Posts by Michael Stevens

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  • Hard News: "Rubbish" is putting it politely,

    Yes, we in the Velvet Mafia are at work to take over the world one scholarship at a time. GABA is just a front you see, we have secret plans for world domination, it is part of a vast international conspiracy - the Homintern.

    As well as turning all your sons into hairdressers or interior decorators with gym toned and waxed bodies, we are going to turn your daughters into truck drivers or organic goat farmers.

    Soon the whole world will be beautifully dressed and decorated ! Fear us !

    Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 230 posts Report

  • Hard News: There's a lot of it about,

    It's all a sad and sorry mess, and Winnie could have cleared it all up ages ago, but his ego wouldn't let him.

    Labour's behaviour has been despicable, or strategic, depending on how you view it. I still think Helen's main worry is if they cut NZ1 loose at least half of NZ1's vote will go tory and she doesn't want that to happen.

    Key, shifty - his first response always seems to be to lie.

    Could our politicians be sinking to the level of (gasp) Australian ones?

    Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 230 posts Report

  • Hard News: Fun while the banking system collapses,

    Thanks for linking to the Subprime show Russell. As giovanni says, the best explanation yet. I'm going to flick it on to my students.

    Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 230 posts Report

  • Cracker: Being there is everything.…,

    Oh the vanity of Labour Cabinet Ministers. In a previous incarnation as Chair of NZAF I was giving an official welcome to the PM, the Mayor, other worthies at a fund-raiser in Auckland, all of whom were on the list I'd been provided. A certain Cabinet minister (go on, guess...) had decided to join the official party at the last minute without letting me or anyone else know, and stood at the back of the room.
    He immediately came up afterwards and attacked me for not acknowledging him and his immense contribution of time to our cause.

    I just hope he becomes a piece of left luggage one day .

    Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 230 posts Report

  • Hard News: Need to Know,

    Labour have managed to squander a large part of their most precious assett, their reputation. Technically they haven't breached laws, but it doesn't look good at all.

    This is what pisses me off - I really can't see them behaving this ineptly in their first or second terms. It's as though they have completely lost their political management skills.

    Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 230 posts Report

  • Island Life: Off the top of my head.,

    The line about a dog returning to its own vomit is actually from the Book of Proverbs (in the Bible )

    Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 230 posts Report

  • Hard News: The out-of-control manchild…,

    Well Russell, as I said, it was a good show. Regarding better research:

    You talked about the Pink Dollar and the idea of gay affluence. This has been shown to a myth - I don't have the data to hand, but there have been a couple of very well-researched papers on this showing at best equivalence and often a worse financial position for gays and lesbians. It's actually an important point, as it is so widely held and so wrong. Some gay men and lesbians are affluent, but many are not, and having us all put in this category of "Rich" is both unhelpful and false.

    I see on gaynz you were informed Pink Triangle was a magazine not a newspaper, ok, I'll pass that one, but I disagree, I always saw it as a national newspaper when I was a lad in the 80s. Minor point but it was around way before mtm and express

    Up was published from Wellington early this century for around 4 years I think. jack from Auckland for about 2.

    The lesbian newsletter has been running for over 20 years now I think. But women didn't get much of a look in. Maybe if you'd framed it as being about the gay male world it would have been better?

    And the drag queen interview - *sigh* it's not the the equivalent to putting whites in blackface to know what Maori think, but nearly.

    But all that aside, yes, you have to fit it into the time limits of tv, and overall it was good, I gave it a pass ;-)

    Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 230 posts Report

  • Hard News: The out-of-control manchild…,

    well Russell, the show was ok, but could have been better with more research, and perhaps one younger panel member would have been a good idea. Everyone there was well over 50.

    And Simon's piece was utter shite - that was the reaction from everyone I talked to as we left.

    But overall it was good and I'm glad you aired those issues. I gave it 6/10, and I'm a very hard marker.

    Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 230 posts Report

  • Hard News: The Spiral of Events,

    The thing that strikes me here is the way Labour seems to have lost its once excellent political management skills.

    Can you see Clark et al in their first term letting this happen? I can't.

    What they have left on their hands is the impression of some very dodgy dealings. Not that these are necessarily true, but the level of incompetence and sleasze that hangs around now is surely damaging.

    Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 230 posts Report

  • Island Life: He lied to us all,

    What has happened to their political management skills?

    Labour used to be so good at this, but now...

    We do live in interesting times.

    Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 230 posts Report

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