Posts by InternationalObserver

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  • "The Terrorism Files",

    Is not the pursuit of $ an ideological cause?

    There was a bizarre puff piece on Ellis' 'guerrila marketing' antics on 20/20 last night. It seemed like someone at the last minute decided it would be a PR sellout to actually give any screentime to the actual product he was marketing. So instead all we got was lots of footage of him being 'a larrikan' with 'his mates' blowing shit up. And grinning "Boy, we're gonna get into trouble with this!".

    Since Jun 2007 • 909 posts Report

  • Hard News: Fake Fiona Rae,

    The St James won't re-open until the developer that owns the entire site gets consent for his proposed redevelopment. I've no doubt the St James was severely damaged by the small fire and will need major refurbishment in order to bring it up to code and make it a world class auditorium.
    I've no doubt either that the developer will be negotiating with Council planners to undertake this expensive refurbishment in lieu of the usual Council Reserve Contribution.
    So until then the doors will remain closed??

    Since Jun 2007 • 909 posts Report

  • "The Terrorism Files",

    what Steve Barnes said above

    I was 'bemused' that Imran Khan was arrested in Pakistan under their Terrorism Suppression Act. Luckily we don't have to worry about that here in NZ because no politician would use the act for political purposes ... public safety yes, but not for political purposes. Nosiree.

    Since Jun 2007 • 909 posts Report

  • "The Terrorism Files",

    what Steve Barnes said

    I was 'bemused' that Imran Khan was arrested in Pakistan under their Terrorism Suppression Act. Luckily we don't have to worry about there in NZ because no politician would use the act for political purposes ... public safety yes, but not for political purposes. Nosiree.

    Since Jun 2007 • 909 posts Report

  • Speaker: Family First, Blowjob Later,


    the Dresden Files

    I've never been able to watch that show, the title just gives me the creeps. Couldn't they have given the title character a different surname? Albert Aushwitz? Ned Nuremburg?
    yeah, yeah, I know, it's from the book

    Since Jun 2007 • 909 posts Report

  • Speaker: Family First, Blowjob Later,

    I think you mean an actor playing a Fireman having simulated intercourse with an actress playing a nun.

    I meant actually as in it wasn't a dream sequence unlike the scene in Californication.

    Okay, not sure of the House Rules, and this is probably breaking Nettiquette but .... I'm cutting and pasting a comment (abridged) I made in the Radiation thread, since this guest blog is all about the same subject:

    And speaking of Californication and the Advertiser Ban driven by Family First ....

    Are we going to accept this? Seriously, I thought this sort of thing only happened in the US? This is a show that screens at 9.30pm! And they've successfully convinced advertisers to pull their advertising. If we allow Family First's action to go unchecked, what next? Will & Grace?

    While I accept that in a democracy anyone should be allowed to start a boycott, I also think it should be possible to challenge that boycott. Maybe we should boycott those advertisers too timid to stand up to Family First?

    I'd suggest picking on one and would suggest it should be Burger King. I think it's hipocritical of them to suggest that the show is too controversial when some of their own advertising has been viewed in the same light. They won't pull those campaigns but they will pull advertising from a show screening in an adult timeslot??

    And maybe Craig can cut n paste his reply ...

    Since Jun 2007 • 909 posts Report

  • "The Terrorism Files",

    hear my dream, people, for lo, it is friday, and i am grumpy.

    Cast yourself free from the shackles of the Protestant Work Ethic (a.k.a the 9-5 work week) WH and you'll discover you don't have to wait until Friday to be grumpy ...

    Freelancers can be grumpy any time they jolly well please ...

    Me personally? I'm probably more Dopey than Grumpy.

    Since Jun 2007 • 909 posts Report

  • Hard News: Spammer until proven innocent,

    Have you ever tried to tuck a dollar coin into a g-string?

    ...My witty rejoinder has been deemed unsuitable for anything but a late night audience ...

    Since Jun 2007 • 909 posts Report

  • Speaker: Family First, Blowjob Later,

    Family First has called for a boycott of this US import because former X-Files star Dave Duchovny is given an on-screen blowjob by a nun in a church. It's a dream sequence, no genitals in actual sight, and it's only half as twisted as some of the freakish stuff in the Old Testament, but nevertheless, it was enough for the moral majority to scream "Blasphemy!".

    And yet a few weeks back on Rescue Me we had one of the Firemen actually having sex with an actual Nun! Not a peep from Bob, but then it did screen at 11pm (not the 9.30 Family Viewing Hour) so he was probably tucking his kids in to bed at the time ...

    Since Jun 2007 • 909 posts Report

  • Radiation: Desperate Heroes,

    Excellent point RB. A pity our media didn't ask these advertisers why they were bowing to this pressure. Instead they chose to report it as controversy!! So yes, MSM print journalism is out the window, replaced by delivering consumers to advertisers.

    Since Jun 2007 • 909 posts Report

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