Posts by Jack Harrison

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  • Speaker: Science and Democracy, in reply to Russell Brown,

    The obvious path into a marijuana law is to have it used for medical purposes.

    Sarah Silverman showed us how easy it is to carry in modern U.S society, a pen full of liquid. It's a medicine people. It's not a great long term party drug but it's a good medicine. That deserves all the dignity of dosage information, side effects and a knowledge and a study of the different hybrids grown.

    wellington • Since Aug 2014 • 296 posts Report

  • Hard News: The sole party of government,

    The sad thing is Washington D.C is a bit of a basket case for crime. Well it was when I was there. I assume some endeavours have been done to help the strange ignored status of America’s capital. I don’t know much about Puerto Rico.

    But yes 50 states. I see. Thanks.

    wellington • Since Aug 2014 • 296 posts Report

  • Hard News: The sole party of government, in reply to Kyle Matthews,

    I like what your saying.

    Compulsory voting is still an alternative to the “politics is not for me” million non- votes ,because it is about them. Big time.

    wellington • Since Aug 2014 • 296 posts Report

  • Hard News: Friday Music: The swimmer…,

    Buzz is a great pop singer. Like a Chris Knox but with a more sweeter tone. His voice and melody and phrasing always jangles the brain.

    wellington • Since Aug 2014 • 296 posts Report

  • Hard News: The humanity,

    Labour needed 3 to 4 % of Nationals votes, 30,000 votes and the rigging of 2 seats to be voted out to win a government. .

    I honestly shudder how statistics are used in politics. It was tight.

    Labour looked after its non-voters very well in their last two administrations, National want to punish the 52%.

    wellington • Since Aug 2014 • 296 posts Report

  • OnPoint: Sunlight Resistance, in reply to Graham Dunster,

    Political scum: Purposely wrecking character in order to taint a decision.

    Character: Some poor bastard whose life is so publicly mauled that they quit out of protection and frustration.

    wellington • Since Aug 2014 • 296 posts Report

  • OnPoint: Sunlight Resistance, in reply to Steve Barnes,

    Ad prices are variable, sometimes obscenely so, better to have a ad space sold than to have it vacant. Budget. Election ads are lovely earners, like clients out of nowhere.

    wellington • Since Aug 2014 • 296 posts Report

  • Hard News: The sole party of government, in reply to Sofie Bribiesca,

    The lending environment for the poor , special needs teaching as a profession and the free doctor visits for our kids needs to happen tomorrow. Hurry up National. These are essential. This is your promise.

    wellington • Since Aug 2014 • 296 posts Report

  • OnPoint: Sunlight Resistance,

    Stickering a newspaper is very expensive.I know this through a discussion with a company who wanted to sell the process, and very controversial. A chain of supermarkets pulled a newspaper for this. The ad was for their grocery rivals ,and the newspapers were and still are displayed prominently at the point of purchase. Advertising rate cards are also very variable, many times bent by a rep and their manager for the promise of further business.

    wellington • Since Aug 2014 • 296 posts Report

  • OnPoint: Sunlight Resistance, in reply to Damian Christie,

    Stickering newpapers, buying the whole border of a an online newspaper, and sponsoring the news with your political party is a game of money, not fairness.

    News is supposed to be clean.

    wellington • Since Aug 2014 • 296 posts Report

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