Posts by Rosemary McDonald

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  • Hard News: 2015: The Budget of what?, in reply to Katharine Moody,

    We did the 'ships that pass in the night' thing....he in the door as me on the way out.

    (for historic reference...what were the mortgage interest rates back then? 17, 18%?)

    I remember when my hours increased requiring a 4.30pm start, and he could not tweak his hours to accommodate and we had to get a baby sitter to cover the hour's difference.

    I paid the babysitter the same hourly rate that I was being paid.

    Because my kids are worth it.

    Waikato, or on the road • Since Apr 2014 • 1346 posts Report

  • Hard News: 2015: The Budget of what?, in reply to tussock,

    @Rosemary, as long as we’re all busy telling women what they’re doing wrong, something, something, anecdote, up hill both ways in the snow.

    While we're at it, we might as well get the Gospel according to Mike...

    who draws on NZer of the year Dr Lance back up his view that children are MUCH better off in daycare...(state funded, of course)

    Because, for goodness sakes, parents...and especially mothers...are simply not capable of raising healthy, well adjusted children.

    Inter generational what?

    Waikato, or on the road • Since Apr 2014 • 1346 posts Report

  • Hard News: 2015: The Budget of what?, in reply to Rob Stowell,

    articulate and really gets it.

    and yet eschews the idea of going into politics....where his talents are much needed.

    We have three grown children, three student loans, five tertiary qualifications, one (fairly) secure job, one pathetically grateful for a 20 hour pw contract and one giving up on a post doc.(

    Yet, the biggest concern is the dwindling prospect of having their own children.

    And, being able to raise them themselves.

    Daughter wanted to know why the government will fund for a childcare centre to raise your babies while mum goes out to work....when even a proportion of that funding would allow a mum(or dad) to do that work themselves.

    I confess to feeling somewhat gratified that, despite the culture changing so dramatically within less than two generations, she would want to do what her mum did and not flick her kids off to strangers.

    (Rider to that...I did work, but evening and night shifts so at least one parent was home with the children.)

    How can we have gone from it being considered wrong for a mother to work(and oh! the criticism I got in the eighties!), to it being wrong for her not to, in such a short space of time?

    Waikato, or on the road • Since Apr 2014 • 1346 posts Report

  • Hard News: 2015: The Budget of what?, in reply to Hilary Stace,

    Excellent interview of Helen Kelly by Kathryn Ryan on Radio NZ just before. Lots of ideas for progress.’s-battle-for-workers-and-personal-battle

    Knew this was coming up but family stuff prevented us from listening live. Thank god for podcasts. Held off replying until got the chance to read Rebecca Macfie's article in the Listener....

    Brain, heart and soul...all solidly and openly connected.

    What a treasure we have.

    Waikato, or on the road • Since Apr 2014 • 1346 posts Report

  • Access: Disability as a wicked policy problem,

    An update to previous comment. I phoned the Commission on this number... Inquiry contacts

    Administrative matters:
    T:(04) 903 5167
    E: spoke briefly to Kathrine, leaving our number and email address.

    Blow me down if James didn't call back....and proceeded to ask questions, listen to my somewhat wandering replies, TOOK NOTES, and seemed to actually listen.

    Three hours later....!!!!

    I am impressed. Still cynical...but I did get the impression that he really wanted to hear from the wider disability community....not just the NGO's etc.

    I suggested he come here to Access to get a feel for the variety within the disability community...and suggested he check out the Access archive...because there is some really good stuff there.

    Waikato, or on the road • Since Apr 2014 • 1346 posts Report

  • Access: Disability as a wicked policy problem,

    Have your say

    The Commission received 134 submissions on the issues paper, and welcomes further submissions on the draft report. Submissions close on 24 June. Make a submission

    The Commission will also hold a further round of engagement meetings to discuss our draft report with the social service sector, including providers, umbrella groups, government agencies, and clients where possible.

    The Commission will schedule meetings in Northland, Auckland, Hamilton, Christchurch, and Dunedin as well as Wellington between 25 May and 30 June 2015, depending on Commissioner and staff availability and that of meeting participants. In order to allow us to meet as many people as possible, some meetings will be roundtables with participants from different organisations.

    For more information, email

    Just got off the phone from the Productivity Commission regarding these meetings. I was told, and we have to take this on faith, that they DO want to hear from affected well as the organisations. I really believe that fronting up is important. This is also a perfect venue for someone like Peter to have their the on line thing does not work for him.

    Nothing about us, without us and all that.

    Hopefully getting info about dates and venues soon.

    Waikato, or on the road • Since Apr 2014 • 1346 posts Report

  • Hard News: 2015: The Budget of what?, in reply to Sacha,

    But! But!

    This guy reckons....


    "National's $790 million family hardship package is unquestionably the poster-child of Budget 2015, a far-reaching financial top-up that few pundits foresaw."

    So there!

    Waikato, or on the road • Since Apr 2014 • 1346 posts Report

  • Hard News: 2015: The Budget of what?,

    So, from Vote Health....

    "Current and Past Policy Initiatives'

    Family Caregivers 2014/15 $23 million, same yearly amount projected through to 2019....YET...the uptake of this dog of a scheme has been less than 10%.

    SO...where the hell is the unspent millions????

    Waikato, or on the road • Since Apr 2014 • 1346 posts Report

  • Access: Disability as a wicked policy problem,

    Don't you just love it when the system works?

    Watch the NZSL interpreter.

    Waikato, or on the road • Since Apr 2014 • 1346 posts Report

  • Access: Disability as a wicked policy problem, in reply to Angela Hart,

    I think the most remarkable thing about these submissions is the good faith and the hope being demonstrated by the submitters.

    Hah! Check out the Sally Army submission. After acknowledging the Holy Spirit, they then proceed to take the Commission, and other Government Agencies to task for

    6. The Salvation Army contends that, while these inquiries are crucial, the timing of this and other government inquiries near the end of 2014 is problematic. There are at least five major inquiries or consultations from various local and central government agencies that we
    are aware of that have submissions closing in December 2014. We submit that this approach from government agencies is questionable for the following reasons;

    Waikato, or on the road • Since Apr 2014 • 1346 posts Report

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