Posts by Sacha

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  • Speaker: On the upland road, in reply to izogi,

    Ta for the detail

    Ak • Since May 2008 • 19745 posts Report

  • Speaker: On the upland road,

    Thanks, Colin. Yes, the OIA needs strengthening, including more realistic timeframes for release of simple information and fewer avenues for political interference. Maybe expedited timeframes for journalists too?

    I’ve long wanted journalism’s legally-protected status to depend on actual practice – if someone is behaving like a journalist (researching, writing, checking, declaring interests, being even minimally accountable and ethical) then they qualify. If they aren’t, no matter where their output appears, then they don’t.

    Existing remedies can then apply, preferably along with a beefed-up broad media regulator with teeth. Media organisations may find some hacks too risky and expensive to employ any more.

    I’m fundamentally sick of lies bringing no consequences for those who make and spread them. Of people defending falsehoods and nastiness by bleating about their ‘free speech’. Publishing of any sort is a privilege, not an unfettered right. Go say whatever you like in person and it’s hard to do too much harm. A megaphone or transmitter of any nature brings extra responsibilities.

    Similarly, I’d like to see the Auditor-General, Ombudsman, Privacy Commissioner, etc, not subject to government strangling their budgets. Someone suggested making the government agency being investigated liable for the costs of the investigation, adding another incentive for them not to misbehave. Imposing firm timeframes for investigations seems fair too. Justice delayed suits the powerful just fine.

    Ak • Since May 2008 • 19745 posts Report

  • Hard News: Dirty Politics, in reply to Sofie Bribiesca,

    it's a tough job.
    worst enemy, etc

    Ak • Since May 2008 • 19745 posts Report

  • Hard News: Why we thought what we thought, in reply to Bart Janssen,

    The Greens seem to already have plenty of evidence-based policy – just not perhaps in the area you want it. They’re constantly smeared by the right as being economically ‘loony’ when they’ve had a coherent policy in that dimension for years now. I doubt adopting rationalist science positions will fix their reputation.

    Ak • Since May 2008 • 19745 posts Report

  • Hard News: Why we thought what we thought, in reply to Alfie,

    Correct me if I’m wrong, but I don’t think O’Connor would be doing anything illegal if he had leaked Police video evidence to Slater

    O'Connor is the head of the police staff union. He has no more right to share inquiry evidence than you or I do.

    Ak • Since May 2008 • 19745 posts Report

  • Hard News: Why we thought what we thought, in reply to Greg Dawson,

    the fb leaks are a new front unsupported by Hagers book

    Are you sure - I thought his book had plenty of Facebook-sourced evidence?

    Ak • Since May 2008 • 19745 posts Report

  • Hard News: Why we thought what we thought, in reply to Amanda Wreckonwith,

    the ‘problems Matthew has’

    which explains some of Boag's comments as well. Who needs enemies..

    Ak • Since May 2008 • 19745 posts Report

  • Hard News: Why we thought what we thought,

    The underlying character flaw is millenia old - acting as if the ends always justify the means. Moral grown-ups apply better judgement than that.

    Ak • Since May 2008 • 19745 posts Report

  • Hard News: Why we thought what we thought, in reply to Teej,

    kia ora.

    Ak • Since May 2008 • 19745 posts Report

  • Hard News: Why we thought what we thought, in reply to Roger Lacey,

    sustained loss of traction


    Ak • Since May 2008 • 19745 posts Report

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