Posts by InternationalObserver

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  • Hard News: Another Network in a…,

    But is it a good idea that cheap, fast net access is only available for (relatively) wealthy urbanites in smart inner suburbs.

    Hey I've got your number pal -- ya damn lousy commie! If you think us taxpayers are going to pay for those dole bludging terrorists in Tuhoe to get a wireless network so they can hook up with Al Qaeda ...

    ~ Joey Redneck

    Since Jun 2007 • 909 posts Report

  • Radiation: Desperate Heroes,

    Hey! How come Jon Knox got his screen embedded and all I got was a YouTube link? What's the secret Jon?

    Since Jun 2007 • 909 posts Report

  • Radiation: Desperate Heroes,

    She's a little bit ....

    Marie Osmond crashes on Dancing With The Stars

    Since Jun 2007 • 909 posts Report

  • Hard News: Te Qaeda and the God Squad,

    Just listened to Ross Meurant on Campbell Live ... WOW!

    He gave credit to Helen Clarke ('she's been a great PM') and dished the dirt on [bad] Police culture. I loved his aside: 'I've just been to Syria, does that make me a terrorist?'

    Maybe a leopard can change his spots?
    </jury still out>

    Since Jun 2007 • 909 posts Report

  • Stories: Memorable Meals,

    I cooked my vegetarian girlfriend a tofu meal once. I 'mashed' it (an unappetising square of Tofu) with a potato masher to make it look like mince, then I fried it with soy sauce till it was brown (to make it look like mince), and served it up with spaghetti and pasta sauce. And some green pepper on top for good measure.

    She appreciated the gesture, despite my obvious attempts to make it look 'meaty'. (The only way I could blardy eat it!)

    Since Jun 2007 • 909 posts Report

  • Hard News: Te Qaeda and the God Squad,

    On the other hand, I'm slightly wary of a foreign organisation ... going jurisdiction shopping having failed to secure a warrant elsewhere.

    An interesting quandary.
    Take the politics out, make the alleged perp an alleged paedophile ... and what's your response then?
    Or try the example of child custody. Just because one country fails to act under the Hague Convention, should NZ do the same if the non-custodial parent then takes their child on to NZ?

    Since Jun 2007 • 909 posts Report

  • Speaker: Not quite what you may think,

    1. There is a typo in the title.

    Spooky how the human brain works - I read it as 'quite' until you pointed out the typo.
    Obviously I'd make a great police witness: if the defendant says "I wasn't there your Honour!" I'd swear otherwise.

    Since Jun 2007 • 909 posts Report

  • Speaker: Vote Grey Warbler,

    I'm forwarding this thread to the SIS.

    Surely Hill & Brown can't seriously be such avid bird-fanciers? (They're both married after all -- ba-dumm!) So it must be code for something else ...

    I'd advise everyone to stay indoors. Something is afoot, methinks.

    I'm going to duct tape my windows just in case ...

    Since Jun 2007 • 909 posts Report

  • Hard News: Te Qaeda and the God Squad,

    Sam and his lot are activists and political idealists. But terrorists? Next joke.

    A man walks into a bar ...

    Since Jun 2007 • 909 posts Report

  • Hard News: Te Qaeda and the God Squad,

    I must withdraw and apologise, Madame Speaker, for my earlier comment:

    Any chance we can get the PAS Women's XV in here to kill this thread, or do ppl still believe there's life left (ie anything new) in it?

    There are new points to discuss.

    Thanks for that reminder Michael, I'd forgotten that Broad was the wingnut who saw demons at work in the Christchurch Creche (follow the link above ppl for this timely quote: Police officers in the grip of this hysteria made the grossly unprofessional mistake of treating rumour and innuendo as established fact.) So how did he go on to be Top Cop?

    Also I watched both TV news bulletins tonite and saw different views of the protest Hikoi. On both channels the School Bus driver spoke about how how armed police did so storm the bus. On TV1 they had him saying it was only one cop, but on TV3 he went further saying it was only one cop -- who went to the back of the bus and then straight back out (off) again. And that there were only two students on the bus at the time! TV3 also included the Police Associations 'defence' (which TV1 didn't) that the when the Police who were chasing two Mongrel Mobsters wanted for a shooting two years earlier they had 'escaped' the police cordon by hiding on a Kohanga Reo school bus!

    Kinda relevant to what happened earlier this week, IMHO. (I don't believe those Mobsters were on the previous bus without anyone else knowing). Methinks the Hikoi doth protest too much (at least on the bus issue).

    Since Jun 2007 • 909 posts Report

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