Posts by Don Christie

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  • Island Life: Songs in the life of Key,

    The thing is Craig, you are talking further details about details. We are not even close to that stage with National. What was National's railway policy, before the buy back and after? Lessez faire, in both cases? Hardly informative.

    As I said, you are stretching into detail. And only because you can.

    Wellington • Since Nov 2006 • 1645 posts Report

  • Island Life: Songs in the life of Key,

    To me one of *the* defining factors of this series of Labour Governments has been their development and publicising and campaigning openly on policy. I don't think many of the current crop are particularly proud of the approach they took in the 1980s. The fact that Craig has to stretch so hard to find a possible exception speaks volumes.

    Of course, they are still politicians, and when the wind blows hard in their faces they are adept at bending rather than breaking. But Key is in danger of looking like water reed susceptible to every fickle breath of air rather than the Might Oak that is conservative folk lore..."This lady is not for turning" hardly applies, does it?

    Wellington • Since Nov 2006 • 1645 posts Report

  • Hard News: Don Paul,

    Some dreadful people are former Marxists -- Great Global Warming Swindle producer Martin Durkin, revisionist historian Keith Windschuttle.

    What they do all seem to have in common (the above, Brash and other neo-con converts such as Franks) is an appreciation of the power of propaganda to sway the "ignorant masses" (aka "punters").

    That, to me, was the message of The Hollow Men and I wonder what political roots Crosby Textor have?

    Wellington • Since Nov 2006 • 1645 posts Report

  • Speaker: A Trip to the Bird's Nest,

    Inside, one can't help feeling overwhelmed. Beer is just 5 yuan! That's only about one Kiwi dollar. Nothing warms the cockles of a captive market's collective heart more than seeing an opportunity for price gouging nobly spurned. Soft drinks go for the same price as at the cheaper convenience stores around town and there are plenty of water fountains where you can turn the dust coating your mouth into mud for free.

    Wouldn't that be a wonderful thing in NZ. The more they gouge here the more inclined I am to "cheat" the system by not turning up.

    re- the para Olympics. We happened to be in Athens whilst these were on 4 years ago. Wonderful atmosphere there and well worth attending.

    Wellington • Since Nov 2006 • 1645 posts Report

  • OnPoint: Bandwagon Hobos,

    Well with the mess you "moderates" and your capitalist friends have got the world into a little radicalism would be welcome in my opinion.

    Really? You might want to justify that a little. Was the Cold War, WW2, Tsarist rule, Fascist, Communist radicals so good?

    Give me moderates any day.

    Wellington • Since Nov 2006 • 1645 posts Report

  • OnPoint: Bandwagon Hobos,

    I honestly believed the "milk is horrendously more expensive than it ever has been"

    I was in the Post Office the other day and noticed KiwiBank offering mortgages for 8.9%. I thought, that's "not too bad".

    Because when I first looked at buying property interest rates were nearly double that amount.

    The media says we are poorer so that must be right, right?

    Wellington • Since Nov 2006 • 1645 posts Report

  • Busytown: Oh, Gee,

    conveniently just about cold enough for my nice new hoodie to actually come in useful.

    Yeah, had my comfort hoodie up this clear cold morning, waiting for the bus, looking an Island Bay swathed in rare fog.

    I admit I was worried that someone might mistake me for one of those trendy PA OGs trying to be cool and down with the kids, but I think I got away with it.

    Wellington • Since Nov 2006 • 1645 posts Report

  • Island Life: Good luck, Jim.,

    Actually, I am sure most of the polling you describe is also about advertising the party - I certainly got that feeling when ACT polled me three years ago. I believe that polling escapes having to be declared as an electoral expense (or used to be). Another way of escaping the Auditor General's beady eye.

    Raymond - why should anger about the murder of two babies be faux? I just don't get that point. We should be livid about the whole sorry saga. Or are we only allowed to be "really" angry when cops are acquitted?

    Wellington • Since Nov 2006 • 1645 posts Report

  • Island Life: Ice-cold rabble rousing,

    If I had time I would troll through posting by I/S and others around the time certain members of the police force were "getting off" in their trials.

    Whilst you might have said something similar about how the law works the absolute outrage expressed in those writings was palpable. Maybe also worth looking back at some of PA posts during and after the "terror" raids.

    So, sure, make the point about why the law works in the way it does but why you think people, including Clark, should not express dismay at this outcome is beyond me.

    Wellington • Since Nov 2006 • 1645 posts Report

  • Southerly: Life at the Edge of the…,

    He's clearly gifted.

    I reckon. And judging from the reported screaming of the baby hero in "my first stabbing", a chip off the old block.

    Wellington • Since Nov 2006 • 1645 posts Report

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