Posts by DexterX

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  • Speaker: The Voyage: On Interpreting and…, in reply to Scott Chris,

    Or just slap a land tax (rather than a CGT) on the whole economy to further disincentivise real estate speculation and suck the surplus cash back out of the economy.

    I am interested into how you see it as beneficlal that Land Tax will suck surplus cash out of the economy - what surplus cash - where is all this surplus cash hiding? I feel you don't understand what money "is" and how things work or can work,

    Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 1224 posts Report

  • Speaker: The Voyage: The Engine Room…,

    Gravity has a lot to answer for – Defying the rules of gravity creates problems.

    Attempts at Space Travel deserve a special Darwin Award when you consider that under the Space Shuttle program to get a get a 100000 kg shuttle “up there” took a 2 Million kg “appliance” - with most of that weight being made up of tanks full of rocket fuel.

    Having once seen the re-entry capsule used in the Apollo missions at MOTAT you just think to yourself, “Hell no I wouldn’t go”.

    This is one view of what re entry can look like from space.

    Financial markets and their regulation and the resulting “economic management” is that their workings defy of laws of common sense and are partisan towards bankers and the political elite - that has always been the problem..

    Everybody, with the exception of bankers and political elite, gets burned on the re-entry when financial markets come crashing down to a reality of sorts.

    Strap yourself in enjoy the re-entry and the eventual return to reality as momentary as it may eventually turn out to be.

    Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 1224 posts Report

  • Speaker: The Voyage: The Engine Room…,

    New Zealand, like many other developed economies

    Isn't the problem the narrow nature of our undeveloped economy?

    Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 1224 posts Report

  • Hard News: Sub Mission,

    With fairfax outsourcing "sub editing" jobs to NZ - they will be wanting to rely on NZ's high speed broadband network - they haven't experienced the level of outage and power failure.

    An outage schedule - is one even produced.or published?

    Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 1224 posts Report

  • Speaker: All aboard: The choice for…, in reply to izogi,

    applying in Australia resulted in an offer immediately with full shifting costs, and we very very reluctantly decided to jump ship and contribute to Australia's economy and solving Australia's problems instead.

    Same thing happened to my yougest brother and his family and by best mate and his partner - all graduates made redundant looked for work for a year couldn't get anywhere - applied on line for an Oz job, fly over for interivew, after a short trial period - job offer and moving costs.

    They won't be coming back - they want a future for their children - they have made the right choice for them..

    Seeing NZ, since the Mid 80's, manage itself out of an economy is torture and what is going down at present is worse - torturous incompetence - a ship of fools this National Govt - their stewardship will amount to contracting out the further contraction of the NZ economy.

    Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 1224 posts Report

  • Hard News: Press Play > Budget,

    Presently - It really doesn't matter what the budget is or what the forecasts are, the size of the gaps between forecasts, the budget and reality - this govt is awfully bad at being the government.

    The downsizing of teachers - increase in class size - spending 20 million to save 43 million - as if - that lack of allowanc/ loans for people wanting to do Masters or Phds, the changes to employment law where collective bargaining doesn’t have to end in a collective agreement blah, blah – it just goes on and on - ontop fo asset sales etc - is there nothing they can't phuck up.

    I heard John Key telling someone - via the medium of radio - that he had been REAL ISTIC about any expectation he had created on the Pike River Recovery. He really emphasised and laboured the words so much so that it sounded like.


    A few days before, Monday I think, I heard Mr Key talking to Marcus Lush and suggesting that NZ's crisis - likely present of future couldn't tell – the lack of Money to pay AGed Care Workers a living wage could be solved by importing nurses from the Philippines to work in Rest Homes.

    This suggested approach by Key is disloyalty to the NZ Workers and Tax Payers (reaching parity with the Lange Douglas Labour Govt) and doesn’t really address the fundamentals of the problem – looking to solve a problem by abusing and taking advantage of someone else while putting the other group of people on the scrap heap is not a solution..

    Realistically - I fink I could do his job better than him and cheaper – he REALLY IZ A (insert expletive of choice).

    The message is pretty clear - wanting a piece of Key and Nationals brighter future – and to earn wages on par with OZ – go live there.

    Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 1224 posts Report

  • Hard News: Press Play > Budget, in reply to merc,

    marketing as policy, tax and spend and borrow, tinkering round the edges and duopolistic leadership.

    Right on the money.

    Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 1224 posts Report

  • Capture: Cats Love Cameras, in reply to Nora Leggs,


    Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 1224 posts Report

  • Capture: Cats Love Cameras,


    Dubh Sister and Brother

    Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 1224 posts Report

  • Capture: Cats Love Cameras,


    More Dubh

    Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 1224 posts Report

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