Posts by Felix Marwick

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  • Hard News: Bad men,

    Let's put it this way. I knew, and so did everyone else I what were you chances of selecting a 12 member jury in which NO-ONE knew?

    Doubt it.

    Think for a moment about the circles you move in. How up to date on current affairs are you and your friends? Do you read the papers. listen to the radio, and watch the news on a regular basis?

    But remember, just because the circles you move in are well informed that doesn't necessarily mean everybody else's are. There's a lot of people out there for who news and current affairs are of no interest. So they can be blissfully ignorant of details you and I take for granted.

    We were having the same debate in our newsroom yesterday. Some were scratching their heads wondering; "How could they not have known?"
    Then someone pointed out
    "Hang on a moment, we're news geeks. Of course we know. But (thankfully) not everyone's like us".

    On a different tack. One thing that hasn't been debated yet is the make up of the jury. 8 men and 4 women. Could that have affected deliberations?

    (I pose that as a question - not an attack on the integrity of the jury)

    Wellington • Since Nov 2006 • 200 posts Report

  • Hard News: Wonderful athletes,


    This is hereby an open apology to Messrs John Bracewell and Craig McMillan.

    in recent months (if not years) I have given the pair of you a fair amount of stick (in my capacity as a cricket fan, not as a reporter) for your efforts in the cricketing arena. Thank you so, so, much for proving me wrong, and showing that we can be proud of our NZ cricket team.

    All the "can't bat, can't bloody coach" comments are now being swallowed down with a hefty serving of humble pie.

    Now if it's not too much to ask; could you kindly win the World Cup? That'd be just grand.


    An armchair critic (one of many)

    Wellington • Since Nov 2006 • 200 posts Report

  • Random Play: Alt.Nation: Word . . . Up,

    out of curiousity (and I do genuinely want to know) what part of the politics of the economy, as relates to news coverage, do you feel are being missed due to the owners and management of NZ media companies?

    Wellington • Since Nov 2006 • 200 posts Report

  • Random Play: Alt.Nation: Word . . . Up,

    I assume you are referring to the US based activities of TRN shareholder Clear Channel and its policies for its US based networks with regard to the Iraq war. Policies incidentally which were criticised on air by ZB hosts.

    While there may be those that believe that the shareholders exert some sort of editorial control over on air product I can assure you it does not apply to the news TRN produces.

    I'll happily accept there are limitations on commercial radio news (but that's another debate) but to argue that there is some sort of corporate control over what news does, and what news doesn't, go to air is patently false.

    I'll even agree that the news service could be better. There is always room for improvement. (sorry to use a well worn line from Damien O'Connor) But given the resources it has, the difficulty in attracting people to journalism, and other factors, TRN does pretty well

    I suspect you and I will have to agree to disagree on this issue. That's fine with me. But having spent time living in the UK and reading such publications like The Sun I actually think things here in NZ aren't that bad.

    Wellington • Since Nov 2006 • 200 posts Report

  • Random Play: Alt.Nation: Word . . . Up,

    Help! Depending which forum I'm in I'm either liberally biased or a right wing stooge.

    I'm confuzzled.

    Perhaps I should blame it on the regular checks from the media baron who tells me what to write?

    Wellington • Since Nov 2006 • 200 posts Report

  • Politics 08,

    Re the Maori Party visit to TPF.

    Yes it was probably about kaupapa and aroha but you do have to ask a few hard questions given comments made earlier this year by Tariana Turia about the Pacific Island community and the Maori electoral roll.

    Having Pacific Island support at the next election would do huge things for the Maori Party's party vote. If they can win all the Maori Seats (v' possible) and boost their party vote they maximise their bargaining power. It's the smart strategy

    Wellington • Since Nov 2006 • 200 posts Report

  • Hard News: Wonderful athletes,

    Yeah but againsts a second string Aussie side on a typical Kiwi greentop.

    While I'm happy at the win I'd feel a lot better if it'd been against a full strength Aussie outfit on a more batter friendly wicket.

    Wellington • Since Nov 2006 • 200 posts Report

  • Hard News: Wonderful athletes,

    101 not out

    Which is more than one can say for our esteemed Black Caps Captain

    Wellington • Since Nov 2006 • 200 posts Report

  • Island Life: My way or the highway,

    I was actually at this event today (returning to my old Chch roots as it were).

    What struck me about it all was the audience. Predominantly white and well off. There was a who's who of the Canterbury wealthy in attendance. Had there been a fire at the Burnside Rugby Club this afternoon Canterbury's GDP potential would have taken a bit of a hit.

    I did look but I couldn't see a table for the economic underclass anywhere in the building.

    While I can understand the symbolism for John Key to "return to his roots" in Burnside it struck me as a little off-kilter that John Key was talking about the poor instead of to them.

    For the record the event doubled as a National Party fundraiser. There were about 250+ people there paying $65 a head. So they would have raised about $16,000.

    Wellington • Since Nov 2006 • 200 posts Report

  • Yellow Peril: Well, you all asked them…,

    Hmmm I remember many years ago signing up for the Dole when I was going through a very brief "in between careers" phase. As I recall there was no work for the dole approach but there were a few compulsory workshops to teach me how to market myself to a prospective employer.

    Basically they were 3 hour wankfests that took up valuable time that I could have been job searching (in fact I got told off for missing one even though I'd had a job interview that clashed).

    Now I accept while the workshops/seminars weren't for me they could have been valuable to others , however I found them frustrating and of limited value.

    And that's what I fear will happen with work for the dole. People will get conscripted into mindless and limited value tasks taking up time they should be using to look for work.

    If we're that worried about people staying on the dole long term and simply being bludgers then there's an easy solution. Prove they're milking, then take their benefit off them.

    Wellington • Since Nov 2006 • 200 posts Report

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