Posts by Jolisa

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  • Up Front: Can't We All Just Fucking Get Along?,

    Comic sans, fighting fascists since... 1994. Thanks, Microsoft.

    Auckland, NZ • Since Nov 2006 • 1472 posts Report

  • Southerly: Bob's Top Five,

    So the best of both worlds is to have everyone wearing a helmet, but have that helmet not affect their behaviour, or the behaviour of motorists? (just their hair).

    In the best of all possible worlds, scientists would also solve the helmet-hair problem. And win a Nobel for it.

    I fantasize about the day we all live in a flat, bike-friendly, combustion-engine-rejecting utopia, where it never rains till after sundown, and we all ride everywhere at a leisurely pace on beautifully designed paths, wearing our prettiest clothes at all times. I mean, phwooaaaar.

    In the meantime, I am a fierce adherent of the helmet, and was deeply horrified to spot a woman cycling past me the other day at speed, not only helmetless herself, but wearing a very new baby in a frontpack, also helmetless. Shudder.

    Interesting to think about how helmet use has become normalised, tho. My bike-mad bro was hassled at school for wearing one, till he took an indelible marker and emblazoned it with "I'd rather look like an egg than get scrambled." The beginning of his brilliant career as a Great Persuader...

    Auckland, NZ • Since Nov 2006 • 1472 posts Report

  • Up Front: Can't We All Just Fucking Get Along?,

    Along similar lines, I try to use sans-serif fonts because that's what real socialists use.

    Wot, like comic sans? Respect!

    Auckland, NZ • Since Nov 2006 • 1472 posts Report

  • Up Front: Can't We All Just Fucking Get Along?,

    The Bechdel test is really just a rule of thumb

    You know what almost passes the Bechdel rule of thumb? Jane Austen. Except for rule 3, half the time, especially towards the end, and the beginning, and... damn. Well, arguably, given the times, they are talking about their employment options, which is also very important.

    But, the more-than-two-women-and-they-talk-to-each-other bit might explain the popularity of the movie versions.

    Hey, and turns out there is a handy website with a list of recent films that pass the test.

    Auckland, NZ • Since Nov 2006 • 1472 posts Report

  • Up Front: Can't We All Just Fucking Get Along?,

    and a great local soundtrack, too...

    On high rotate in our house, even all these years later.

    Auckland, NZ • Since Nov 2006 • 1472 posts Report

  • Up Front: Can't We All Just Fucking Get Along?,

    Kind of obvious I suppose, but maybe this; Topless Women Talk About Their Lives. Is that TOFO enough? Was made by a man but, so possibly not.

    Excellent title! Odd little film, funny and sweet and also weird, partly as a function of having been shot in 5 min chunks for late night TV.

    And I had completely forgotten that I was an extra in the bar fight scene, which involved standing around in a darkened, noisy, smoky bar on a sunny afternoon, for nothing more than the love of it. 90s flashback!

    Auckland, NZ • Since Nov 2006 • 1472 posts Report

  • Up Front: Can't We All Just Fucking Get Along?,

    If SATC2 is a foolish film, where can I find a good film about women and their lives?

    You know, that's a bloody good question.

    It really is. I'm stymied. Um. I hear good things about Please Give, by Nicole Holofcener, but haven't seen it myself yet. Please give more examples, somebody, anybody!

    This is a discussion thread about awesome women rather than a film, but it had the effect on me that a really good, cheerful film about women and their lives might have. As one commenter put it,

    Karen, you are awesome for getting a whole comment thread-ful of ladies to say how awesome they are. This many ladies knowing that they are awesome, and even saying it in front of other people, is the equivalent of dropkicking patriarchy in the face.

    (I have to say, it is also awesomely hard to come up with one's own statement of awesomeness, even when prompted, and even among supportive friends... )

    Auckland, NZ • Since Nov 2006 • 1472 posts Report

  • Up Front: Can't We All Just Fucking Get Along?,

    God, Hilary, that's dispiriting. Just when women's, gender and sexuality studies are getting really exciting. At least, they are over here.

    John Campbell who sometimes mentions Victoria's then Women's Studies department and what he learned there about objectifying women

    I think I know what you mean, but something about the syntax isn't working in your favour :-)

    Auckland, NZ • Since Nov 2006 • 1472 posts Report

  • Up Front: Can't We All Just Fucking Get Along?,

    Did somebody say TOFO? I just got my new Bravissimo catalogue. I may be some time...

    Auckland, NZ • Since Nov 2006 • 1472 posts Report

  • Up Front: Can't We All Just Fucking Get Along?,

    Go check out any of the many threads on Boobquake.

    Ah, I see. What I saw of those particular threads looked, to me, like healthy and contentious debate, at the interface of two very strong and interesting arguments. But I see how it felt different to others.

    P'raps we need a quick round of the teapot game.

    I was told, to my face, that the only thing I was achieving by supporting it was 'giving men a free look'.

    Yikes. Again, someone who's either mega-etiquette-deficient, or amazingly self-confident. Blokes say uncompromising stuff like that all the time. But I would hope not an indictment of an entire movement?

    Plus, what a dimwit - they missed the fact that you were giving women a free look too :-) Equal opportunity cleavage! I'm a daily advocate. Life is too damn short not to exhibit our beautiful bits in a tasteful manner while they're at their peak. As it were. [Gutter, gutter, looking at the stars.]

    Whenever Emma or I mention Tits Out For Ourselves day (hereafter known as TOFO) there is always someone who wants to tell us why we are wrong, and why what we are doing is bad for women.

    But... and not wanting to dismiss the feelings such a pronouncement might raise, because I can feel my heartbeat rising just reading about it... isn't that always kind of true of everything anyone does? That there's always someone with an opinion? And really, all that particular someone is telling you is that they think you are wrong, and they think what you are doing is bad for women. They don't own the facts.

    The arguments, the debates, I think they're good. We may not agree in the moment, but we can agree to disagree, which can be very empowering in itself. And minds can be changed hours, days, sometimes years later by something that was said and seemed to have been ignored at the time.

    Plus, without the arguing, and the questioning of premises (like the whole "bad for women/good for women", which is where the womanists and the radical dykes and pretty much ever feminist splinter group started digging - which women, kemosabe?), we'd never get to the next level.

    From where I sit, it's all good. It's a sign that the debate is alive. Feminists have been arguing with each other since the beginning (reckon Eve and Lilith had the same take on original sin, let alone which fig leaves were more flattering?). The minute we *stop* arguing, that's when I reckon feminism is dead.

    That, or the SATC3 movie, heh.

    Arguing well while fundamentally getting along, though, is undeniably an art, and takes more than one lifetime to master... s'OK to occasionally fuck up in the meantime, though, eh? In the pursuit of truth, happiness, and really good shoes?

    Auckland, NZ • Since Nov 2006 • 1472 posts Report

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