Posts by pollywog

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  • Hard News: Let's lynch the liberals!,

    Anyway pollywog, you can come back, but do it with a song in your heart.

    thanx once again:)

    IMHO... the internet allows us to recreate ourselves online in our best possible image or not. its like a dorian grey thing, online personas hidden in the online attic, the uglier they get, the saner we stay in real life ? its healthy to be confronted with them ocassionally and i can even look at some/mine objectively and think hmmm...what an asshole but i dont hold it against them for any length of time, its mostly just rants du jour. and yes, i do turn the 'smoking mirror' of mayan myth to myself, to reflect not what i see but who i am and i'm happy with the image.

    'people' can be so unforgiving on line and hold percieved grudges for posts long since abandoned. it pays not to take shit personally and just deal with one opinion at a time regardless of who posted what. mostly i dont even look to see who posted what because it colours the perception of who i think they are or who they think they are or who they would like to be ?

    sorry and as for the song in my heart. it changes with the weather. at the moment it's



    somewhere else • Since Dec 2009 • 152 posts Report

  • Hard News: Let's lynch the liberals!,

    pollywog, your whining is ruining my Friday.

    sorry scotty, but you should never let anything people say online ruin anything about your real life, least of all for a whole day and yeah, the other great thing about forums is, you can ignore posts and not reply at all

    Well, it is a mystery to me what exactly you are complaining about.

    and i'll do my utmost to keep it that way. keep the fuckers guessing i say but comparing personas in virtual communities to their real life alter egos would make for an interesting study though, don't you think. like are you a re-creation in your own best image ?

    As far as I'm concerned, you're in no danger.

    what... no death threats ? and dont worry, i won't ever turn up to a PA 'meet the geeks' evening. i'll probably say i will then not show :)

    somewhere else • Since Dec 2009 • 152 posts Report

  • Hard News: Let's lynch the liberals!,

    God i hope people never get to know me that well. i like people with an air of mystery:)

    somewhere else • Since Dec 2009 • 152 posts Report

  • Hard News: Let's lynch the liberals!,

    You know what you will get from PA ...

    yeah, sad eh ?...that after 3 years a pecking order becomes established and boring predictablity sets in.

    people repping themselves so much that you can almost guarantee you know what and how they are going to say things before they do.

    somewhere else • Since Dec 2009 • 152 posts Report

  • Hard News: Let's lynch the liberals!,

    I've noticed new people joining discussions here without any fuss

    as long as they agree with the mob other wise they dont stick around long. FFS just look what happened to conseismal, he calls bullshit on a mob member and gets shat on. i call bullshit i get shat on. ben puts forward something contrary to the mob opinion he gets shat on. clive gives his take on things and gets shat on.

    look at the anti trotter stuff. what would happen if a lone dissenter/ trotter supporter or even trotter turned up himself ? he'd get shat on. cactus kate puts forward something contrary she gets shat on. brickley puts something out ther and even russell shits on him. not excactly a good example to follow but hey if thats the tune the pipers playing then lets all be lemmings.

    the expectation here and most forums is that we are all supposed to have the same opinion and write it in the same manner. oh and not slag off any *real people* who participate but anyone outside, like trotter is fair game. how very fucking boring and cowardly!

    and if you're going to be rude try to be funny about it ? what sort of advice is that ? Why ? cos then you'll appeal to the mob and be accepted by the good people..oh fuck off!!!

    If bad behaviour is left uncorrected, things "even themselves out" by...

    by whatever means and there are many but in the long run they even out and who's to call "bad behaviour"...mob rule/good people ?

    What utter crap. But y'know, that's just my professional opinion. Can't see my face, so I'm obviously not a person.

    oh you're probably a person but it is gettin harder to tell bots apart and even more so in the future. so by all means call utter crap where and how you see it, just prove it with something carrying a little more weight than, you're a professional mod or juvenile distractions and even then dont expect everyone to agree.

    thats the thing with most forums sooner or later people only say shit others know they will agree with for *fear* of getting shat on. is that because virtual life is reflecting real life and how people really are ?

    do you even know who you are ?

    somewhere else • Since Dec 2009 • 152 posts Report

  • Hard News: Let's lynch the liberals!,

    i know what i'm doing and am going to take a break because i cant treat others here as people if i cant look into their eye as they say stupid shit. i dont know them as people, i dont want to know them, and its easier to just deal with opinions at face value without getting personal.

    the thing is, you dont have to wade in. you choose to and did what you said you wouldn't. what does that say about you? the other thing i've noticed about on line disputes is if the mods would just let it ride, things tend to even themselves out in the long run and people, as has been noted tend to filter out the bullshit anyway.

    somewhere else • Since Dec 2009 • 152 posts Report

  • Hard News: Let's lynch the liberals!,

    This is a really boring dispute. Active moderation would require me taking a stance on it and I can't be bothered with that.

