Posts by conseismal
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"going to war on (oneself)"
sometimes i think that the reactions hereupon even to the likes of me-kins indicate that this is a somehow 'unacceptable state to be in'
Would that i was sure, that this unacceptability is not but one more sign of immersion in identity/victimary rhetoric? And just how much more real thought can from now on come out of that?having just now read the Paglia-Burchill fax exchange (thankeethankee for posting!) i am sytricj by JB's comment that any sort of serious contact with academia is a "fate worse than death" Paglia is here indeed, oh, icky beyond belief!
and yet today we find Miss Julie "studying theology" in the region of old Brighton & Hove..
somehow i do not believe this will deprive her of her thrillsomest nuts!
i am curious about RB's comment on Julie Burchill. Exactly what is the problem with disagreeing with yourself sometimes? Even in the midst of composition? What better way to put yourself through some changes, to interfere even with your very own imperatives? And what criteria would he use to discern between the mere execution of a "dynamite prose style" and thought worthy of, thought that generates, "respect"?
Dear Professor Paglia,
Fuck off you crazy old dyke.
Julie Burchilli dig very much the work of JB but will someone tell me just what is so loveable about the above quotational?
plz? -
when kiwis call you 'mate'
you know yr in trouble, right?
On the Mate
a WWF production featuring
p Vs. P and who how many MATErials inbetween?omg i'm having a Dollzeal moment
Mate, you're as hard to get rid of as herpes...and about as welcome.
similar to them ole punkos from which this here slew of posters would appeared to have taken its initial leave?what do i know?
but do, keep me inFormed.. -
just to let the commentariat know that
i as "Not Deleted Lightly"
and while we're talking r 'n' r
who else amongst us was greatly dismayed
when yonder rocker Mr C Knox of Awkers Parish
first began sporting those dreadful secretarial headsets
and prancing about in a cow-cocky costume
when he performed his rockaroll?
was this right my friends, was this right?punkily consistent