Posts by Karen Crisp

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  • Up Front: Where You From?, in reply to Russell Brown,

    I lived there for five years and I still like to think that in some small way I’m a Londoner. Perhaps that’s because there was a sense of achievement, of having got the hang of the place, when I first was able to think of myself as belonging there.

    I feel the same Russel. I arrived in London early 1991 and was miserable at first -wondered why I'd swapped a warehouse with views of Rangitoto for a grim squat in Peckham- but I decided that I wouldn't leave the damn city until I loved it. Moved back to Auckland in 1999. Part Londoner too.

    Auckland • Since May 2008 • 28 posts Report

  • Hard News: It Began ... in Chicago,

    We went to Spectrum a couple of times (Monday nights!). Heaven was a gay club with an awesome lighting rig. Crazy place.

    Ah Heaven. Never in my life have I brushed past so many naked male torsos. And the walls were dripping wet.

    Auckland • Since May 2008 • 28 posts Report

  • Hard News: It Began ... in Chicago,

    I am _so_ glad I moved to London in the very early 90s. Arrived a Dunedin Sound/indie girl; transformed into a clubber within months. I felt so lucky to be in the right place at the right time, or so it seemed to me.

    Auckland • Since May 2008 • 28 posts Report

  • Hard News: About Arie,

    Cops were from NZ, according to this.

    Auckland • Since May 2008 • 28 posts Report

  • Hard News: Again: Is everyone okay?,

    I too want to thank the PA community for being there, as always but this week in particular. Your warmth, wit and wisdom have been touchstones for a time of dizzy reality and fear.


    I too cannot get anything done this week. I went to the supermarket yesterday and could not believe that life was going on as normal here in Auckland. It somehow just felt wrong. But I thought I was the only person who felt like that.

    Auckland • Since May 2008 • 28 posts Report

  • Public Address Word of the Year 2009,

    Is the word journey from this year, or has it been around interminably? I suspect the latter intermanibility.

    Was going to suggest the same, but didn't as the word has seemingly been annoying me *forever*.

    Auckland • Since May 2008 • 28 posts Report

  • Island Life: The Guilt of Clayton Weatherston,

    Whenever someone from a women's group speaks on behalf of women, someone is constitutionally required to express a variant of 'what about teh menz?' Otherwise the internet will break.


    Auckland • Since May 2008 • 28 posts Report

  • Hard News: Two very different topics,

    Auckland heeft meer meh.


    Auckland • Since May 2008 • 28 posts Report

  • Hard News: Heard any good tunes lately?,

    Bonnie Prince Billy at the Dog's Bollix 2004
    Radiohead at Reading Uni 1997
    Johnny Cash and June Carter Cash at Glastonbury 1994
    Nick Cave at the same festival
    Kraftwerk at the Brixton Academy 1991
    Fetus Productions at the Oriental 1985
    Split Enz at His Majestys' 1982

    Auckland • Since May 2008 • 28 posts Report

  • Hard News: All your Trade are belong to us,

    Ok, here's a banal question. I have been weaning myself off The Listener very gradually over the past year or two due to disappointment, so now I am looking around for alternative TV listings and critique and so on. I quite liked the star ratings given to films broadcast on tele in The Listener, for example.

    Where else do people look? Or have you all given up on the teev?

    Auckland • Since May 2008 • 28 posts Report

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