Posts by Sara Noble

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  • "The Terrorism Files",

    my final bid for the night...

    bjd: it's hard not too I suppose, fear and complacency, complacency and fear - the push-me-pull-you of media mediated consumerism.

    Johnno: You know, I can understand how you can believe most of what you believe, but not this

    the police... were forced into the actions they took

    That, to me is overblown, head in the sand, bollocks. (oooh three metaphors in one go...)
    And what does this mean?

    the deliberate and repeated actions of some whose hubris has distracted attention away from the real issues we need to be addressing

    Auckland • Since Nov 2007 • 127 posts Report

  • "The Terrorism Files",

    and for the record:

    I don't like guns
    I don't like war
    I don't think yr average copper and the vast majority of them are any more inherently fascist than yr average nurse or teacher (probably less so than yr average teacher)
    I think most of them really want to do a good job

    But unlike even extreme activists, they have a huge power (legal, structural, and tangible - guns etc). They have a professional responsibility to use that wisely. When they don't it is incredibly damaging.

    A third of medical interventions are made to remedy prior medical mistakes. I wonder what the equivalent measure is in relation to police enforcement procedures?

    And the biggest culprit of all - underlying the vast majority of cases in both systems is alcohol. So on that, Johnno, you and I pretty much agree. I do drink a very little bit, very occasionally, but it horrifies me, the damage it does.

    Auckland • Since Nov 2007 • 127 posts Report

  • "The Terrorism Files",

    Johnno - given the disapppointing nature of the arms haul and the transcripts, don't you think the Video might also be a bit of a beat up?
    And if it is... what would you make of it?

    Auckland • Since Nov 2007 • 127 posts Report

  • "The Terrorism Files",

    FYI This has comes from the Tino Rangatiratanga website. Scroll down to the bottom of the page.

    bjd: hope its contagious - not the selfism, the rash!

    Auckland • Since Nov 2007 • 127 posts Report

  • "The Terrorism Files",

    Don't let this distract you from the key question above, because thats what is really important, but:

    You know, for all the fighting spirit I can show, I actually feel very, very sad. I mean, without even beginning to contemplate the trauma visited on the people who were caught up in the raids (okay that's bringing back the anger because that is more manageable than the distress) I think this has been profoundly damaging: alienating, polarising.

    Remember Paul Buchanan saying that the contradictions in NZ society weren't great enough to engender terrorism? Well I really fear that this has pushed us one step further in that direction, and that is NOT something that can be blamed on those apprehended.

    Auckland • Since Nov 2007 • 127 posts Report

  • "The Terrorism Files",

    Hey bjd, nice to see ya!

    Auckland • Since Nov 2007 • 127 posts Report

  • "The Terrorism Files",

    Yes, there was a bit of "no good" going down.

    The snail savers were trespassing.
    Some people had guns (4) without licenses.

    Excluding illegally published excerpts from illegally leaked copies of alleged transcripts of alleged conversations, what evidence is there?

    If there isn't any more than this,

    those of you who think the Police were bona fide: What are the underlying reasons for it to have become so exaggerated? How do YOU rationalise it?

    Auckland • Since Nov 2007 • 127 posts Report

  • "The Terrorism Files",

    Johnno, if I had your address I'd send you a Tui if I had a Tui.

    Auckland • Since Nov 2007 • 127 posts Report

  • "The Terrorism Files",

    ...and now, will the people who thought that the Police weren't out of line consider the possibility that it has been rather overblown. Let's say, if this turns out to be true and there were no molotov coctails, AK's or napalm - that all the tac they could lay their hands on was 4 guns - what the hell was going on? They turned over that whole town based on stupid bench-racing conversations - caused all that distress, planted the idea of Maori terrorism in the public mind, trod on the local cops toes, hurdled the Iwi liaison protocols - Why?

    I'm serious, those of you who think the Police were bona fide: What are the underlying reasons for it to have become so exaggerated? How do YOU rationalise it?

    Auckland • Since Nov 2007 • 127 posts Report

  • "The Terrorism Files",

    Or the MADMUPs (Middle aged downwardly mobile urban professionals) - my dad's party (after McGillicutty Serious died). Or the Raliens - the Raliens are really funny... Promising everyone spaceships and eternal life. Jeez they'd probably win.

    Auckland • Since Nov 2007 • 127 posts Report

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