Posts by Tom Beard

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  • Field Theory: Out of the Blocks,

    Why did they have to wear the full get-up in that heat? Where are the Nike light-weight sports top hats?

    A top hat is the closest thing to "sportswear" that a gentleman will consider wearing.

    Wellington • Since Nov 2006 • 1040 posts Report

  • Hard News: A few days away,

    it was time to join The Dropkicks for the recording of their podcast (Episode 30), which traditionally consists of the team drinking heavily and cracking wise.

    It's not the podcasting, it's how we're podcasting. Right, Hadyn?

    Wellington • Since Nov 2006 • 1040 posts Report

  • Hard News: Heard any good tunes lately?,

    Not sure which parties are the ones to pimp tonight, but if you haven't eaten and drunken at Duke Carvell's Swan Lane Emporium yet, then do.

    Wellington • Since Nov 2006 • 1040 posts Report

  • Island Life: The Grouse is done to a…,

    - Sarde in saor (though I prefer the version with pinenuts and sultanas)
    - Smoked warehou & potato hash at Floriditas
    - Gravlax
    - Tapanade with plenty of anchovy
    - Kedgeree
    - Smoked eel with horseradish
    - Fish & chips (in an open cone) from Mickey's near Paddington Station

    Wellington • Since Nov 2006 • 1040 posts Report

  • Hard News: Food Show 08,

    Oh, and just in case you thought going to Gloria Jean's for your chain coffee was cool, it ain't.

    I sincerely hope that no-one here thinks that Gloria Jean's is cool, politics or otherwise. Same goes for Esquires, Starbucks any any other paint-by-numbers chain.

    I may not be a coffee snob, but I quite proudly say that I am a cafe snob. Starbucks could serve the best coffee in the world, and I still wouldn't drink it: it feels like sitting in a PowerPoint presentation, not a cafe. In a proper cafe, I feel that a bunch of people got together and said "Hey, let's open a cafe! Yeah, we could get Dave's muffin recipe! And I know a guy who does some really great design!". In a chain store, I feel that a Strategic Location Committee analysed some demographic trends and put a cross on a map.

    And for Wellington hot choc lovers, here's a little survey I did a while back.

    Wellington • Since Nov 2006 • 1040 posts Report

  • Hard News: Part of nearly all our lives,


    But only in a non-squicky, text-only consensual way.

    Wellington • Since Nov 2006 • 1040 posts Report

  • Hard News: Part of nearly all our lives,

    Do you know, I'd never thought of the part of Cuba St below Manners Mall as actually being Cuba St, but it is, of course.

    Cuba St used to continue down to meet Jervois Quay at about Harris St, until the Michael Fowler Centre got plonked on top of it. Not that I don't like the Fowl-house on its own terms, but it didn't exactly take urban design considerations very seriously (it relates poorly to the end of the street, to the Town Hall, but of course the eponymous mayor intended the old Town Hall to be bowled when the new one was finished).

    Wellington • Since Nov 2006 • 1040 posts Report

  • Hard News: Something odd and unresolved,

    And if anyone actually comes up with any evidence -- as opposed to assuming -- that there's any collusion between the Herald and Key and his staff, I'm concede the point

    Who needs collusion to be biased? It's highly unsurprising that media outlets run by large corporations would prefer a government that is friendly to large corporations. Chomsky once said something similar when accused of being a conspiracy theorist: you don't need to posit a conspiracy when there's a commonality of self-interest and ideology.

    I've got the raw transcripts before they were sanitised by the Vast Right Wing Conspiracy

    It's not about the answers, but about the questions. I don't care what he eats or listens to, but I do care about his political philosophy and policies. Oh, wait: we might be scared off by the former and there are none of the latter. So let's ask about the movies.

    Wellington • Since Nov 2006 • 1040 posts Report

  • OnPoint: Don't cry for me, Argentina,

    I know how you feel, Keith: the days of trolling through endless reports to find the truth behind simplistic headlines, or pointing out the glaring innumeracy in what passes for professional journalism, ended for me many months ago. Maybe there needs to be a "Statistical Ranger", with a blog to expose the lies and misconceptions that burble through the lazy media?

    Anyway, many thanks for fiskings past.

    Wellington • Since Nov 2006 • 1040 posts Report

  • Hard News: Misconnection,

    Landline? Land ... line? What is this "landline" of which you speak?

    Wellington • Since Nov 2006 • 1040 posts Report

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