Capture: Flash Cars
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Islander, in reply to
Ooo, my uncle Bill had a green one of them!
It was the car he lent his beloved sister, not long after she was widowed, to take the kids to Otepoti.
On a notorious one-way bridge, close to Millers Crossing, she was halfway across when another car came on. At speed.
There were 4 of Mary’s kids in the car, and her mother, my Nanna.
They were left unconsious. I was in the back seat with Diane & John.
I leaned over to the front, and noticed my mother had lost teeth on the steering wheel. Worse, my Nanna had a head wound (that’s when I learned human fat is yellow.)
Worst – I couldnt see my baby brother Andrew.Because the one-way was on the main highway, traffic was piling up both ways.
A person on the southward-bound bus was an off-duty nurse – she quickly ascertained that my mother’s injuries were slight; my Nanna’s head injury was slight (but that she seemed to have major bones broken) – and that my brother was down on the floor, sound asleep.He’s always been a tinbum…
We were all taken back in the same ambulance that took my Nanna to Oamaru hospital.
My uncle Bill, next morning, went down and borrowed the car of his best mate.
He drove it back to the family house, and sat my mother in it, and cajoled her to start driving right now-“You’ve got to get back on the horse.” is how she remembers his cajoling.
I remember, while the med. assessment etc was going on, walking in a drizzle and saying to myself, Dont panic, dont panic.
It had been the title of a Reader’s Digest article I’d read at Purakaunui.
Reader’s Digest is really good for something-PS: Nanna, already crippled by arthritis, and tripping over and breaking a hip previously, shortly after became bed-bound. She had 2 broken hips, and 3 bones in her pelvis. Thank you, that -name unknown – off-duty nurse…
Islander, in reply to
Uncle Bill made with squatty cars for a while, but he bought a new Chrysler Valiant in 1965 (not bad, on a roadie’s wages.) It earned me huge kudos among my tobaccco -picking mates when he picked us up from the Oamaru train station. Even more, when he loaned it to me, to drive us all back to CHCH-
JacksonP, in reply to
Thank you, that -name unknown – off-duty nurse…
Wow, Islander! Thanks for sharing that story. Glad you all came through it.
Islander, in reply to
Somewhere around I have a photo of Uncle Bill & the Vauxhall (and about 3 of his pig-dog pack tongue-waving out the windows)…I definitely have at least 2 of the Chrysler (scanner? scanner? I know you are here somewhere – dont keep hiding under…stuff…)
What really impressed me, then and now, was the Vauxhall could take a really hefty hit – and, nobody died (no seat-belts then.) The people in the other vehicle were injured (and removed south by ambulance to Dunedin.) They sued – and lost heavily.
My Nanna got her extension, glassed in, to the front room from the court case.No ACC then either.
Sofie Bribiesca, in reply to
Uncle Bill made with squatty cars for a while,
Squatty cars. :))
Joe Wylie, in reply to
Rhoda, parked up…
Hey! The first time I saw Rhoda I thought the goggles were a stunt, like putting shades on Fido for a cheap laugh. Turns out that they’re her goggles, that’s how she rolls.
That’s one lucky sidecar dog. What’s life come to now I’m envying other people’s dogs?
JacksonP, in reply to
My old Sportique, now in new hands. As per this graphic.
The side kick…
Careful, if we start posting Vespa photos, I’ll get myself in trouble…
JacksonP, in reply to
Vespa-free pic.
Not quite. One hiding behind the metal cage thingy right of middle. I can spot them a mile away. :-0
Joe Wylie, in reply to
JacksonP, in reply to
Definitely not Vespas from said scooter run.
Wow! I’ve never seen the like before. Like a segue only steampunk. What are they called? Apart from extremely dangerous, at least in appearance.
Retreating from less friendly threads to see the steampunk Segway is such a relief.
It does look as though it uses the same gyroscopic principle, all the weight within the wheel.
Gotta admire the garage genius who built it.
Joe Wylie, in reply to
What are they called?
No idea. The green model didn’t look very promising in the car park, but some time later he was tootling up Gebbies Pass. He must have ridden it through the Lyttelton tunnel. It was only later, on closer examination of the pics, that it became apparent that there was more than one of them.
Rebecca Leathem, in reply to
Nah very little Herbie but they are appreciative of the shape of the original model VW. Also helps we have one parked in situ in our street. Daily Beetle car appreciation.
Rebecca Leathem, in reply to
I would probably NOT describe my three as sensible but certainly appreciative of good design. They’re LEGO fanatics too.
JacksonP, in reply to
Retreating from less friendly threads to see the steampunk Segway is such a relief.
A nice segue to Segway. ;-)
Hey, we’re all friendly folk at Capture. We like to get along…
Sacha, in reply to
Wow. Though I find it hard to believe that thing is street-legal.
Joe Wylie, in reply to
I have no idea what kind of vehicle this is.
Austin A35 (or just possibly the earlier A30). A ute is rare as. Cheaper in its day than a Morrie Minor. There are some shots of a local one here, but your pic is much nicer IMHO.
I find it hard to believe that thing is street-legal.
In a large enough group, with a smattering of off-duty scooter-fetishist police, who wants to know?
JacksonP, in reply to
Austin A35 (or just possibly the earlier A30).
Joe just got in before me. This one says A30 Ute or Pickup, but may be A35. What a little ripper!
JacksonP, in reply to
In a large enough group, with a smattering of off-duty scooter-fetishist police, who wants to know?
Pfft. We’re all anarchists at heart.
Sofie Bribiesca, in reply to
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