Posts by Jolisa

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  • Busytown: The shakes,

    If they take Paypal, I will shout you all a choc bar.

    Auckland, NZ • Since Nov 2006 • 1472 posts Report

  • Busytown: The shakes,

    Then went to check on the 7-year-old -- the Aspie one -- and after a bit of silence, she said: "My room was shaking. It was very annoying."


    Auckland, NZ • Since Nov 2006 • 1472 posts Report

  • Busytown: The shakes,

    My five year old is in a cardboard box rolling around and yelling "earthquake, earthquake" cheerfully so I think he's not too traumatised.

    Or maybe he's self-administering a spot of play therapy... Either way, good on him.

    A walk around the neighbourhood (St Albans around Westmister and Barbadoes Sts) reveals very few chimneys still standing and a lot of silt and water on the ground

    I'm wondering: were most of the chimneys purely decorative, given the no open-fires rule?

    And is the silt due to the liquefaction effect?

    Auckland, NZ • Since Nov 2006 • 1472 posts Report

  • Busytown: The shakes,

    Cross-posted with Emma. Ta for the frontline report. I would send cash and bread and whiskey, but how to get it there?

    (I remember panic-buying milk on September 12th. It made perfect sense to me: there are no cows on the entire island of Manhattan, so if the bridges went down, there would be no milk for the foreseeable future, whereas other foodstuffs were less perishable and more amenable to air-drops. Except for eggs, maybe, but I was counting on being able to find a few under-the-radar urban chickens).

    Auckland, NZ • Since Nov 2006 • 1472 posts Report

  • Busytown: The shakes,

    Chch residents are now being told not to use their loos, apparently. That could get messy very fast.

    Stunning story from your Grandma, George. Is it wrong that, awful as it is, it strikes me as the perfect scenario for (or indeed denouement of) one of David Haywood's moral fables, at such time as he is able to rescue his laptop from the rubble?

    Meanwhile, apparently we all think of Douglas Adams at times like this. Chch residents urged: "Don't Panic"

    Auckland, NZ • Since Nov 2006 • 1472 posts Report

  • Busytown: The shakes,

    every structural engineering expert in the land should get a free drinks at the pub tonight

    That's not all they'll be getting, if they're anything like the emergency personnel after 9/11. To misquote Janeane Garofalo, it'll be all "Well, hellllooooooo Mr/Ms Structural Engineer!"

    So glad that people are chiming in with mostly relieving news; and that the timing was (as these things go) so fortuitous. In daylight, every one of those bricks would have had someone's name on it. The aftershocks must be scary though.

    In related news, Christchurch riddled with fault zones. Aargh.

    Auckland, NZ • Since Nov 2006 • 1472 posts Report

  • Busytown: The shakes,

    This chap will be able to give us the full seismic story, when he gets a chance, too.

    Auckland, NZ • Since Nov 2006 • 1472 posts Report

  • Busytown: The shakes,

    Yep, a tweet a couple of hours ago. Phew. Also Harvestbird and family. No word from Dr H yet; hoping that's not his Avonside house said to be knocked off its foundations.

    On the other hand, it has to be somebody's house. Ghastly game of dice, really, isn't it.

    Auckland, NZ • Since Nov 2006 • 1472 posts Report

  • Up Front: No Smoke,

    I feel like I've posted this before, but here it is again: Goodnight Moon Goes Smokeless, which inspired this parody.

    Auckland, NZ • Since Nov 2006 • 1472 posts Report

  • Up Front: No Smoke,

    what's the job of art? Is it to present an aspirational and respirational ideal, or to accurately reflect the world we live in?

    Oh but art doesn't have a job. So bourgeois! Art's on the creative dole, mining and moulding our collective subconscious while lying on the couch being clever. And yes, probably occasionally lighting up.

    But yeah, it should have an effect: Stendhal's moving mirror, Kafka's axe for the frozen sea within us; something in between the two.

    What is the job of a film rating, on the other hand? Simply to point out that certain parts of a given film may be objectionable for certain reasons, and then to let the filmgoer (or their in loco parentis person) decide, on that basis, whether to view. "Contains smoking, bad language, and parlous fashion choices," sort of thing.

    Needn't be limited to sex & drugs, either. I'd rather have known, for example, that a recent otherwise incredibly excellent movie contained a gruesome scene involving a corpse. Similarly, if I was trying to give up smoking, I might want to avoid a super-smoky movie.

    Giovanni's approach is a tidy and honest one. That's a nonna-state I could approve of.

    Auckland, NZ • Since Nov 2006 • 1472 posts Report

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