Posts by Imogen Neale

  • Cracker: "It says 'Let's b friends', and…,

    OK so as an x-WIRE host I'm not going to be objective but I don't think cutting the WIRE back to one hour is a flash idea... esp as it's more likely to be 30mins once you take care of all the 'must-do's' on your show's run sheet... intros, outros, stings, adds, news...

    Although if you tuned in at 6am and got to 4pm you would have had hours and hours of talking... HOURS (going by the above model). And then you get an afternoon show (talking) and Mikey (more talking).

    Perhaps somewhere in there b should cut listeners a real break and just play music...?

    Auckland • Since Jan 2007 • 2 posts Report

  • Hard News: The meaning of a Banana,

    I conducted some research work for a govt department a year or so ago that was essentially about their multicultural friendly practices/environments. Rather alarmingly, the NZ Police out shone everyone – they have created a booklet all officers are given that they can use as a simple ‘point and translate’ device; their website can be navigated in a number of languages; they offer information booklets in a number of languages; they have liaison officers who can drawn on a wealth of cultural knowledge…

    Compare this with Immigration who doesn’t (wasn’t at that time anyway) even offer immigration forms, their ‘Welcome to NZ’ booklet (in size 9 font) or useful contact numbers/go to lists in any language other than English.

    Or WINZ, of IRD or Housing NZ or or or….

    So sometimes I really wonder - is NZ a multicultural place that’s in denial? Travel overseas, okay maybe not Australia, and a lot of people are getting on with that fact we live in a global community (or whatever the current neat sociological term is) which, at a base level, at least creating things/gearing up even just the basic social services to accommodate diversity. You know, we have a x% of Chinese, Filipinos, Korean and Indians in NZ, ok so that probably means we need to be able to offer them Immigration forms with helpful notes in those languages so they can at least navigate their way into the country – be given a chance to be informed and aware of the countries protocols – before people start grumbling at them for being slow and holding everyone else in the line up.

    Simple simple shit like that. How about Tenancy Agreements that have a translation on one side? Or notes in Korean about how to fill out your Drivers licence application? Or your power bill coming with some sort of translated ‘here’s who to call with questions’ service? By giving people a hand you’re not discouraging them from learning English! You’re making it easier for them to integrate by being a tad helpful. Besides, when I go overseas and I’m reading a menu for example, I read the English translation and pair it up with the other, say French word, that way I eventually learn what to ask for, in French, next time.

    NZ relies on immigration – we’d be in population decline without it – and yet we seem intent on making it freak’n hard for people to weave themselves into NZ society.

    Auckland • Since Jan 2007 • 2 posts Report