Posts by Nobody Important

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  • Hard News: British style,

    "...It is the job of a Royal Marine to fight, and if necessary suffer and die, for his country..."

    Yup, that's how the old wars were fought (including last century's). Just keep throwing more troops at the enemy til someone wins. Nevermind the deathtoll.

    Modern warfare is much more civilised inasmuch that fewer soldiers are actually killed; which stops the nation from complaining sooner. (But America finally seems to be waking up to their Bush folly)

    expat • Since Mar 2007 • 319 posts Report

  • Island Life: A Pylon In My Back Yard,


    It was Simba in Lion King, not the other way around ...

    expat • Since Mar 2007 • 319 posts Report

  • Hard News: British style,

    It's good news that the captured British sailors are to be released

    Anyone else bemused that while this story was the lead item on TV1's Breakfast news bulletins this morning, it came up LAST on Prime's Today Show news bulletins?? WTF?

    The Aussie news' lead story was about some Aussie schoolboys being arrested after raping a girl and then posting the cellphone video online; so that's valid - but last?

    (And since I've brought it up: the schoolboy rape story is awful; esp on the heels of our own Police rape allegations. When are MEN going to own this problem?)

    expat • Since Mar 2007 • 319 posts Report

  • Island Life: A Pylon In My Back Yard,

    Kimba the White Lion

    Wasn't it Simba?

    Whichever name, Disney's Lion King was (IMHO) a complete rip-off. (And by 'rip-off' I mean 'homage'; lest the PA legal team be worried)

    expat • Since Mar 2007 • 319 posts Report

  • Random Play: Step away from the…,

    I assumed my passport must have some invisible stamp on it. Or was it the hair? Or the t-shirt?

    I don't know what T-shirts you wear Mr Reid, but hopefully it's nothing 'edgy' because yes, that will mark you for attention. And yes, get a hair cut. Long hair on a man you age indicates you are a subservsive thinker. And yes, Customs (in any country) did have a special mark they would put on your passport which meant (once so marked) you will be checked every time.

    I know all this because a friend of mine used to be a Customs Officer last century. She also showed me where the mark went and suggested that if I ever got one I should ditch the passport and apply for a replacement. Unfortunately Big Brother is here now and so it's all on inter-linked computers. So if your name is flagged you're f#kt.

    both times when I had young children with me

    there you go - another clue on how to make the Customs process easier (unless one looks like a junkie, and the kids are mules)

    expat • Since Mar 2007 • 319 posts Report

  • Hard News: Things we needed to hear,

    He has never apologised to the women creche workers.

    And while he's at it he could apologise to Ellis as well. Oh that's right, a jury found him quilty so he must be.

    Why do you think that you weren't informed that the protest you were in was going to deliberately set out to confront the police?

    Actually I was trying to keep my comment brief, hence I perhaps didn't make myself clear. It was Pythonesque because clearly everyone else in my row knew that the front group were going to peel off, leaving us as the new frontline to take on the next group of cops. Except me, who had come on their own, and had unwittingly picked the wrong row to wiggle into.

    And to be fair to 'The Protestors', that was the last day of the Tour yet the first day I'd worn a helmet to the protests. I'd seen enough in previous protest marches to realise I needed protection. I had decided that this time I was going to be more 'vigourous' because goddamn it I'd had enough of the BS. Yes, I blame Muldoon for forcing the Tour. He could have stopped it but didn't.

    the 81 Springbok Tour was when the middle class learnt the cops were actually bastards

    Rugby managed to repair their reputation over the last quarter century; so why not the Police? The middle classe experience of the Police is pretty much limited to recieving traffic tickets from them, and that when we're burgled they do nothing. On the last two occassions I've been to a Police Station to lay a formal complaint I've had counter staff actively try to dissuade me from doing so. With the last one (traffic) I was told that on the basis of my complaint it would be me that would be charged! Both complaints were 'minor' but serious enough for me to bother actually going to a station. I left both times with the feeling the Police were trying to manage the stats so they could claim crime was decreasing.

