Posts by Rae Sott

  • Polity: Geography and housing options,

    Can anyone tell what all this big rush is to have our population growing at such a rate?

    Hamilton • Since Apr 2015 • 21 posts Report

  • Polity: Geography and housing options, in reply to Mikaere Curtis,

    Unfortunately our lovely government has signed away our ability to do anything about foreigners buying houses unless locals are included in such measures. Take a wee look at these two links, pay special attention to the video included in the tvnz from about 2.00 onwards and the last sentence in the article then compare it to the older Newshub article
    Bloody depressing

    Hamilton • Since Apr 2015 • 21 posts Report

  • Polity: Geography and housing options,

    All I can say is, if the powers that be in Auckland allow all that good growing land in the old Franklin area, then I think it would be fair enough to declare them certifiably crazy

    Hamilton • Since Apr 2015 • 21 posts Report

  • Polity: Flaccid balloon, mite-ridden bees,

    Hamilton • Since Apr 2015 • 21 posts Report

  • Polity: Eleventy billion dollars!, in reply to BenWilson,

    On the war point, I totally agree with you, and I am going to shout as loudly as I can for us to try alternatives as I have no desire to see my grandchildren become cannon fodder. With a will, we could do it, but are we too lazy? Will we just have another massive cull then when we've run out of energy for that, we will set to, once again, rebuilding, and the pollies will crow "Look, growth"

    Hamilton • Since Apr 2015 • 21 posts Report

  • Polity: Eleventy billion dollars!, in reply to Matthew Hooton,

    What we have at the moment is really just ideas, NOTHING is in concrete yet, and neither should it be, we do not even know for sure, yet, how deep joblessness will go, but if today is anything to go by, it is fair to believe that it will go extremely deep.

    Hamilton • Since Apr 2015 • 21 posts Report

  • Polity: Eleventy billion dollars!, in reply to Matthew Hooton,

    Thank you for that, but now I know you are reading people's comments, so maybe it is not a step too far for you to begin to engage in this conversation as less of a Labour Party and Rob Salmond beat up and more a discussion on how we meet this changing world!
    Of course the Labour Party do not have the whole idea fully formed yet, everything is still in its infancy, but not bringing it up is NOT an option.
    I have a 20month old grandson who is already mad keen on cars, we have to watch out for him trying to get underneath to see how it all works. He is probably going to grow to be a fairly inventive man and may have a wee bit of an edge, I don't know, but what I do know, is that showing how a car works will be pretty pointless. Change is going to be that rapid, and if we stick with the short termist way of doing things we will be completely swamped by it all.
    If you are not going to try to be helpful on this, then I seriously suggest you butt out, we DO need to be prepared and a very few people hogging all the money (resources) while the rest fight over the scraps is most definitely not it. Try to apply future thinking to this, try not to think about it with present day systems, as it will just not work like that, much will have to change and I know people like you will scream and stamp your feet, but capitalism will not survive in this future. And if its survival mean the bulk of people have to suffer then it should not survive. The problem with capitalism is in its very name and that is capital and the implied need to accumulate it. Everything is geared for that, starting with the very basic, growth.
    That is another thing we will have to address hand in hand with a UBI and that is the end of growth, starting with the end of growth in human population, which is the only true driver of it. Our current economic system is geared totally toward growth. I believe that corporations understand this and are seeking to secure their place in the future world via free "trade" agreements, which are less to do about trade and more to do with investments and the ability to buy the citizens of a country by buying them out of their land from another.
    Its all linked and if you have any kids you too should be concerned about the natural course this will all take, given no restrictions or any systemic change. I am sure you can if you open your mind.

    Hamilton • Since Apr 2015 • 21 posts Report

  • Polity: Eleventy billion dollars!, in reply to Matthew Hooton,

    And, you could possibly look at a UBI (as someone else said) as guillotine insurance

    Hamilton • Since Apr 2015 • 21 posts Report

  • Polity: Eleventy billion dollars!, in reply to Matthew Hooton,

    I strongly suggest you start thinking beyond personal taxation as a means of providing for a UBI; The idea of one is to provide in a JOBLESS or close to, future. I would have thought even you could have deduced that without jobs there is little personal taxation. Think on as to where the money for it will need to come from.
    Oh, and read what others have to say, instead of just blindly banging your own drum

    Hamilton • Since Apr 2015 • 21 posts Report

  • Polity: Eleventy billion dollars!, in reply to Sacha,

    Yup and being aware of this corporations have attempted to secure their places with things like TPPA because that is what that thing is about. When you stand back a bit and look at it all, you can see how it all fits neatly together

    Hamilton • Since Apr 2015 • 21 posts Report

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