Posts by Rachael J

  • Feed: Meals for Me,

    My favourite solo meal is the ultimate comfort food of a poached egg and stewed tomato on toast. It brings back happy childhood memories of quick Sunday evening meals after a day out adventuring. I also favour a pumpkin, olive and feta frittata (husband eschews omelettes or frittatas) or hot and sour noodle soup with fish or even spaghetti marinara (husband also weird about fish in things).

    Auckland • Since Apr 2007 • 7 posts Report

  • Notes & Queries: Time & Perfume,

    A subject close to my heart. My first ever 'grown up' perfume was Mitsouko when I was about 17 or 18 - a present from my dad. He bought it from then Silver Ferns coach, Lois Muir, who worked in a pharmacy in Dunedin that specialised in fragrance. My dad takes buying fragrance very seriously and is very good at it. He bought Balahe for my mum many years ago. I think it is now out of production but still one of the most distinctive fragrances I've ever encountered.

    I still love Mitsouko but now wear Shalimar for every day. Mitsouko is almost so complex and layered that I find myself distracted by it when I wear it. I've flirted with other perfumes but always come back to Shalimar.

    A fascinating read. I love that even reading about fragrance can trigger the same memories as the perfumes themselves.

    Auckland • Since Apr 2007 • 7 posts Report

  • Hard News: The shaky ground of…,

    It never ceases to amaze me how few people who work in HR are actually any good with people.

    Auckland • Since Apr 2007 • 7 posts Report

  • Southerly: Getting There is Half the Fun, in reply to Carol Stewart,

    I dated a Norwegian in my youth. He was uncommonly fond of the weird brown (?goat) cheese and would bring a block back to London any time he went home for a visit. I never quite developed a taste for it myself.

    Auckland • Since Apr 2007 • 7 posts Report

  • Hard News: The next creative industry?,

    On a slight sidebar: I take it you have seen Jane McGonigal's excellent TED talk about how gaming could solve the world's problems...

    Auckland • Since Apr 2007 • 7 posts Report

  • Random Play: He bangs the drum,

    And of course Carnival isn't a Cuban thing anyway

    Ooh but it is - in Santiago in the Oriente it's a huge deal in June/July every year and the general feeling is that those Brazilians are a bunch of flashy amateurs.

    Auckland • Since Apr 2007 • 7 posts Report

  • Random Play: All Apologies,

    Best apology I've ever received: "You're right, I was wrong. I'm sorry." Simple, to the point, and takes the wind out of the sails of anyone gearing up for an argument.

    Auckland • Since Apr 2007 • 7 posts Report