Posts by webweaver

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  • Island Life: On the waterfront,

    I think it looks quite pretty - like our Queen's Wharf sails but on a waaaay grander scale. Good idea to think about building something like that with the time and budget available, rather than whole buildings.

    Can't image how the side walls would look tho - they'd ruin the aesthetic if they weren't done right - and imagine having to race all the way along every sail pulling the side walls down (or whatever) if a nasty front came through unexpectedly. Chaos!

    Wellington • Since Nov 2006 • 332 posts Report

  • Hard News: Greetings from the Garden City,

    @3410 - dude... that's just... I have no words. The costumes,the choreography, the music... it's like a parallel universe or something. And WHAT was with the pink rubber gloves and the giant squirty tube of goo at the end? Good lord.

    Whereas Hilary's "Joe and Phil play the blues" is just plain sweet. And the sand animation? Awesome - and I think I got something in my eye....

    Wellington • Since Nov 2006 • 332 posts Report

  • Hard News: Where your money goes,

    heh. You are so right Russell! That'll teach me to post instructions before checkin it actually works.... Clicking on the mp3 link on the Nine to Noon page works much better....

    Wellington • Since Nov 2006 • 332 posts Report

  • Hard News: Where your money goes,

    That's Tim's link I'm talkin' about... 4 posts up...

    Wellington • Since Nov 2006 • 332 posts Report

  • Hard News: Where your money goes,

    And for the Mac-heads (for whom this link doesn't work) - you will need to download the VLC Media Player which is a jolly good bit of software for the Mac.

    Then go here Nine to Noon and do the following (from the RNZ website):

    How do I set up VLC on Mac OSX ?

    It is not possible to get VLC to automatically launch when you click on the live stream links, but it is possible to have a file on you computer that activates the live stream. Do the following.

    1. Save the live stream file onto your desktop. Do this by right clicking on the nation live stream link (or control + click if you have a one button mouse) and selecting Download linked file.

    2. Click on the file you just downloaded and press command + I. this will bring up the information window.

    3. In the name and extension section change the name to "RNZ National Live"

    4. In the Open With section, change the dropdown to VLC.

    5. Close the Information window.

    You should now be able to double click on the new file and it will open VLC and play right away.

    Wellington • Since Nov 2006 • 332 posts Report

  • Hard News: Rockin' the Casbah?,

    Is the consensus that MMM was nothing more than a joke? Or was he serious?

    from Wikipedia:

    As a radical departure from the rest of Reed's catalog, Metal Machine Music is generally considered to be either a joke, a grudging fulfillment of a contractual obligation, or an early example of noise music. Reed himself has said of the album "I was serious about it. I was also really, really stoned." In the album's liner notes he claimed to have invented heavy metal music and asserted that Metal Machine Music was the ultimate conclusion of that genre.

    Wellington • Since Nov 2006 • 332 posts Report

  • Hard News: Rockin' the Casbah?,

    Wait. But he wasn't at all concerned about running an iron over her?

    I seem to remember he used to place a sheet of brown paper between the iron and the NME (to stop the paper scorching and to protect the iron from the NME's infamous unstable ink), so I guess he figured she was protected by the brown paper - and having a flat and pristine NME was more important than not-ironing-Debbie. :)

    Wellington • Since Nov 2006 • 332 posts Report

  • Hard News: Rockin' the Casbah?,

    Ahh the NME...

    When I was at varsity in the UK in the early 80s (god I'm old!) my best mate Sturat so venerated his copies of the NME that he would iron them to make sure they remained uncreased. And if there was a pic of Debbie Harry in that week's copy he'd buy two - one for cutting the picture out and sticking it on his wall, and the other to iron and keep in pristine condition.

    I second (third, fourth) the vote for Grant Smithies - he's a wonderful writer and a damn fine bloke as well. I first met him working on The Gathering, when I took over the publicist role from him. He was about a million times better at talking about the DJs and performers than I was (I could never sound "down wit teh kidz" like he could), so I stuck to the love and peace and be nice humans angle in all my publicity. He was a hard act to follow!

    Ditto also the appreciation for Duncan at Deadball. I got entirely too hooked on NZNTM earlier this year, and he wrote the best blog posts about the show - power rankings 'n' all. The liveblogging on the night of the final was fun too!

    Wellington • Since Nov 2006 • 332 posts Report

  • Island Life: There is no alternative,

    Yeah - and you can fill in a form at the end of the tax year and get that tax deduction also paid to the charity of your choice. It's easy to do - Greenpeace sent me the form this year which made it a no-brainer to do just that.

    Wellington • Since Nov 2006 • 332 posts Report

  • Hard News: Deja Vu,

    So what you're saying Mark is that...

    If I had kids (which I don't) and if those non-existent kids had to stop living with me for whatever reason, you'd ship them back to the UK - cos that's where my nearest rellies live...

    Wellington • Since Nov 2006 • 332 posts Report

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