Posts by Eleanor

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  • Hard News: An unexpectedly long post…,

    glad you pointed that "study" out, Juha.

    the so-called scientists behind the gynomastica / lavender link used a sample of three boys who came to their attention through various other studies.

    Yup - ONE, TWO, THREE.

    Is this seriously considered worthy for coverage by "News in Science" journalists? Bit of a stretch for a curious, thinking journalist isn't it?

    The (three, 3) boys were from the same state in America, nothing in their diet / atmosphere / medical history / water supply / health conditions / other / religion / habits / (you get the picture) was examined, and two of them had simply recently used a popular-brand body gel that puported to have a fraction of "lavender oil" in it. It was probably synthesised and not even real lavender!!! I could tell you the brand, but if you use it you might be scared, & i don't want to get in trouble either.

    That link is simply perpetuating a myth. Not information or science. Yet one whiff of this story and mothers and fathers and doctors are absolutely petrified of anything purple & remotely herbal.

    I amended the wikipedia entry for "gynomastica" many months ago with a gracious little disclaimer for this one.

    Funny old fearmongering world.

    O did I mention who was funding the "scientists"? Dig a bit deeper and you will find out!

    Rich of Obz... you're not just a pretty name are you! Unwittingly I did claim lavender as an antibiotic. However, it actually is; in the literal sense "hostile to life" for microbes. I know the common definition evokes big, choker white pills in an amber plastic bottle that all need swallowed, but that's not all an antibiotic is. Nevertheless, *disclaimer alert* I don't really prescribe lavender as such.

    However, I'm prepared to admit bafflement over where I claimed to be a medic...

    *snorts rosemarinus officinalis*

    goddammit, my boobs grew again. AND i'm being attentive! this is pure genius!!!

    look, do read the legislation, i beseech you. boring, dry drivel that it is. it's so far reaching and...

    you're not going to, are you.

    wellington • Since May 2007 • 81 posts Report

  • Hard News: An unexpectedly long post…,

    Thanks for chrystalising that point Marcus. It is a tricky one.

    I for one don't have much time for aromatherapy that just involves smelling nice stuff; yeah while it can make you feel better I suppose, getting it onto the skin or into the bloodstream some other way (intensive steam inhalation; internal application as they do in France) is the effective way. And it can be profound.

    And on that note, burning volatile (essential) oils as "space sprays" is EXEMPT from this legislation!

    So if I sell pure essential oils, just to be burned in a room, then they are EXEMPT!

    From a business POV, the less other info I give, the better!

    So many loopholes...

    Personally, in the interest of public safety and getting information to the consumer, I'd rather let buyers know what else to use and NOT use them for.

    Yet if I do that I'm slammed with license fees and regulatory endless paperwork, because I'm promoting the essential oils as being chemically effective, ie therapeutic.

    This grey area is one that very few people seem to have highlighted - but true professional aromatherapy has such a low profile and understanding, that's partly to blame as well.

    wellington • Since May 2007 • 81 posts Report

  • Hard News: An unexpectedly long post…,

    Yes, and thanks Russell; I've been here for ages despite myself, and appreciated the forum!

    wellington • Since May 2007 • 81 posts Report

  • Hard News: An unexpectedly long post…,

    Good point, and cooperating with Australia over issues is no bad thing; however, bad example in this context.

    As far as growers and producers are concerned, the European situation has some repercussions that are truly...

    ...well, bizarre. (If not sinister)

    Banning natural citrus extracts in perfumery on spurious safety grounds??

    No wonder there are conspiracy theories relating to the globalising effects of ANZTPA!

    wellington • Since May 2007 • 81 posts Report

  • Hard News: An unexpectedly long post…,

    Like I said, why would you continue to distil lavender oil as a craft / hobbie / creative endeavour / cottage industry / natural commodity when you'll soon be slammed with enormous manufacturing costs and compliance paperwork?

    Avocado oil and olive oil are foods, so therefore exempt, and just as well - because (heaven forbid) they are good for you too.

    They are great NZ-grown products.

    There is a temporary database called COMET that dishes out interim licenses for free. Maybe this is what Comvita has used. Or maybe they have paid big BIG money to get on those shelves.

    These two options can be found in the legislation.

    Which is now only about twice as big as this blog.

    wellington • Since May 2007 • 81 posts Report

  • Hard News: An unexpectedly long post…,

    Qualified aromatherapist (through IFPA

    This makes products created, blended or compounded and prescribed to my clients exempt from regulation.

    Some - but not all - natural products for skin application deserve wide access; this legislation will indubitably impede that greatly. I believe there is a paucity among really good OTC products for skin conditions that don't include steroids & all sorts of creepy things with lovely initialised euphemisms. But that's my opinion, because I see effective, safe results often in my clients and that's very satisfying.

    I have to go but hope I've introduced some pertinent issues relating to this legislation. It's pretty damn complex and on the whole, it sounds as if most of you have a hell of a lot of reading ahead if you actually want to get to grips with it.

    Otherwise, the kneejerk stuff and the opinions will potentially swirl on forever. Plus the ridicule of natural health practice by outsiders with little clue about it. I care very much about how growers and producers in this country will be affected.

    Read the legislation: it's in the detail.

    wellington • Since May 2007 • 81 posts Report

  • Hard News: An unexpectedly long post…,

    Interesting - I wonder how that would interfere in the labelling requirments for cosmetics under HSNO, or would they be different types of information that are being required?

    Hey Scott - it depends on the language I use to promote the products. So the label can say "reduces signs of ageing", but if I say something therapuetic, it automatically falls under the therapeutic regulation and the product needs a license etc. If I had more time I'd find you the rule about the interface.

    As a professional health practitioner, after consultation I can prescribe skincare that "reduces the chance of a recurring attack of shingles" for example, as well as making your skin look great. ;o) This will not be jeopardised - except, as I said, by reducing the supply of locally-sourced ingredients I can access, or at the very least making their cost pretty prohibitive, because of the exhorbitant manufacturing compliance costs.

    wellington • Since May 2007 • 81 posts Report

  • Hard News: An unexpectedly long post…,

    Hey Joe; good point.

    If you can find an Australian producer of leptospernum scoparium essential oil who's still in business - hell I'll give it a go!

    wellington • Since May 2007 • 81 posts Report

  • Hard News: An unexpectedly long post…,

    yeah but would you put sodium hypochlorite on your skin and still have a good day?

    big difference eh rich.

    essential oils ARE prescribed in France - by bona fide medical doctors no less - and I can prescribe you some too if you really really want.

    you tell me the answer to your other big question - fascinating topic.

    wellington • Since May 2007 • 81 posts Report

  • Hard News: An unexpectedly long post…,

    No Rich - I've never come across sassafras oil for general sale - and I'm an oil dealer.

    wellington • Since May 2007 • 81 posts Report

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