    So let's just say that the next of the squabbling parties to continue the squabble shall be deemed at fault.

    OK its no big deal but in the interests of consistency, you took a stance when you actively moderated/deleted my post, even though i got it in before you posted that one. you then qualified your stance in your following post.

    Oh brilliant, pollywog -- you managed to win the race by posting a stupid comment while I was still writing the above.

    I've deleted it. Just take a break for a while, huh?

    so what did i win ? you shouldn't have deleted it and krackalite can stick his trolling insults and advice up his arse though i will accept his apology.

    and is it too much to ask russell, that you also be consistent ?

    now heres a thing i 've noticed about on line communities from lots of first hand experience ben.

    everyone starts out equal and mostly anonymous. sure you may know some people in real life, they may even be friends so posters allow a certain freedom for their real life acquaintances to express themselves a bit more vigourously in their posts.

    as time goes by, alliances form with others of like minded opinion who are then afforded the same freedom and start to express themselves likewise more vigourously as the mob mentality of "tough at a distance and tough in crowd takes hold". when others, usually a newbie, counter one of the mob and their opinion dissents from the majority it becomes less tolerated and the alliance speaking as one, through many mouths, under the guise of sticking up for each other, gradually sidetrack any issue into a personal one and launch an attack on many fronts. using the ad hominem strategy, the troll disguise, teh grammar confusting technique, and the highly favourable, 'appealing to the powers on high' ego stroke, they gradually wear down the dissenter into leaving or silence as it becomes too draining in both time and energy to defend their position. alternately the dissenter gets smote from on high using the ultimate, divine intervention, actively moderated hand of god weilding ban stick.

    on the rare occassion that with blinding logic and factual data the dissenter does manage a victory of sorts, your prize is usually the deafening stone wall of silence. you can either beat your head against it in the hopes the wall will break or as with the wailing wall, put a note in the cracks and pray for forgiveness.

    ultimately though what you end up with in most online forums is a community of like minds and a consensus of opinion that is both stagnant and repulsive in its virtual backslapping camaraderie.

    so russell. you've been playing virtual real life communities on line and repping your self for a while. I'd love to hear your opinion on this side of media 2.0. Yeah we all know about the web media watching the mainstream watching the world but who watches the 2.0 watchers ?

    somewhere else • Since Dec 2009 • 152 posts Report

  • Hard News: Let's lynch the liberals!,

    did Key just pre empt copenhagens strategy of buying off maori as a developing nation in exchange for support in passing a contentious bill under urgency?...and wasnt his reading of copenhagen as a photo op for politicians strangely prophetic.

    but now hes honour bound to go there and pay lipservice at the taxpayers expense. If it were me i'd skip it and get stoned in amsterdam instead and to hell with the rich muthafuckas raping the earth.

    somewhere else • Since Dec 2009 • 152 posts Report

  • Hard News: Let's lynch the liberals!,

    yeah well craig, dunno whether to take that as a compliment or not but something bout the term just doesnt sit right with me. I'm hoping s/he will, being an english teacher and all and probably fully aware of the term, expound on the reasons for using it.

    fair enough to call me up on synonyms for hilarious and adjectives but calling out poo slinging simian tar babies while professing the standards expected...that is just WOW!

    somewhere else • Since Dec 2009 • 152 posts Report

  • Hard News: Let's lynch the liberals!,

    I suspect that the best way of reducing the world's population will be contraception, education and career opportunity.

    would neutering the underclass satisfy ?

    Earth can support X number of hippies, Y number of boomers, Z number of technocrats. A set of earth and space resources can support... I need a pie chart.

    and how many poo slinging simian tar babies would you support ?

    somewhere else • Since Dec 2009 • 152 posts Report

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