in reply to andin,

    , faced it head on.

    Maybe the Saker is regarded as tin foil territory, but there do seem to be some battle- lines being drawn. But it could be fake news:-

    Lower North Island • Since Nov 2012 • 778 posts Report

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