Posts by Rosemary McDonald

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  • Access: Right to die?,

    And doctors decide " there will be no life support, as it would only prolong his suffering."

    while the parents of this brain injured little boy ...

    ... have learned to take medical judgments about William with a grain of salt. Doctors said he would probably need to eat through a tube in his stomach, but that is not the case. He sometimes appears to react to sounds or follow faces with his eyes, despite tests confirming him as completely deaf and blind.

    Day by day, they work to improve his strength and expand his little world as much as they can.

    "He has this strong presence and we still enjoy spending our time with our boy."

    It is a battle out there...

    Waikato, or on the road • Since Apr 2014 • 1346 posts Report

  • Access: Disability as a wicked policy problem,

    Thanks Hilary, and maybe we could listen to this

    while reading that.

    Waikato, or on the road • Since Apr 2014 • 1346 posts Report

  • Speaker: Why we need to stop talking…, in reply to Kumara Republic,

    ‘those who make peaceful revolution impossible, will make violent revolution inevitable’.

    Which is kinda what Tracy was saying in 1988.

    In a whisper.

    Waikato, or on the road • Since Apr 2014 • 1346 posts Report

  • Access: Disability as a wicked policy problem,

    Hiya Tom, Balance NZ.. Mental health.

    and People First Learning disability.

    Waikato, or on the road • Since Apr 2014 • 1346 posts Report

  • Speaker: Why we need to stop talking…,

    See, I'd be wanting to know how I got to be the wealthiest person in town....

    And who in their right mind would trust the wealthiest person in town with their sheep?

    Stolen? Yeah right. Betcha I 'forgot' I sold 'em.

    For goodness sakes...have they not heard the one about the wolf....?

    Waikato, or on the road • Since Apr 2014 • 1346 posts Report

  • Speaker: Why we need to stop talking…, we get remunerated for participating in this focus group/experiment?

    (Is this my Lotto Ticket fluttering earthwards?)

    Waikato, or on the road • Since Apr 2014 • 1346 posts Report

  • Access: Disability as a wicked policy problem, in reply to Tom Adson,

    My impressions are that the world of disability is far from joined up, and in particular there is a main divide between physical disability and mental disability, where in fact there should be none.

    Firstly, an organisation representing the interests of a particular group (in the disability community) only has credibility and access to the bureaucrats you mention further down your comment, if they are receiving funding from the government.

    Secondly, there is an organisation that receives government funding who claims to represent the interests of all disabled....

    Our Partners

    We actively work alongside other organisations and individuals to identify common disability issues and solutions and to promote these jointly to decision-makers

    DPA is open to discussing cooperative projects with all organisations and developing ways to work together.

    We collaborate with other advocacy organisations as equal partners

    We collaborate with a wide range of disabled persons organisations (DPOs), including:

    Blind Citizens NZ
    Deafblind NZ
    People First NZ
    Deaf Aotearoa
    Ngāti Kāpo O Aotearoa
    Balance NZ
    The New Zealand Disability Strategy followed by the Disability Convention has helped us find a confident collective voice.

    And as we work together with government departments and politicians, to further the interests of disabled people, our voice is becoming strong, clear and consistent.

    Thirdly, there's this....

    . Research
    projects with the community and voluntary sector
    seemed to indicate that the "independence‟ of the sector
    from the state was being eroded so thoroughly that organisations were struggling to critique the nation‟s
    political leaders and their policies.

    This research was cited in some of the submission to the Productivity Commission, and the authors also submitted independently.

    So...the bureaucrats will not listen to independent (i.e. receiving no govt. funding) voices because you're not on the list of 'approved 'spokespeople.

    The approved spokespeople who have the ear of the bureaucrats and government have become so dependent on the government funding that they are too scared to actually do any real advocacy.

    (I generalise,, there are one or two who facilitate dialogue and do criticise...but I'm loath to name them in case the Miserly trolls pull their funding)

    Waikato, or on the road • Since Apr 2014 • 1346 posts Report

  • Speaker: Why we need to stop talking…, in reply to Ian Dalziel,

    I must watch more telly....

    Waikato, or on the road • Since Apr 2014 • 1346 posts Report

  • Speaker: Why we need to stop talking…, in reply to ,

    When someone says firefly, what do you think?

    “I am a little glow bug,
    A glow bug’s never glum,
    How can I be unhappy,
    When the sun shines out my bum?”

    Waikato, or on the road • Since Apr 2014 • 1346 posts Report

  • Speaker: Why we need to stop talking…, in reply to ,

    Equality is having a fair shake of the dice and playing the game according to Hoyle.

    Hoyle's handy when things get tense at the Samba table....but is there a rule book for how life is played?

    Or are the rules set by those holding the power?

    But a democracy...

    Democracy is not working for the majority.

    Has it ever?

    Waikato, or on the road • Since Apr 2014 • 1346 posts Report

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