Posts by Jonathan Fletcher

  • Speaker: Remembering the Chartists,

    I think Adam Hunt's reminder about the Chartists is well made. We certainly do not want to return to the situation where only men with money can afford to be members of parliament. However we also do not want to get to the situation where people seek a 'career' as an MP because it pays well, and I think we have allowed the pendulum to swing too close to the latter situation today.

    It seems to me to be reasonable that any MP who can show that she/he is maintaining two households one in Wellington and one where they are based when not in Wellington should be paid a housing allowance set at a rate that would cover the rent of a reasonable house in an inner Wellington suburb.

    MPs remuneration should not be set by comparisons with the private sector or even senior public servants. Rather at a ratio of the average wage - possibly a generous ratio of twice or even three times. This would ensure that people were not precluded from being an MP because they could nor afford it. The rate should be the same for all MPs, with no extra for being a cabinet minister or the PM.

    Christchurch • Since Aug 2009 • 1 posts Report