Posts by InternationalObserver

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  • Speaker: Insert Token Here,

    It's a shame that you're dangling the possibility of an actually different perspective in front of people, but don't feel up to providing it. Don't you know that's what real tokens do? Dance, girl, dance!

    She's not dangling, she's teasing. A common ploy in media: keep the reader/listener/viewer interested in what's coming "next time".

    Shame on you, Emma Hart, if that is indeed, your real name.

    Yes, if it wasn't for the Timaru reference (a red herring, surely) I'd be quite confident we once dated.

    Since Jun 2007 • 909 posts Report

  • Hard News: Nurturing Capitalism,

    Does the Bible not tell us that the Lord has given us dominion over the animals? That means we can eat as much of the f@ckers as we like, surely? When there's nothing left to eat we'll find alternatives, surely? Just think of all the foods that people from other cultures eat that we turn our noses up at. When there's no more lamb or tuna to eat those dung beetles won't look so bad will they? Maybe Survivor... is paving the way?

    Anyway, what I want to know is:** why does the price of Margerine rise along with the price of Butter? ** There's no valid reason for it ...

    Since Jun 2007 • 909 posts Report

  • Busytown: Pavlova Paradise,

    FYI (or should that be FWIW?)

    I can't remember what the first Busytown blog I read was actually about, but I do remember having to struggle to determine whether it was written by a man or a women. With apologies to all the Jolisa's out there, I'd never come across that name before and didn't know it's gender.

    Of course the gender issue was cleared up in a subsequent blog that was all about babies. It was clearly written by a woman.
    Or a Big Girls Blouse.

    Since Jun 2007 • 909 posts Report

  • Hard News: Denial,

    oops, should be:

    ... searched children at gunpoint!

    Since Jun 2007 • 909 posts Report

  • Hard News: Denial,

    I did take exception at what seemed to me your willingness to escalate rumours in a fairly dangerous way: so an alleged "intimate search" became a confirmed "cavity search".

    We saw the same thing with the supposed busload of traumatised schoolchildren that was boarded and searched by armed officers. It didn't actually happen. As I think everyone seems to accept now, the only kohanga reo bus involved on the day was waved through by police. A school van with three people in it (including one 14 year-old, not a kohanga pupil) was very briefly searched, after the occupants had disembarked.** I think it's fair to see some hysteria in the way the wildly exaggerated version gained currency.**

    Let's get real here. There was no exaggeration. A man claiming to be the van/bus driver stood up before the media (and his whanau, I believe) and said categorically that armed Police stormed the kohanga reo bus and searched children. He was not exaggerating, he was LYING!

    And this is why, a few pages back, I asked Sarah to substantiate her statement that a "cavity search" on a school girl had taken place. I wanted to know if it actually happened, or was it part of the mis-information put out by (presumably) aggrieved Tuhoe. Sarah has explained her source for that claim, and she is prepared to accept it. I'm not, in this instance (altho' I can sometimes agree with Sarah on other matters).

    Maybe the Operation Austin Inquiry Team can get onto this now? (the Police anti-terror operation)

    Since Jun 2007 • 909 posts Report

  • Southerly: Religious 'Innovations' for Christmas,

    Since Jun 2007 • 909 posts Report

  • Southerly: Religious 'Innovations' for Christmas,

    From the Slate link on Page 1:

    In 1999, Rachel Maines published The Technology of Orgasm, a provocative history of the vibrator that she spent 20 years researching .... Fearing that her new line of academic inquiry might offend alumni, Clarkson University fired Maines. The Technology of Orgasm has become one of the best-selling histories of technology of all time.

    Which doesn't prove that Clarkson U did the wrong thing, just that there are a lot of perverts out there. WWJD?

    The invention, which recently began selling, is a special motor that serves as a connection between a cordless screwdriver and a conventional vibrator. Unlike other similar machines on the market, its inventor contends, it thrusts and swivels, thereby eliminating any need for labor on the part of the user.

    EMMA sed: That's got to be some kind of benchmark, doesn't it, a society that's got too lazy to masturbate?

    And you just know it was invented by a man. Men are so lazy they get their wives to masturbate themselves so they don't have to actually do anything. And just in case your wife suggest maybe you could operate the apparatus, a man has invented a device that requires no effort all. So lazy men can continue sitting back and doing nothing while their wives are pleasured. And since your hands are now free Luv, do think you'd mind ...?

    Thrillhammer entrepreneur Allen Stein with performance artist Rubberdoll. Photograph courtesy of

    Mr Thrillhammer looks suspiciously like Graeme Hill, birdfancier.
    And Allen Stein is just the sort of alias he'd come up with too.

    Since Jun 2007 • 909 posts Report

  • Southerly: Religious 'Innovations' for Christmas,

    I love that video Graeme!! Maybe Close Up or Campbell Live could play it next time DL comes downunder?
    (But I suspect the Pope is no less enlightened either)

    Was it the Innovations catalogue that one had a charming photo smoothing away those irritating cheek cramps with a 'personal massage wand (batteries not included)' that looked...

    I haven't perused the Innovations catalogue Craig, but during the 70's a staple of the 'small ads' that ran in the back of the NZ Womens Weekly was the 'facial massager' that promised to smooth away wrinkles and relieve 'headaches'. It was 5 or 7" long (your choice) and batteries were not included. There was even a picture (drawn) of a woman holding it to her cheek. (And yes, it looked like a VIBRATOR - not that I knew that at the time)
    __you dirty dirty housewives!!__

    Since Jun 2007 • 909 posts Report

  • Hard News: Denial,

    The shiny new Independent Police Conduct Authority does not agree with Clint Rickards about Operation Austin. ....... That will hopefully shut the fucker up.

    Think again - just more proof that the racist Police establishment deals to the uppity brown boy yet again.

    Nah mate, it's that fricken lesbian cabale at it again! Who was running that 'inquiry'? Justice Lowell Goddard. Lowell? What sort of name is that? Sounds dykey to me! Probably a friend of Dorothy ... I mean Helen Clarke ... </channelling Willie Jaxon>

    Indeed, its report is full of praise for the operation's conduct and recommends that its "groundbreaking" practices for dealing with victims should be incorporated into the Police Best Practice Manual.

    Oh dear, there goes the budget surplus ... we're going to get "a Victim Liaison Officer for each complainant". What will Sensible Sentencing say?

    Since Jun 2007 • 909 posts Report

  • Hard News: Denial,

    And did Willie ask the obvious follow up: 'And how much did our tax-paying listeners ultimately dish out to you during your years of suspension on full pay; and how much were you paid to just go away?"

    O, silly me - of course he didn't.

    Actually, he did ask. Rickards fudged the answer, claiming the settlement had a confidentiality clause.
    Maybe you should actually listen to the interviews before commenting?
    (Heh heh - not that it's actually ever stopped me, either!)

    So, I made the right decision to turn the radio to Concert FM as soon as Sean began to introduce Big Willie?

    Since Jun 2007 • 909 posts Report

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