Posts by Manakura

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  • Yellow Peril: cops and robbers, qilai…,

    Five or six skinny 15-year old Freemans Bay wannabe gangstas (white and brown if you're interested) gave me the foreign-lady-love-you-long-time treatment, and a bit of a shove, in broad daylight on the Wellington St overbridge.

    OMG! The overpriveleged wankers I spent New Years with up at Taipa were right Grey Lynn and Freemans Bay are "dangerous man."

    OK some context: They were both from the North Shore and displayed a mix of fear and admiration when they found out I lived in Grey Lynn. Why? Apparently wanker A's brother had been chased down the street by "a car full of coconuts." I naturally asked if Wanker A's brother was an LSD freak beacause as far as i was aware coconut lack the sentient awareness to drive cars, as do most kinds of fruit and veg.

    In response to a blank look from A & B I attempted to explain the difference between palm trees and human beings, but zoology and botany weren't really there strong points.

    So, were any of the wangkstas (pidgin for wannabe gangsta) who accosted you actually small hard tropical fruit disguised as humans? If so, I owe two sincere young Pakeha from Takapuna an apology. You know who you are.

    I attended that Bill English lecture and come out of it enraged: I hate it when people I fundamentally disagree with articulate their position so intelligently and thoughtfully.

    Whaingāroa • Since Nov 2006 • 134 posts Report

  • Hard News: Inauspicious,

    Has anyone had a play with the conspiracy theoryJava map function yet:

    Its quite a fun game, sort of like the 'link 2 disparate movie stars in six steps game'. The graphics suck, but i went from ex-Black Panther Angela Davis to Bonnie Rait in to easy steps! I challenge anyone to get from Ghandi to Bill Clinton in six mouse clicks or less...

    Whaingāroa • Since Nov 2006 • 134 posts Report

  • Hard News: Inauspicious,

    I haven't laughed so much since someone wrote to the Dom describing Michael Bassett as "a left-wing columnist". "Left-wing"! "Columnist"!!

    Hilarious, is it a satirical site? I hope not, it's even funnier if someone is serious about it. This is particularly good:

    For an explanation of this picture grid, click here.

    Ha! Hilarious. They might as well put up a rolling banner saying Do you love GW Bush and have trouble understanding the recipe for cooking toast? If so, this is the website for you

    The obbsessive compilation of bio data of all these apparent threats to civilisation kinda reminds me of those freaky religious family values types that obsessively document pornography. The organsier(s) must be a deep-cover Left hander in deep deep denial: Not in the closet, rather deep in the walk-in wardrobe, Narnia styles.

    No James please tell me you do take this vindictive tosh seriously. The worlds needs people like you to cheer them up on shitty rainy days... rather like today in Auckwoodland.

    Whaingāroa • Since Nov 2006 • 134 posts Report

  • Hard News: More party pill palaver,

    If bzp based substances were sold in a controlled environment such as a chemist then I'd be a whole lot less inclined to oppose them.

    Heh, we could make them prescription only, in the vein of birth control, and the like. I can imagine the doctor's visits:

    Dr: So what seems to be the problem?
    Patient: I have trouble connecting with people in social environment, and lack empathy to my fellow party goer.
    Dr: O yes, alienation is a fundamental feature of post-Industrial western society. I'll prescribe you with a course of BZP. How many nights out do you anticipate over the next three months...

    But in all seriousness, banning BZP is stupid... so its a real shame Jim Anderton is playing such a big role in the politics of it. Socially conservative Socialists are sooo draconian.

    Or it could be,
    Jim Anderton is on a crusade inspired by personal tragedy.

    Notwithstanding Ross Bells more comments from a more knowledgable position: I'm surprised nobody has suggested perhaps there's a conflict of interest that prevents him from acting reasonably and in the best interest of most of society?

    Also, RB I'm not sure if its an issue with the PA website, but the link to the Heineken Tennis comp is defunct: every time I click on it it links through to a 'The Page Cannot Be Displayed" page. It might be our evil and abitrary University firewall - any suggestions?

    Whaingāroa • Since Nov 2006 • 134 posts Report

  • Hard News: Inauspicious,

    “We’re wondering where these organizations were during the crimes of Anfal and Halabja,” he said, referring to Mr. Hussein’s persecution of Iraqi Kurds. “Where were they during the mass graves and the executions and the massacres that killed hundreds of thousands of Iraqis?”"

    The answer to Maliki’s question is “no where”.

    Yeah thats right, god damn those Left handed hippy freaks with their ideals and hypocrisy! They were probably sunning themselves at Baja high on the evil weed while the Kurds were massacred at Halbja.

    Whereas the Right handers were really doing something about the massacres of the kurds, they were um... selling Hussein the gas (US) and helicopters (French) to do it. Truly the Right handers are women and men of action.

    Would you like a sprinkle of Iran Contra scandal to go with that huge plateful of burn?

