Posts by InternationalObserver

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  • Island Life: This just in: incumbent…,

    I told him the safest thing to do would be shut up about the war and splash his dollars around, and he'd be fine.

    That, and claim to be Canadian, eh?

    Since Jun 2007 • 909 posts Report

  • Speaker: Transformers: Less than meets…,

    ... Fantastic Four ... Now there's a reeeally crap flick. ...

    So, not even **Jessica Alba** could save it?

    Since Jun 2007 • 909 posts Report

  • Island Life: Something for the kids,

    Are you proposing socialism, communism, or that we all squeeze into a Time Machine and return to the 1950's??

    Geez Louise, next you'll be suggesting the government should be running the rail service, the electricity supply, and the phone companies.

    You know, a Wage & Price Freeeze would solve all our currency problems and stem the booming housing market -- all in one fell swoop.

    Since Jun 2007 • 909 posts Report

  • Hard News: New Rules,

    Aunty Helens started beneficary Bashing as well jumping in on a housing corp house eviction. How did the media get in on this again? And why?

    Yeah, but you have to admit it's kinda funny that the Government that has championed tenants rights over landlords now finds itself in the position of being unable to evict a bad tenant. If the Govt can't evict one, what hope do private Landlords?

    A better question would be the one raised on the TV news tonight by Scotney Williams, a tenancy tribunal specialist (usually acting for Landlords). He suggested HNZ would have been better off just issuing a 90 day notice of termination, which is what most private landlords end up doing because they know going to Tenancy Tribunal is pretty much useless.

    So why didn't HNZ issue a completely legal 90 day notice of termination? Could it be that it doesn't 'fit' with the ethos of State Housing ie tenants can stay as long as they like for as long as they want to? (And no, I'm not trying to sidetrack this discussion [which we've already covered] but MF did ask)

    Since Jun 2007 • 909 posts Report

  • Speaker: Transformers: Less than meets…,

    I think you've hit upon the reason why today's womin can't clean and cook!

    If only we could photoshop those inter-web videos of Paris Hilton. Maybe if today's girls saw her licking a wooden spoon after a satisfying session of home baking, instead of ...

    Heck, you might even get the boys picking up a spatula ...

    Since Jun 2007 • 909 posts Report

  • Island Life: This just in: incumbent…,

    we're not in scout camp

    We're not? You mean I've wasted all this f@#$ing time trying to groom you all? Who's going to roast my weiner by the campfire now??

    Since Jun 2007 • 909 posts Report

  • Radiation: Sensational,

    okay, another weird one ..

    I'm damn sure on the TV1 6pm bulletin tonight (Tuesday) the reporter was saying Tasmin Cooper instead of Tamsin Cooper, while reporting this story. I really thought it odd at the time (whilst watching) more so when I thought I saw the words 'Tasmin Cooper' under Tamsin Cooper's talking head. Especially since they were showing the swing tag with Tamsin Cooper printed on it.

    So I recorded the 10.45pm bulletin, but lo & behold it was Tamsin all the way. Did they re-voice the item or am I going nuts? Yes, I know the obvious answer but did anyone else see the 6pm bulletin and note the Tasmin/Tamsin thing?

    BTW - I downloaded the flash media player for Mac but the TVNZ video only plays the advertisement - not the story. I tried 3 times (and saw 3 different ads) with the same result. Maybe the story won't play because they haven't uploaded the re-recorded version yet?!

    Since Jun 2007 • 909 posts Report

  • Island Life: This just in: incumbent…,

    when you're sitting on 27% what have you got to lose.

    Nothing. I've long felt [since the Dems took over the Senate (almost) & Congress] that Bushco would be left in the position of doing as they bloody well pleased because they know they've got no chance of getting back in. Which is why the Repub Pres candidates are doing a merry dance to both appear different from Bush but without pissing off his 27% support.

    Bushco have no intention of leaving the seat warm for McCain, Guilliani, or anyone. They want a Democrat to take over cos they know their economy is turning to shit and Iraq is a quagmire. The Dems will take this poisoned chalice and try to clean up the mess but it won't be easy or pleasant for US taxpayers. Leaving the possibility open for a swing back to the Republicans in 2012. I know he's long denied any interest but I can't help feeling Jeb Bush will be groomed for that race. Or Condileeza Rice.

    And since I'm making wild predictions/speculations: Clinton/Obama in 2008 for Prez/Vice-Prez.

    Or possibly sooner? Don't the Presidents usually dole out the Presidential Pardons in their last days of office? Does Bush know something he hasn't told us yet?

    Since Jun 2007 • 909 posts Report

  • Hard News: New Rules,

    A sleeping-MP gotcha will lead the news while important legislative events go unexplained.

    I think that's the key point people. Maybe if we had more substantive reporting then they'd tolerate the 'lite' stuff, but as RB points out most of it is just cheapshots.

    But then again ... we all know the place is a kindergarten most of the time.

    Since Jun 2007 • 909 posts Report

  • Radiation: Sensational,

    Heh heh - I think someone had a 'Liberate Paris' placard at the courthouse. You may also recall that dickhead who screamed "Nooooo!" when the verdict was announced, and then seemingly went into hysterical shock.

    I'm pretty sure they were all a part the Hilton defense/PR effort.

    turns out they were one and the same!! :

    Just the audio snippet, but what a fantastic audio snippet!

    Since Jun 2007 • 909 posts Report

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