Posts by Jack Harrison

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  • Speaker: An Open Letter To David Cunliffe,

    Auckland will have a landed class and a non-landed class, the latter never sure of its residency. Until this shocking socially irresponsible economic house price jacking stops. It's time this rort was stopped for the hard reality of renting in Auckland and the obvious generational social reasons.

    wellington • Since Aug 2014 • 296 posts Report

  • Speaker: An Open Letter To David Cunliffe, in reply to mark taslov,

    What policy would you write?

    wellington • Since Aug 2014 • 296 posts Report

  • Speaker: An Open Letter To David Cunliffe,

    “almost of the income of the very wealthy comes from capital gains. That’s why CGT is so progressive.” - marks link

    Yes, Capital is (are) your playing card(s).

    wellington • Since Aug 2014 • 296 posts Report

  • Speaker: An Open Letter To David Cunliffe,

    I think the vision is to have a super powerful mega-city that could rival Melbourne or Sydney for capital potential , a political capital with a film industry and farming.

    wellington • Since Aug 2014 • 296 posts Report

  • Speaker: An Open Letter To David Cunliffe, in reply to mark taslov,

    The housing market could continue in Auckland for 10 - 20 years. It's seems to be perfectly placed to be blasted by the property industry. The perfect storm.

    It's a sure thing with its population projections and it looks good to a government because it gives the image of money doing well. Stuff the major city with punters , the obvious strategy of a small island run by a government bereft of ideas.

    wellington • Since Aug 2014 • 296 posts Report

  • Speaker: An Open Letter To David Cunliffe, in reply to mark taslov,

    Cunliffe has been George MCGoverned. The press don’t relate to him. Trivial bastards but still always keen for a “Gotcha”.
    Every night of the week if possible. Controversy drives readership and the individual press want their stories rocking t.v and ratings.

    It’s a writing team looking for gossip. D.C and his press dis-tractors go back a long way but they have won.

    wellington • Since Aug 2014 • 296 posts Report

  • Speaker: An Open Letter To David Cunliffe, in reply to mark taslov,

    It's not his game, it's the game. Calm the fuck out of the press pack with charm,wit and policy. Grant could be great t.v for Labour and to win an election you need 51% of a supportive block so hung up orientation non-believers can be marginalised. Can Grant talk?

    wellington • Since Aug 2014 • 296 posts Report

  • Speaker: Compulsory voting and election turnout, in reply to mark taslov,

    When a market goes so out of control, there will be corrective action the other way that is not particularly subtle. Death taxes from Mickey Savage stopped many aspiring family businesses in their tracks. It was done to correct a huge sore of an inbalance in five quick years.

    Housing drains our economy of too much of the wage that helps fuel capitalism. It’s a drain on our spending power and is non-productive. Asset owning is a core testament of Capitalism, the family plot being the cornerstone of the harmony factor.

    wellington • Since Aug 2014 • 296 posts Report

  • Speaker: An Open Letter To David Cunliffe, in reply to mark taslov,

    We run presidential campaigns now, yes. Muldoon style. Bush style, Mitt style, it's all about the face.

    wellington • Since Aug 2014 • 296 posts Report

  • Hard News: History repeats: New…,

    Well the drug they are liberating back in the U.S.A is a herb called marijuana. It's a goldmine once you control breed and dosage. Alcohol is too destructive as a social tool maybe beyond 5% proof.

    Heavy booze needs to go. Too corruptive. Too unhealthy on mood and liver.

    wellington • Since Aug 2014 • 296 posts Report

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