    Michael, you're an embarassment to all Left handed people everywhere. I think several people on this thread are somewhat divorced from reality (including myself - what kinda fool quotes Whitney in public?) but at least they're having a go at thinking instead of just name dropping. Is that a Che Guevera T-shirt you're wearing?

    Go back 18 years to the time when Mr Loc...

    Heh, what a legendary arsehole, I'd love to see his rider list. Somehow I approve of the sheer bravado of his 'sore tongue' B.S but I disapprove wholly with how the U.S. govt. sold the war in Iraq. I think the difference is dead civillians. I can't believe you guys have been quibbling over whether its 60,000 dead, 1 million or whatever. One Iraqi civillian killed by the US military is as abhorrent as 1 million killed.

    I bet the guy/gal that decided that cluster bomblets should be tennis ball sized and candy coloured was Right handed. The kids love em.

    Whaingāroa • Since Nov 2006 • 134 posts Report

  • Hard News: Inauspicious,

    And instinctively I knew that they key comment on the thread, from Manakura, was yet to come.

    I'm humbled to be in the company of peeps that recognise the greatness of Tone Loc. That was the key post you were referring to right?

    Tom, how can you not give a rats posterior about NCEA? Its the kiddies education they're messing with! Its well known that I believe that children are our future, teach them well and let them lead the way... which brings us to Whitney Houston, who was married to a (an albeit musically inferior) contemporary of Tone Loc's.

    Simon you're right, Tone Loc is the key!

    Whaingāroa • Since Nov 2006 • 134 posts Report

  • Hard News: Inauspicious,

    Manakura's post was probably the best one...

    Aww shucks, thanks... are you left or right handed. If its the latter I hear the Destiny Church runs a right hand de-programming workshop. Their motto is love the person, hate the hand.

    Whaingāroa • Since Nov 2006 • 134 posts Report

  • Hard News: Inauspicious,

    The obtain-evaluate-use paradigm is particularly important in an age when the Internet brings us a huge amount of information of hugely variable quality.

    Ironically, when those skills are built into an NCEA curriculum, in place of rote leaning, some people complain that's dumbing down ...

    Not that I know much about how NCEA actually (dis)functions, (despite the fact I have readily devoured every printed word I came across on the whole saga - as a Listener subscriber that is just more evidence of that rags fading glory) but if it's moving away from teaching people how to find, collate and critically analyse information then that is seriously ill.

    Agreed with RB, we're all constantly bombarded with information from every and any source imaginable and not teaching kids how to engage with it and critique is quite mad.

    Further, it doesn't line up with the direction higher education is heading in. The entire tertiary sector is being moved ever further to the production of high quality research. The old bums on seats EFTS funding model is being phased out in favour of the PBRF (Performance Based Research Funding) that places a premium on research and publication in the allocation of putea ($$) from the public purse.

    I have on occassion tutored a practical material culture paper - i.e. teaching peeps how to weave - and even in this paper its 50/50 research vs. doing fun stuff with your hands. (That's a false division, btw, between doing and thinking - both can be research, obviously.)

    Clearly the Knowledge Wave broke before it could reach primary and secondary education.

    What an incredibly boring post.

    Whaingāroa • Since Nov 2006 • 134 posts Report

  • Hard News: Inauspicious,

    BTW: Pump it Hottie was huge in the Blue Light disco scene in Waipukurau, Hawkes Bay during the summer love 1989.

    My personal fave homeboy was Tone Loc though - there has never been a better hiphop remix/cover than his classic take on 'Wild Thing'.

    What say you?

    Whaingāroa • Since Nov 2006 • 134 posts Report

  • Hard News: Inauspicious,

    The International Left is a vast global conspiracy to convert the world to a totalitarian world government controlled by a small oligarchy. This oligarchy intend to rule all humanity with an iron fist masked by a seemingly benevolent 'Nanny' state.

    The women & men behind this have the sole object of ridding the entire globe of right handed cork screws, screwdrivers, coffee mugs and rulers.

    For too long the Lefties of the world have suffered under the brutal rule of the Right majority - anyone Left hander half cut at a dinner party where there are only right handed cork screws knows exactly what I mean - and soon they will rise up and revolt against tyranny of a Right handed world.

    So if you're left handed I'm sure the International Left will have some form of employment for you - the Revolucion always needs a ahem... helping hand. If you're a Righty then strap on your steak helmet and prepare for a future of servitude and humiliation. My suggestion is to learn how to ambidextrous, then you may find work as a Left-Right interpreter - the evil Lefty robot overlords will need someone to communicate orders to the urban Righty proles.

    NB: The term 'pinko-lefto' actually refers to the tragic history of left-handed Catholic school children being beaten with rulers on their left hand every time they tried to write with that hand.

    In answer to your question Robyn, there is definitely no place for light relief on this thread.

    Whaingāroa • Since Nov 2006 • 134 posts Report

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