Posts by Glenn Pearce

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  • Capture: Peak Pohutukawa,


    Always in bloom

    Auckland • Since Feb 2007 • 504 posts Report

  • Capture: Peak Pohutukawa,

    Maybe I should try shouting at it...

    Auckland • Since Feb 2007 • 504 posts Report

  • Capture: Peak Pohutukawa,

    Attachment Attachment

    Whatever it is that’s making the Pohutakawa bloom is also making for a bumper Tomato crop, but I cannot for the life of me get Basil to grow this year

    Auckland • Since Feb 2007 • 504 posts Report

  • Hard News: Public Address Word of the…,


    Auckland • Since Feb 2007 • 504 posts Report

  • Hard News: Public Address Word of the…,

    Nomination for Auckland WOTY...


    Auckland • Since Feb 2007 • 504 posts Report

  • Hard News: Park Life, in reply to Russell Brown,

    A proper 9 Hole course might be OK, 9-Hole courses do tend to be more towards the pitch-and-putt end of the scale though which might be less acceptable to the golf fans

    Auckland • Since Feb 2007 • 504 posts Report

  • Hard News: Park Life, in reply to Russell Brown,

    It's certainly hard to argue for maintaining Chamberlain Park in it's current state based on those numbers although I think you need to be cautious about adopting a "use it or lose it" approach to public amenities.

    Intensive use of existing facilities (all weather fields, floodlights etc.) brings its own set of problems for the surrounding properties of those facilities as well. Noise, traffic, litter etc. that previously might not have been an issue.

    Auckland • Since Feb 2007 • 504 posts Report

  • Hard News: Park Life, in reply to ChrisB,

    Volcanic rock base, makes it the best draining course around. Plays well right through the Winter.

    Auckland • Since Feb 2007 • 504 posts Report

  • Hard News: Park Life, in reply to Russell Brown,

    College Rifles Rugby has had 2 artificial surface playing fields since about 2009

    Edit: I see someone else has already pointed this out.

    Chamberlain Park Golf also has a strong association with NZ Maori Golf. Judge Mick Brown in 2011

    In that way Chamberlain Park [where the programme is based] has been a godsend as it is a public course. Otherwise how are these youngsters going to afford to be members of a flash club?”

    Auckland • Since Feb 2007 • 504 posts Report

  • Hard News: Park Life,

    One thing that strikes me about playing fields is that the fields in local schools do seem to be underutilised outside of school hours esp. the primary and intermediate schools.

    Could local councils come to some sort of arrangement with schools regarding maintenance of grounds in exchange for use in evenings/weekends?

    Even helping with the $ to make the school fields all season a la Seddon Fields in exchange for use outside of school hours. The kids can’t even use the school fields themselves most of the winter.

    There is generally a lack of co-operation between local governement and the MoE from my observation. Just look at the recent Unitary plan re-zoning and the effect on school rolls. The council just says “not my problem jack” talk to the Ministry.

    Auckland • Since Feb 2007 • 504 posts Report

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