    I know this is trivial in light of what Bazley's Commission of Inquiry uncovered, but my point is that the Police seem to have lost the confidence of all sectors of the community. And when that happens you're f#kt. Banner ads on every website in NZ won't help you either ...

    expat • Since Mar 2007 • 319 posts Report

  • Hard News: Things we needed to hear,

    Was anyone here ever at the receiving end of the Red Squad in '81?

    Yup! I was marching with (I think) the Biko Group, a few rows back. Suddenly wooden shields were being passed along my row; and then everyone in front turned left to confront one Police line while we continued onwards to the next Police line. I guess everyone else in my row knew what was planned but I had no blardy idea!

    As everyone leapt forward into the fray I quietly shuffled back two steps - it was very Pythonesque.

    As someone else said earlier: the 81 Springbok Tour was when the middle class learnt the cops were actually bastards ...

    expat • Since Mar 2007 • 319 posts Report

  • Hard News: Things we needed to hear,

    Oh the power of Google!!

    As a result of the above posts my interest was piqued so I clicked onto Kiwiblog which led me to another of his items ... about SpareRoom and their cryptic story about a former TVNZ worker that DPS wouldn't comment on ....which led me to SpareRoom and a rather long item about another site that have named a person formerly at TVNZ who was "seeing a 16 year-old" ... but SpareRoom were indignant about this other site, and wouldn't name the site or the ex-TVNZ staffer or link to their story ...

    [**Moderator's note:** Congratulations on your enterprising googling, but that was a little too much info for me to be publishing there, so I've edited that part of your post. - RB]

    My point? I'm just fascinated (hey, it's late) by how I can move from this august site (PA) to the online equivalent of an Enquirer story within four mouse clicks. Did I mention it's late? How else do I explain/excuse that I was actually interested to learn these sordid details? (Who knows if it's true, but the site claims a good source)

    Would it be too prurient to run a pool to see when the MSM print this story? Most likely in the vein of "[Celebrity] Denies Outrageous Internet Rumours!" ...

    expat • Since Mar 2007 • 319 posts Report

  • Hard News: You've gotta hand it to Steve,

    I was just feeling a brief twang of nostalgia for...

    Anyone remember the name of that second hand record stall in the Bohemian market that lived in what is now the Bivouc Centre (I think) in the basement of the Whitcoulls building, on Queen Street? Was it the original Revival Records? Or Vinyl Exchange?

    I remember hatching a cunning plan to steal bulk records from The Record Warehouse across the road (almost) in Durham Street West. That building (and the Cinerama) are long gone now. As is The Cook St Market, where Mr Grigg DJ'ed upstairs at Diamond Lil's I believe?

    Oops, a bit off topic (I'm prone to that)

    expat • Since Mar 2007 • 319 posts Report

  • Random Play: Step away from the…,

    Got a link for that? Or perhaps you're just confused with the 1999 Silkair crash in North Sumatra?

    Me? Confused? Of course not! But I have spent ages googling and been unable to find what I'm talking about. And yes, the Silk Air thing is awfully similar, but that shouldn't mean I don't know what I'm talking about. No sir. Besides, the Silk Air story was on TV1's Sunday not 60 Minutes so I'd really be admitting I was wrong then wouldn't I? But there is a nice link to that story and the subsequent broadcasting complaint here

    American airports are a serious bore these days. I naturally maintain a cheerful demeanour at all times, but there's something wearying about having your stuff searched three times on one journey.

    Yes, I travel a bit and now I actively avoid the Amercican route if I can. The airport staff seem so damn keen to prove they're not racially profiling they pull up everyone for the most inane things. My favourite bore is when they have ONE Xray machine for 10 departing flights. And its not like we haven't already been Xrayed already. This new ban on liquids is total BS. Airport vending machine operators will paying their kids thru College on this one.

    I had a particularly pointless and confusing episode of official hostility

    RB if they're giving you grief on arrival its because you're tagged as a Leftie Stirrer. It'll say so on their computer and it won't come off in your lifetime.

    expat • Since Mar 2007 • 319 posts Report

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