Posts by samuel walker

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  • Readers' Tips,

    ask for a strong three-quarter full flat white.

    probably a good idea in AK too. For those times when you arent sure whether to trust the barista.... Until now I have often asked for a short black with an inch of milk. the only thing worse than a milky coffee is a milky bad coffee.

    Since Nov 2006 • 203 posts Report

  • Hard News: Google Trending and MGMT,

    OTOH, need to sort out that vinyl->digital thing ...

    apart from utilising the rather excellent Phillips cdr component CD player;, which just sits in a stack under one deck [the only drawback being that It is going to PC VIA CD [one extra step], which is also a benefit as it is a goooooooood quality CD and handy for teh car...]. I have found the quickest and still high quality option to be the iriver T30MT, which has line in, multi codec support and a pretty good basic equaliser. Its as fast and easy as anything else i have seen. and better quality too.

    <thanks to cian at conch for the tip on it>

    Since Nov 2006 • 203 posts Report

  • Hard News: Spectacular but useless,

    I could, according to this “logic”, spend $500,000 protecting my house from being attacked by pterodactyls, and then conclude that pterodactyls are extremely “harmful” because of the enormous cost of protection against them.

    nice, i'm gonna use that.

    Since Nov 2006 • 203 posts Report

  • Hard News: Google Trending and MGMT,

    I don't want an artist compromising their art for dollars, ever.

    devils advocate hat; and cynic sneakers on for a moment:

    How many compromises have been made under the ownership of major labels? by 'artists' who actualy really just want to be be rich or a celebrity or both? or bonifide talented and passionate artists who were seduced by the lure of the same?

    Now that the Labels have less power and money are those compromises happening less? Maybe this filler/chaff that we disagree on has simply just changed. instead of just being overproduced and hyped pop it is also now more underproduced uninventive genre copies?

    Are many artists compromising their art by participating in the production of the inevitably cheesy promo video? by releasing a music statement that is confined in length by the recording medium of the time? by recording a certain number of songs that are catchy radio friendly to help lure in fans who will hopefully find richer content within the album?

    Or have these same constraints actually helped drive the artists? much of the great art of almost any medium is produced under structure rules. some of the finest novelists struggle until they let the confines of stucture and flow influence and inspire the work. And do some artists who would otherwise burn out stay fresh due to the renewed inspiration of a new producer or technique?

    there are a million different flavours there beyond mere product placement in songs......

    Since Nov 2006 • 203 posts Report

  • Hard News: Google Trending and MGMT,

    so any things competing for an individuals attention and money.

    n__o,**no__,no, its _**_th__e pirat__e__s.** they c__aus__ed it. a__nd we__ must st__op the__m.** for if we do,_**_ if we beat** them, pur__ge the wo__rld of their scor__ge. then a__ll will b__e rig__ht again in the wo__rld of ent__ertain__me**nt** com__**m__erce. tale__ntless__ wond__ers sh__all onc__e ag**__ain b__e able to re__ap th__e untold w__e__alth th__at the__y are __cu__rrent__ly being rob__b__ed of. unle__ss__ we d__o this th__e pi__ra__te__s h__ave w__o__n. jus__t r__emem__ber, pirate__s cant s__wim. th__e be__st w__ay __to get the__m is to** rai__se the s__ea leve__ls. glo__bal warm__ing** is our sec__ret__ weap__o__n. get y__our fi__ns on pe__eps,__ its gonn__a be__ a bump__y r__id__e!!!!!!

    Since Nov 2006 • 203 posts Report

  • Hard News: Google Trending and MGMT,

    and their efforts are appreciated, even if it is at the cost of them making easier money.

    but i bet they have some dedicated customers!
    unfortunately that approach has not worked for many small music retailers.

    and as for the clutter, picture that suburban music retailer in the late eighties. lots to wade through there too. and apart from the odd gem [fond memories of Select mag in the v.early nineties] most of the music press seemed to consist of regurgitated major label press releases as well.

    a rose tinted view of the past mayhaps robbery?

    Since Nov 2006 • 203 posts Report

  • Hard News: Google Trending and MGMT,

    Myself, I think the so called crisis in the record industry has been a huge boon for the music on the edge. There is so much stuff coming out and the decline of the majors has meant that the constraints have been removed and we're witnessing an inventive flowering not seen since the eighties when hip-hop, post-punk and house / techno all changed the landscape.

    I think the cause/effect is a bit more complex than majors fail/indies boon [not that you meant just that....]. the barriers that have dropped in worldwide communication and access to tools and inspiration materials have had a large influence too. And yes, there is as much great new music in exciting and inventive new shapes and new twists and refinements of older forms as ever before.

    walk into real groovy, see half a mile of trestle tables

    ....sounds pretty good to me!.

    granted the 'sale' bins can be a chore if you havent the time or inclination, but on the 'standard' shelves their filing is well maintaned, if you need to find a particular title it will be in the right location, with lots of undiscovered gems around it.

    Too much chaff the wheat is buried deep. you have to have the patience to wade through this stuff and if you lived through periods were there was a lot of interesting stuff happening right on the surface and written about directly in the appropriate publication etc.

    There has always been a thick layer of musical crud. Whilst I never sucumbed to the worship of slabs of vinyl [I still have a room full though.....] part of the thrill of finding those musical gems was the act of discovery, the trails that lead you there. working through the flotsam to find the gold. and i guess it's no different now.

    Since Nov 2006 • 203 posts Report

  • Hard News: Spectacular but useless,

    my two cents worth re: the various arguments about whether cannabis is more harmful than tobacco.

    There seems to be a trend already away from smoking cannabis. Vapour and more refined versions of cannabutter in particular.

    IF it were to beccome decriminalised I can only see this increasing, as people are able to discuss such matters more freely.

    this is over and above the comparing apples with watermellon argument of course.

    otherwise send em all to hamsterdam, Omar will sort out the rifraf.

    Since Nov 2006 • 203 posts Report

  • Hard News: Medical Matters,

    For a start there are far too many homos running around.....

    at this point i retract my thanks to Grant for at least being polite in his belligerence.

    Grant, you are obviously a scared and hateful man.

    If you have to come to terms with your inner demons you wont find help where you are currently looking. that is the only advice i can give.

    I hope the gods have mercy.

    Since Nov 2006 • 203 posts Report

  • Island Life: BP-Fuelled Rage,

    krack, steve.

    you guys should have a show. nice work.

    Since Nov 2006 • 203 posts Report

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