Posts by InternationalObserver

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  • Radiation: Desperate Heroes,

    I watched an episode of Californication in Australia recently and was unimpressed. The Duchovny character struck me as a sleazy loser, a feeling not shared by any of the female characters he comes into contact with. Including the 16 y.o. daughter of his friend, who he bonks as well.

    In the episode I watched he meets a stranger at the 7/11 and they go home and bonk - I thought that stuff only happened in Penthouse Forum but then I don't look like Duchovny so what do I know?

    I thought (to my self) the whole thing was ludicrous and then my wife, completely unprompted (apropos of nothing) blurts out: "I wouldn't kick him out of bed". Eh? What brought that on? You'd have thought I'd asked for the DVD Box Set of Dark Angel for Xmas ...

    So, out of spite let me quote television without pity

    We like David Duchovny, but not enough to keep covering a show in which he plays a drunken, hipper-than-thou lech who's supposedly a brilliant writer, but spends more time sleeping with every woman in L.A., including a sixteen-year-old. And that was just in the first episode. He fought, he drank, he showed his butt, he made clever sexual puns, but it only took six episodes to figure out that this thing wasn't going anywhere. Farewell, Pussyman, farewell.

    Since Jun 2007 • 909 posts Report

  • Hard News: Te Qaeda and the God Squad,

    Len was in a bad place to be productive & did Helen Clark mention he & Jill are in a relationship?

    WTF would that have to do with it?

    Er, because he was defending a ladies honour, which therefore qualifies him for some special 'understanding'??

    I predict he'll get diversion.

    Since Jun 2007 • 909 posts Report

  • Hard News: Moron y Moron,

    No-one's dense here, except me. My humour can be quite obscure. The above quip was based on something a lesbian flatmate of mine used to say. But you didn't flat with her so I'll just STFU. </cue:- tumbleweed>

    Since Jun 2007 • 909 posts Report

  • Speaker: All Been Said,

    A mayor ... has thrown a spanner in the works, and we'll doubtless have a whole lot of bickering between now and kick-off. But there will be a kick-off. So, even if our Word Cup curse cannot be lifted, could we perhaps not doubly embarrass ourselves?

    As an Auckland City ratepayer (ie I don't live in Manukau, Waitakere, or the North Shore) I don't recall us being asked to pay huuuuuuge amounts of money to revamp an underused stadium to host the RWC prior to Gov'mint bidding for it.

    They can blardy pay.

    Since Jun 2007 • 909 posts Report

  • Hard News: Meanwhile in Iraq ...,

    Slightly tangential, but Gwynne Dyer's column in the NZ Herald this morning kinda illustrates how politics can view two similar acts as quite different. Good for the goose, but not for Turkey?

    Fifteen months ago, the armed wing of Lebanon's Hezbollah party, listed as a terrorist organisation by the United States and most other Western countries, attacked Israel's northern border, capturing two Israeli soldiers and killing eight more.

    Israel replied with a month of massive air attacks across Lebanon that destroyed much of the country's infrastructure, levelled a good deal of south Beirut, and killed about 1000 Lebanese civilians.

    ... Western capitals insisted that this was a reasonable and proportionate response, and shielded Israel from intense diplomatic pressure to stop the attacks...

    ...So what would be a reasonable and proportionate Turkish response to the recent attacks by the Kurdistan Workers' Party (PKK), listed as a terrorist organisation by the US and most other Western countries, from northern Iraq into southeastern Turkey? More than 40 Turkish civilians and soldiers have been killed in these attacks over the past two weeks, and a further eight Turkish soldiers were captured.

    ...What's that? Washington is asking Turkey to show restraint and not attack Iraq at all? Even after the Kurdish terrorists killed or kidnapped all those Turkish people? Could it be that Turkish lives are worth less than Israeli lives?

    Since Jun 2007 • 909 posts Report

  • Hard News: Moron y Moron,

    So is the plate supposed to have stuff on it then? ;-)

    Not if you're a lesbian! ;-)

    Since Jun 2007 • 909 posts Report

  • Hard News: Moron y Moron,

    every man loves a tart now and then ... unless the wife is watching and then we reach for the wholemeal oatbran cookies ...

    Since Jun 2007 • 909 posts Report

  • Hard News: Moron y Moron,

    BREAKING NEWS!! (from NZ Herald)
    Official confirmation NO charges will be laid following punch-up!

    So I guess we can all STFU now? It's over ...

    Since Jun 2007 • 909 posts Report

  • Hard News: Meanwhile in Iraq ...,

    But why is it that so much of the 'good news' is of the my-head-doesn't-hurt-so-much-now-you've-stopped-punching-me variety?
    Liberal media bias?

    Since Jun 2007 • 909 posts Report

  • Hard News: Meanwhile in Iraq ...,

    Bush never travelled before becoming Prez, so I doubt he'll travel after leaving office. Unlike Clinton he won't be wanting for money, so won't need to do speaking tours.
    What's so depressing about Iraq is that everything that has happened was predictable. In fact it was predicted, and yet the US did it anyway.
    Which is why (despite no real 'factual' proof) my fear is that maybe some of those Christian Fundamentalist Wingnuts in (or in control of) the Whitehouse really did want to bring about 'Biblical Prophecy'.
    Which makes the more obvious reason (they just want the oil, and airbases in the Mid East) a whole lot more palatable in comparison.

    they were able to get themselves into Iraq in only a few months, it seems likely they could get out with similar ease

    Yeah, logisticly they could do it no problem but they know darn well what would happen if they pulled out. Absolute civil war. Massive civillian deaths (much worse than now). And that would (will) be on their heads.
    And the eventual outcome will be an Iranian backed Government enforcing Sharia Law (and cancelling all those sweetheart Oil Contracts the US put in place before leaving). Go figure, you dumbRs' - your worst nightmare come true!!
    Will US history books ever acknowledge this monumental (on every level) cock up??

    Since Jun 2007 • 909 posts Report

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