Posts by Sacha

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  • Hard News: About Campbell Live, in reply to Sofie Bribiesca,

    bugger #sad

    Ak • Since May 2008 • 19745 posts Report

  • Hard News: About Campbell Live, in reply to izogi,

    Oh I’d love to see our regulations updated to match the reality – to take one angle, as commentator Paul Brislen was saying earlier, think NZ on Screens rather than NZ on Air.

    If we decide news has public value beyond being entertaining, then let’s make arrangements accordingly. Same with local stories, live performances, multimedia art and other cultural forms. There are many ways to do that with both markets and regulations.

    I would also like to see acts of journalism recognised with legal privileges, rather than those being attached to people or organisations who are no longer keeping up their end of the social contract to hold power to account and provide information to enable citizenship in its fullest sense.

    Ak • Since May 2008 • 19745 posts Report

  • Speaker: We don’t make the rules, we're…, in reply to Sam Durbin,

    The original post above is clear about the intent and targets of the legal action:

    I don’t believe it’s fair or reasonable for content sellers to be regarded as responsible for the active promotion by others of services that avoid the constraints of the geographic rights they have sold.

    Likewise the media release you linked to:

    In a joint statement, Lightbox, MediaWorks, SKY and TVNZ say they believe companies who set out to profit by marketing and providing access to content they haven’t paid for are operating outside the law and in breach of copyright.

    That’s not about seeking redress from those who sold them falsely ‘exclusive’ rights, is it?

    Ak • Since May 2008 • 19745 posts Report

  • Hard News: About Campbell Live, in reply to Roger Lacey,

    TV3 is a commercial enterprise and is entitled to do whatever its management think will make it the most money.

    Broadcasting is a limited, regulated industry. Licences can include whatever conditions governments decide to negotiate in the public interest.

    Ak • Since May 2008 • 19745 posts Report

  • Speaker: We don’t make the rules, we're…,

    Consumer NZ accuses media companies of protectionism, mentions lack of access options for disabled viewers.

    Ak • Since May 2008 • 19745 posts Report

  • Speaker: We don’t make the rules, we're…, in reply to Sam Durbin,

    Sky et al have been saying from the get go that it’s not about what people do with their internets at home, it’s about clarifying the rules of the game and therefore the true value of the exclusive rights that all those players have paid for.

    That was the line on Media Take, screening this eve. Not in the original post above nor in any media coverage I’ve seen so far. Links welcome.

    Ak • Since May 2008 • 19745 posts Report

  • Hard News: About Campbell Live,

    Gio blogs about this.

    We won’t be saved by being better consumers, nor would things be significantly better if our business leaders were less short-sighted and awful. We have tasked the wrong people with solving this problem, and as we watch them extracting a diminishing profit from our desperate need for information, we had better come up with alternatives.

    Ak • Since May 2008 • 19745 posts Report

  • Speaker: We don’t make the rules, we're…, in reply to John Rankin,

    thanks. guess that's what I was expecting.

    Ak • Since May 2008 • 19745 posts Report

  • Hard News: About Campbell Live,

    Useful 5 minute interview with the NZ on Air boss Jane Wrightson about this topic on Morning Report.

    Ak • Since May 2008 • 19745 posts Report

  • Speaker: We don’t make the rules, we're…, in reply to JC Carter,

    Telecom has not been a monopoly for some time. We'd hardly be having this conversation if their services were still the only option.

    Ak • Since May 2008 • 19745 posts Report

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